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Possible HC for Hawks:


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Uhh if you want to think this was aimed at you then by all means go ahead.But to humor you I don't recall saying the Hawks ever hired a big name coach. So reach a little deeper into your ass next time you go fishing for bullshit.

Sorry Chad Ford but I've never said anything positive about Lon Kruger or ever said I wanted any college head coach.

Mine was the first post about the A$G not willing to spend real money to hire a coach before you posted. I also am known as one of if not the biggest critic of those clowns on this site. So I don't think its exactly a stretch to infer that post was directed at me.

We at least agree on not wanting a college head coach as a hire.

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Dammit Ferry! Pick a coach already! The suspense is killing me!By the way, either of these guys seem like they could work. I like that Snyder will inject some passion into this team. I like that Budenholzer has pedegree, but damn, just wish I knew what his personality was like.I'm really not worried about the "a college coach can't coach the NBA" idea. If you get the right guy it doesn't matter.

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Wait Dolf and Waka, you'd rather have Snyder, the guy from one day at a time, who has no nba experience, no nba rings, no nba experience as a player, has never been through the trenches over Byron Scott a guy whose had all of the above? Serious?

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GameTime, on 07 May 2013 - 5:13 PM, said:Posted Image

Would any assistant coach.... really?

Other than Byron Scott who Paul loves im not sure who else would attract the "top tier" free agents. I know the Van Gundy's would make Dwight NOT sign.

Yip, if we want some of those free agents to consider here we might need an established coach


Find a way to get Doc, I'd be pretty encouraged that CP3 and DH would get very serious about ATL as a destination.

But like others, I'm skeptical that that might not be the panacea it initially would seem to be.

Hire any of these others like Synder, and I think we'll see Ferry taking a more pragmatic approach... and as a consequence, this off-season will seem a whole lot more precarious--there will be players that Ferry targets that many of us will question, not unlike BK's early years.

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GameTime, on 07 May 2013 - 5:13 PM, said:Posted Image


Find a way to get Doc, I'd be pretty encouraged that CP3 and DH would get very serious about ATL as a destination.

But like others, I'm skeptical that that might not be the panacea it initially would seem to be.

Hire any of these others like Synder, and I think we'll see Ferry taking a more pragmatic approach... and as a consequence, this off-season will seem a whole lot more precarious--there will be players that Ferry targets that many of us will question, not unlike BK's early years.

How do you propose we get Doc - he is under contract for 3 more years?

These 'big name' coaches also have to WANT to come to Atlanta wether its a rebuilding effort or with Stars.

Say Ferry hires Scott to try n lure CP3 or SVG for D12 and neither comes - what then? Are these coaches that fit Ferry's long term plans.

Does Ferry hire a coach for FAs he may not get?

I'm not impressed w/ Scott (and his unkempt moustache drives me crazy). Would SVG take the job not knowing if D12 will be here? Does he even want to coach him again?

So may questions, do few answers. This is FUN!!!!!

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Wait Dolf and Waka, you'd rather have Snyder, the guy from one day at a time, who has no nba experience, no nba rings, no nba experience as a player, has never been through the trenches over Byron Scott a guy whose had all of the above? Serious?

I'd rather have ANYONE than Byron Scott. But no I don't want a college coach either.
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1) Doc would have to want it, Ainge would have to be cooperative, and moreover, there would have to be some fairly definitive indications from CP3 and DH's agents that they would sign.

So, yeah... admittedly, a true long shot.

2) I don't see Scott as qualifying. The list of coaches that would command the respect necessary to draw CP3 + DH is very, very short.

3) As a consequence, I think we probably should anticipate Ferry's going to be taking a much longer road than most of us would like to think he will have to, and along with that, he's going to be making some unpopular decisions along the way.

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I don't think I want Quinn but he last coached in college in 2006, so would he still be classified as a college coach?. He went to D-League, then was assistant in Philly and LAL I don't think I want Quinn but he last coached in college in 2006, so would he still be classified as a college coach?. He went to D-League, then was assistant in Philly and LAL I don't think I want Quinn but he last coached in college in 2006, so would he still be classified as a college coach?. He went to D-League, then was assistant in Philly and LAL I don't think I want Quinn but he last coached in college in 2006, so would he still be classified as a college coach?. He went to D-League, then was assistant in Philly and LAL Damn - quadruple post.

