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My take.............


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I appreciate the fact that for in the first time in forever the Hawks have flexibility going into the summer.

That being said I have concerns in regard to what will actually transpire this summer.

This franchise is standing on a cliff IMO. The moves made this offseason could determine the next 10 years for this franchise.

1. The Hawks desperatly need a superstar player, we havent had one since Nique.

2. The head coaching rumor mill of the Budenwhatever his name is and Snyder, shows me the Hawks are not willing to spend for a top tier coach.

3. IMO no bonafide star is coming to the Hawks unless Phil Jackson is hired as coach.

4. Just dont see without a sign and trade getting players here that will make a difference.

I hope I am in left field on this analysis, time will tell.

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I appreciate the fact that for in the first time in forever the Hawks have flexibility going into the summer.

That being said I have concerns in regard to what will actually transpire this summer.

This franchise is standing on a cliff IMO. The moves made this offseason could determine the next 10 years for this franchise.

1. The Hawks desperatly need a superstar player, we havent had one since Nique. We all want one but the tree I got in my backyard is bare

2. The head coaching rumor mill of the Budenwhatever his name is and Snyder, shows me the Hawks are not willing to spend for a top tier coach. Which top tier coach - if we are rebuilding a top tier coach is less likely to want to come. Can we get a top tier coach not knowing which Superstar we might or might not get?

3. IMO no bonafide star is coming to the Hawks unless Phil Jackson is hired as coach. Then I guess we don't get one cuz Phil is not coming here.

4. Just dont see without a sign and trade getting players here that will make a difference. We have cap room to get players in SnT so that is always a possibility.

I hope I am in left field on this analysis, time will tell.

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Only way we'd get Phil is if we had both Dwight and CP3 here and he didn't demand his usual insane salary. He also wanted some say in roster and Ferry is literally a one man show now with player control.

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I honestly don't believe Ferry is putting all of his eggs in one basket, unless CP3 and Dwight come. And I doubt that, I mean, I really doubt that. Just because we have all this cap space doesn't mean he's going to blow it all this summer and think we're instant contenders. I see him hiring an unproven coach...I still think a San Antonio tie, the two that have been mentioned. I seeing letting Josh walk. He'll re-sign Teague and Korver. And he'll snatch up a big from Utah. My guess is Milsap. A frontcourt with Horf and Milsap, which shooters like Jenkins, Teague, and Korver would be solid. Prolly a 5-6 seed solid again, but I don't think Ferry is planning on winning it all next year. And, he wouldn't break the bank.

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I honestly don't believe Ferry is putting all of his eggs in one basket, unless CP3 and Dwight come. And I doubt that, I mean, I really doubt that. Just because we have all this cap space doesn't mean he's going to blow it all this summer and think we're instant contenders. I see him hiring an unproven coach...I still think a San Antonio tie, the two that have been mentioned. I seeing letting Josh walk. He'll re-sign Teague and Korver. And he'll snatch up a big from Utah. My guess is Milsap. A frontcourt with Horf and Milsap, which shooters like Jenkins, Teague, and Korver would be solid. Prolly a 5-6 seed solid again, but I don't think Ferry is planning on winning it all next year. And, he wouldn't break the bank.

Paul Millsap being your #2 option smells 9th seed to me. Which is not bad enough, but not good enough. I don't see Ferry overpaying for a 3rd rate star.

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Paul Millsap being your #2 option smells 9th seed to me. Which is not bad enough, but not good enough. I don't see Ferry overpaying for a 3rd rate star.

Prolly not good enough, but I don't think Ferry will overpay for him. Horford and any other serviceable power forward will be helpful. There's only a few true centers left....Howard, Gasol, (marc) and Hibbert. We could get another all-star level PF and have a good duo, with solid 3 pt shooting and still have money. I dunno...just saying

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we are not going through another era where horford has to be our full time center again. Just no.

Agreed - Look at all the teams left in the playoffs and check out the C/F sizes - Gasol/Zbo, Perkins/Ibaka, TD/Splitter, Bogut/Lee(injured), Hibbert/West, Noah/Boozer, Chandler/Melo, only Miami (best player-enuff said) doesn't have the same size.

We don't have to get a traditional plodding big but we need an active big that can rebound, play defense and have decent hands with a little offensive skill.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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we are not going through another era where horford has to be our full time center again. Just no.

