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Maybe some of you Hawks fans missed this interview......


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Now do you see what I am saying?.....What makes you guys think that Paul is convinced that the clippers are a championship team? Some of you are really confusing me on this board. You know that paul and horford are a better fit, you know that horford is better than blake but for some odd reason you believe paul will stay with a team that has no real legit shot at winning the championship. Im not going to say it will be easieer to grab paul over howard but my point is that both players have expressed unhappiness with their current teams.

Its obvious that many of you believe that Griffen whos only effective ability is dunking will turn out to be more than what he is in the future but honestly he has not improved in anything since joining the nba.

CP3 basically said all of this....

-can blake get better while im still in my prime? i am 28!

-is blake griffen a true robin?

-are the clippers more than a regular season team?

-who are the clippers going to put around me? I know they have no cap or will have no cap space if I sign with them.

-can blake step it up in the playoffs?

-Dallas and Hou has money will I get a better shot at the title with them? They already have legit stars (harden,Dirk) and a more committed ownership.

-do I want to recruit Howard and go to the ATL and create my own BIG 3 along with howard and horford in effort to win a title?

Dont be so quick to say Paul will definitely stay in LA because as you can see that just isnt true!

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Matt Barnes played a huge role for them this season and he is surely gone. He wants 1 more pay day. Jamal Crawford isn't getting any younger. Will D. Jordan and Blake get any better ? They both rely on athleticism. Maybe Blake makes his mid range jumper better but I don't see him ever having much of a post up game more then 5 feet from the basket. Jamal Crawford isn't getting any younger.

Danny Ferry will have interesting sales pitches with Chris and Dwight for sure.

Edited by coachx
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Matt Barnes played a huge role for them this season and he is surely gone. He wants 1 more pay day. Jamal Crawford isn't getting any younger. Will D. Jordan and Blake get any better ? They both rely on athleticism. Maybe Blake makes his mid range jumper better but I don't see him ever having much of a post up game more then 5 feet from the basket. Jamal Crawford isn't getting any younger.

Danny Ferry will have interesting sales pitches with Chris and Dwight for sure.

Matt Barnes was arguably their second best player in the playoffs. Ferry could tell him we could bring him in as well.



Barnes/Draft pick


Dwight/Draft pick

Tell me this could not compete with Miami. Our strength are their weakness.

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You can't read too much into athlete interviews done right after a tough loss when their emotions are still running high.

Why not? You act as if Blake has shown he has been getting better in the playoffs but its not hard to see that Blake has sucked it up in the playoffs 3 years in a row now. Paul will be 30 in two years why shouldn't he have doubt in a team that struggles just as bad as the hawks do when playoffs come around? To make it so bad they are suppose to championship contenders yet they are in reality anyways not even a threat to top tier west teams.If Paul came to Atlanta we are instantly the 2nd best team in the east along with Howard. Knicks are overrated, bulls can be beaten, pacers can be beaten, nets are overrated, celtics are old as hell. The east looks pretty attractive only one team stands in your way as in the west 3 to 4 teams stand in your way.
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Matt Barnes was arguably their second best player in the playoffs. Ferry could tell him we could bring him in as well. CP3Lou/JenkinsBarnes/Draft pickHorford/ScottDwight/Draft pick Tell me this could not compete with Miami. Our strength are their weakness.

We would beat Miami. They are one probable Wade injury to becoming the big two, and Bosh isn't all that great.It's just a matter of it happening..and that is the biggest issue.
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Why not? You act as if Blake has shown he has been getting better in the playoffs but its not hard to see that Blake has sucked it up in the playoffs 3 years in a row now. Paul will be 30 in two years why shouldn't he have doubt in a team that struggles just as bad as the hawks do when playoffs come around? To make it so bad they are suppose to championship contenders yet they are in reality anyways not even a threat to top tier west teams.If Paul came to Atlanta we are instantly the 2nd best team in the east along with Howard. Knicks are overrated, bulls can be beaten, pacers can be beaten, nets are overrated, celtics are old as hell. The east looks pretty attractive only one team stands in your way as in the west 3 to 4 teams stand in your way.

Problem is that you are interjecting your own opinion and reasons into the matter and using a completely unrelated interview right after the Clippers lost the series as some sort of confirmation or evidence of it. The man even said it's not even been 24 hours since the season ended and he still hasn't thought about his future yet here you are making broad judgments that he did and in great detail no less.

He did not mention a got dang thing that you claimed he mentioned so I'm wondering how exactly you came away with that summary outside of your typical and obvious bias. The video is entirely unrelated to anything you mentioned so rather than trying to pass this off as something new why not just title this thread "This is JTB's 140th thread on how much he hates the Clippers part deux". Most people don't have time to watch a 8 minute long YouTube vid so they probably just took your word for it.....even though it's entirely fabricated.