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What has Scott accomplished (outside of riding on the backs of Eddie Jordan and Lawrence Frank)? So sick of retreads in this league getting by on their "name". Who else? Jim O'Brien? Mike Dunleavy Sr.? Scott Skiles? Paul Silas?

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Dammit Ferry! Pick a coach already! The suspense is killing me!By the way, either of these guys seem like they could work. I like that Snyder will inject some passion into this team. I like that Budenholzer has pedegree, but damn, just wish I knew what his personality was like.I'm really not worried about the "a college coach can't coach the NBA" idea. If you get the right guy it doesn't matter.

If Ferry wants to interview Budenholzer, Cheeks, or Fizdale then he will have to wait until the Spurs, Thunder, and Heat are eliminated from the playoffs.

Patience my good man. Those are all good candidates who could "be the one" after being interviewed.

Free agency doesn't start until July 1st.

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Byron Scott took the nets to the finals....twice

In an Eastern Conference that was easily the weakest conference in NBA history. It was an absolute train wreck of a conference ! Then all of the sudden the Piston became the "The Bad Boys" again and talent started to moving from West to East (Rasheed, Shaq, Garnett, Allen).

Ask Jason Kidd who is the better coach between Scott and Frank ? There is a reason they fired Scott and promoted Frank.........and Kidd had alot to do with that.


"Sometimes change or a different voice is good. And in this case, with Coach Frank we all feel confident," said Nets guard Jason Kidd, whose relationship with Scott has been heavily scrutinized.

Scott's status was made even more tenuous by persistent reports that he lacked the support of Kidd, who berated Scott after an embarrassing 110-63 loss in Memphis on Dec. 13.

A source in the Nets' front office told AP that Kidd spoke to management Saturday and said the team need a change in leadership.

When Scott was fired the Nets were 22-20. A 33 year old Lawrence Frank then lead them to a 25-15 record to close the season.

Frank has an excellent reputation in coaching circles. After Tom Tobbideau left the Celtics to become the Bulls head coach........Doc Rivers quickly hired Frank to be his top assistant. Then Frank became the head coach of the Pistons where he was doomed to fail with serious patience of the front office to let their young core mature.

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Please! Please! Sign Budenholzer or Byron Scott. I don't know how much cp3 and d12 will go for Snyder....by the way who the hell is this guy? Unlike Budenholzer who actually does have a great reputation for himself, I told you guys a few months back that Budenholzer is coach pops right hand man like winters was to Phil Jackson. Budenholzer has been with coach pop for 17 years I know this guy has to be one smart ass coach because that organization has been top notch for years.But this Snyder guy is bringing me down! I think I rather keep LD. An it's rumored he's the front runner?!....I think I'm going to be sick! I expected the d12 and cp3 dream to go a lot longer than this!

Dont want either one really. Budenholzer or Byron. Byron Scott is just awful imo. Hopefully Synder is just a rumor. And If Budenholzer was so good of a head coaching candidate, wouldnt he have a head coaching job by now? I mean 17 years as an assistant? Sounds like another LD to me.

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It is going to be hard to find a name that excites all of us.Guys like Doc, Phil, JVG and SVG would make the majority of us happy.After that you have a mix of experienced coaches that don't have much going for them besides experience. And you have guys with no experience that might have more upside. I'll take any guy in the first list and be happy. I'll also take a guy with upside over some guy like Scott that has only proven he can't keep a job (unless he brings CP3 with him).

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This dude might just work out. He's got a sort of televangelist demeanor. I could see him slamming Smoove on the forehead after a 3-ball attempt "HEAL my sick friend!" And then Josh would miraculously stay in and around the paint. And then Snyder would pass around the collection plate, which would make the A$G veeeeery happy. Like it or not, I think this has legs, folks.

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