The game has changed dude. There's only three centers left...Gasol (Marc), Dwight, and Hibbert. None of them are going anywhere. Horford is a center in this league now...He's been doing it his whole career, and it's not going to change...

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The game has changed dude. There's only three centers left...Gasol (Marc), Dwight, and Hibbert. None of them are going anywhere. Horford is a center in this league now...He's been doing it his whole career, and it's not going to change...

See above list of C/PF still in playoffs - we need size, we got out rebounded all season long. An active big is what we need.

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Agreed - Look at all the teams left in the playoffs and check out the C/F sizes - Gasol/Zbo, Perkins/Ibaka, TD/Splitter, Bogut/Lee(injured), Hibbert/West, Noah/Boozer, Chandler/Melo, only Miami (best player-enuff said) doesn't have the same size.

We don't have to get a traditional plodding big but we need an active big that can rebound, play defense and have decent hands with a little offensive skill.

Just in the east we will be facing Hibbert, Tyson chandler, Noah, Lopez, and the question mark in Andrew Bynum then you got upcoming potiential stars in Nikola Vucevic, Andre Drummond, and Jonas valanciunas

The game has changed dude. There's only three centers left...Gasol (Marc), Dwight, and Hibbert. None of them are going anywhere. Horford is a center in this league now...He's been doing it his whole career, and it's not going to change...

NO we get killed in the paint too many times with horford at center. We cant keep him at center full term.

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Just in the east we will be facing Hibbert, Tyson chandler, Noah, Lopez, and the question mark in Andrew Bynum then you got upcoming potiential stars in Nikola Vucevic, Andre Drummond, and Jonas valanciunas NO we get killed in the paint too many times with horford at center. We cant keep him at center full term.

I forgot about those other guys in the East - WOW. Al will take a beating, Definitely time for Al to play PF.
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Just in the east we will be facing Hibbert, Tyson chandler, Noah, Lopez, and the question mark in Andrew Bynum then you got upcoming potiential stars in Nikola Vucevic, Andre Drummond, and Jonas valanciunas

NO we get killed in the paint too many times with horford at center. We cant keep him at center full term.

Okay, Noah is a legit center, I left him out, and he's good. But most seven footers aren't banging down low anymore.... Durant, Dirk, even bust Barngani.....Chandler can play defense, in the post...he cant defend the perimeter. And he'll score 5 points a game. It's not a 7'0 center league anymore. Horf can guard anyone that is a traditional "5" to a point that team wont dominate us.

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Okay, Noah is a legit center, I left him out, and he's good. But most seven footers aren't banging down low anymore.... Durant, Dirk, even bust Barngani.....Chandler can play defense, in the post...he cant defend the perimeter. And he'll score 5 points a game. It's not a 7'0 center league anymore. Horf can guard anyone that is a traditional "5" to a point that team wont dominate us.

Hibbert, Lopez and Bynum alone just by their sheer height can shoot over Al with ease. The young up and coming centers are just developing their offensive games and are good rebounders. Rebounding kills us.Dirk, KD, Bargnani are PFs and play out on the perimeter more. When Dirk developed his post game thats when they won. Edited by JayBirdHawk
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Okay, Noah is a legit center, I left him out, and he's good. But most seven footers aren't banging down low anymore.... Durant, Dirk, even bust Barngani.....Chandler can play defense, in the post...he cant defend the perimeter. And he'll score 5 points a game. It's not a 7'0 center league anymore. Horf can guard anyone that is a traditional "5" to a point that team wont dominate us.

Drummond, JV in Toronto, Kanter in Utah, B. Lopez in NJ...there are a lot more quality seven foot plus centers in the league now.

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Hibbert, Lopez and Bynum alone just by their sheer height can shoot over Al with ease. The young up and coming centers are just developing their offensive games and are good rebounders. Rebounding kills us.Dirk, KD, Bargnani are PFs and play out on the perimeter more. When Dirk developed his post game thats when they won.

Lopez is in a guard dominated team, and gone. With a much more talented team than we had this year. Didn't get them anywhere, Bynum is a turd in a punch bowl that hasn't played for years.... Hibbert is surrounded by better players than he is. He's decent, but riding the coattails of his team....

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Drummond, JV in Toronto, Kanter in Utah, B. Lopez in NJ...there are a lot more quality seven foot plus centers in the league now.

And I'd take Al Horford in a heartbeat before those three,,,

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