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Why not? You act as if Blake has shown he has been getting better in the playoffs but its not hard to see that Blake has sucked it up in the playoffs 3 years in a row now. Paul will be 30 in two years why shouldn't he have doubt in a team that struggles just as bad as the hawks do when playoffs come around? To make it so bad they are suppose to championship contenders yet they are in reality anyways not even a threat to top tier west teams. If Paul came to Atlanta we are instantly the 2nd best team in the east along with Howard. Knicks are overrated, bulls can be beaten, pacers can be beaten, nets are overrated, celtics are old as hell. The east looks pretty attractive only one team stands in your way as in the west 3 to 4 teams stand in your way.

So what do you read into this?

Chris Paul on Eric Bledsoe:

"Bled is one of the best guards in our league," Paul said after practice Sunday. "I've said it all season long. I'm enjoying playing with him right now because there's no way he can be here next year because we probably won't have enough money to pay him. He should be a starting point guard in this league next year."

And this on CP3 recruiting David West:

The Pacers' veteran leader openly loves his situation in Indiana, which certainly gives Indy justified cause for optimism when it comes to re-signing the 32-year-old this summer. Yet the whispers are already swirling that Chris Paul's Los Angeles Clippers, in particular, are going to make a hard run at West in the offseason

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So what do you read into this? Chris Paul on Eric Bledsoe: "Bled is one of the best guards in our league," Paul said after practice Sunday. "I've said it all season long. I'm enjoying playing with him right now because there's no way he can be here next year because we probably won't have enough money to pay him. He should be a starting point guard in this league next year." And this on CP3 recruiting David West: The Pacers' veteran leader openly loves his situation in Indiana, which certainly gives Indy justified cause for optimism when it comes to re-signing the 32-year-old this summer. Yet the whispers are already swirling that Chris Paul's Los Angeles Clippers, in particular, are going to make a hard run at West in the offseason

Easy Paul don't think Blake is all that great! Can't get any simpler than that.
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Easy Paul don't think Blake is all that great! Can't get any simpler than that.

LOL - no money for Bledsoe because CP3 will get it - STAYING. Recruiting better players to LA - STAYING.

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Easy Paul don't think Blake is all that great! Can't get any simpler than that.

Blake wasn't even mentioned in those quotes? Recruiting West has nothing to do with him hating Griffin.
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What's to say that he resigns with LAC for the money and then title chases at the end of this contract? He'll be 33 and could sign with another team then... It's likely that he takes the money now and then joins up with Durant or somebody later...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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How much financial does CP3 lose if he decides to leave LA? That is the biggest factor.

I know that keeps getting brought up by these players, but you have to wonder when is $ worth more than happiness? I'm not necessarily saying either of them chooses Atlanta, but I think players need to really consider if they're happier taking a little less money to play for a title or not. Look at the money that LeBron, Wade, and Bosh left on the table to play together. I know that doesn't happen everyday, but they could have each gotten more $ to play separate or even if they only had 2 of them, but they didn't choose that. They chose to win.

Personally, I know if I was making $100K per year at a job I hated, I would think long and hard about leaving for a job where I made $80K because I'd be happier. That's essentially what we're talking about. When you're a multi-millionaire, is $20 milliion more to play in a place you don't like or won't win worth it? That's what gets overlooked by so many (including many players). It's all about the Benjamins or is it? As much as people say money wins titles, that's not completely true, especially in the NBA. Look at the Knicks and recently the Lakers. How many wins did the highest payroll in basketball get them? Knicks did OK but failed when it counted. Lakers barely sneaked into the playoffs.

Happiness is priceless to most. Play where you'll be happy and have a chance to win a title. That's what players should be trying to do.

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How much financial does CP3 lose if he decides to leave LA? That is the biggest factor.

Actually, Dwight Howard said in a recent interview (can't find the article at the moment) that the fifth year really isn't that important because most of the time, the fifth year is a PO and most players forgo the fifth year anyway. Players want a legacy and have many other avenues to make money.

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Actually, Dwight Howard said in a recent interview (can't find the article at the moment) that the fifth year really isn't that important because most of the time, the fifth year is a PO and most players forgo the fifth year anyway. Players want a legacy and have many other avenues to make money.

Yup right out of Howard's mouth. But what I want to know is what in the world is out there that these multimillionaires can't already afford? Why chase more money you already mega rich. I guess I would understand this more if they blew all their money like Floyd mayweather but they aren't doing that....I don't thinkIf you spend your money the right way, budgeting and all that money should be the lease of your worries if your a nba star.
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