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Hawks to have 17th and 18th picks in draft


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Please take into account Jeff (19th pick) and Josh (17th pick) are two of the best players the franchise has produced in nearly 10 years not just through draft but with overall acquisitions.

Marvin, Acie, Sheldon, Chills were overall busts for us even though their collective averaged draft selection was 6th.

Picks 17th to 19th from past years:

2008 - Hibbert, McGee, Hickson

2009 - Holiday, Lawson, Teague

2010 - Seraphin, Bledsoe, Bradley

2011 - Shumpert, Singleton, Tobias Harris

2012 - Zeller, Terrence Jones, Nicolson

I would turn down none of these guys, maybe Singleton

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We weren't going to get homecourt after Lou went down so we basically wound up with the best situation possible.

We get two good picks after Chi/ATL/Hou lost on the last day of the season. We have a favorable first round matchup and avoid the Heat in the second round if we beat the Pacers.

For a rebuilding season, I'm very very happy.

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We weren't going to get homecourt after Lou went down so we basically wound up with the best situation possible. We get two good picks after Chi/ATL/Hou lost on the last day of the season. We have a favorable first round matchup and avoid the Heat in the second round if we beat the Pacers. For a rebuilding season, I'm very very happy.

Agreed. Been wishing for this exact outcome. Now we need to take care of business and show up strong for the Pacers.
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We weren't going to get homecourt after Lou went down so we basically wound up with the best situation possible.

Speaking of Lou, he practiced with the team today. Well... he shot free throws and then hobbled over to the bench. Hope he is ready to go no later than Christmas next year...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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The Hawks will more than likely try to package those picks to move up in this draft

I doubt it as we only have 3 guys under contract for next year and we aren't going to get alloif our players from free agency. At 17 and 18 we should get 2 quality players and potential starters and as shown above there are very good players available I that area every year. Better to draft both as that doubles your chances of hitting on a starter.
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The Hawks will more than likely try to package those picks to move up in this draft

I'd say it's one of several possibilities. Much will hinge on what the Hawks realistically think they can do in free agency. If they're confident they can put together the makings of a contending team, then I think you may see them move one or both of those picks.
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I'd say it's one of several possibilities. Much will hinge on what the Hawks realistically think they can do in free agency. If they're confident they can put together the makings of a contending team, then I think you may see them move one or both of those picks.


We are starting the long road of rebuilding through the draft.

We will get 4 picks out of this draft and 3 of them will stick.

In free agency, we will probably get Dan Gadzuric and Nate Robinson. Then spend big money on JJ Hickson, Chris Duhon, and Sam Dalembert.

Not that there's anything wrong with some of those guys.. It's just that we have a history of talking about swinging for the fences and hitting a infield grounder.

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Nothing.We are starting the long road of rebuilding through the draft.We will get 4 picks out of this draft and 3 of them will stick. In free agency, we will probably get Dan Gadzuric and Nate Robinson. Then spend big money on JJ Hickson, Chris Duhon, and Sam Dalembert. Not that there's anything wrong with some of those guys.. It's just that we have a history of talking about swinging for the fences and hitting a infield grounder.

I disagree as I don't see the Hawks spending big money on any of those guys you mention or anyone else who's not a difference maker. Say what you will, but Ferry worked hard to get us out of big salary commitments to players who's games weren't worth it. I don't see them going there again. If the miss in the next two off seasons, then I think the draft will become a central focus. Edited by Jody23
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I disagree as I don't see the Hawks spending big money on any of those guys you mention or anyone else who's not a difference maker. Say what you will, but Ferry worked hard to get us out of big salary commitments to players who's games weren't worth it. I don't see them going there again.

Check Ferry's history.

Ferry is a guy that does a lot of cheap moves... Granted. But he doesn't give his teams superior talent either.

He paired Lebron with Mo Williams, A broken down Shaq, and an Old Antwain Jaimison.

It's not hard to get rid of big contracts for nothing. What's hard is finding talent.

Let's sit back and watch.

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I'd say it's one of several possibilities. Much will hinge on what the Hawks realistically think they can do in free agency. If they're confident they can put together the makings of a contending team, then I think you may see them move one or both of those picks.

It's the fact that free agency comes after the draft that I think Ferry won't consider moving the picks unless he can get much higher into the lottery or a highly rated prospect happens to fall. He's likely to pull a Morey, draft all of the BPA he can and not worry about fit until he's deep into free agency and exhausted the initial trade market. No matter his intentions for free agency things aren't likely to fall perfectly into place so he's better off having as many available assets as he can. One of the picks may be instrumental in getting a team to let go of a RFA either this summer or next...
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Check Ferry's history.Ferry is a guy that does a lot of cheap moves... Granted. But he doesn't give his teams superior talent either.He paired Lebron with Mo Williams, A broken down Shaq, and an Old Antwain Jaimison. It's not hard to get rid of big contracts for nothing. What's hard is finding talent. Let's sit back and watch.

I know the history. I also know that he made those moves after they had a true centerpiece in LeBron and with a lot of pressure from the owner. I'm guessing those situations don't happen here as Ferry will have control and the meddler (Gearon) has been neutralized. Could be wrong, but we'll see. Edited by Jody23
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