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Larry Drew Tribute Thread


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I want to uhhh, just, you know, ummmm..wish Larry the best of luck.

Ummmmm, he uhhhhh, well, worked hard and made sure that uhhhhh we played, played with ummmm energy most nights!

I'm going to miss LD trying say whatever is in his mind, but jokes aside, good luck LD.

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I wish him well. I have to say, this season was probably my favorite Hawks team ever. Sure they were only above average, but they did do a lot with the talent they had. I loved the ball movement, and overall dynamic. The Hawks have been kind of stuck in the "above average" category for a long time, but this team was a lot more fun to watch than any of the recent rather boring teams. They beat some really good teams this year, Memphis, OKC, IIRC. And I think LD was responsible for making that happen.

I would not be at all surprised to see Josh end up with the Bucks. They were one of the teams that wanted him and he always seemed to go off on them.

So good luck to Larry.

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Yep, his pressers were pure gold in the chatroom...'As I told the guys...''Urgency....''Gotta put on our clothes, gotta eat right...' (an all-time classic)'Phenomenal''Energy...'We will miss the sips, chugs, Family Feud games, and outright debauchery displayed in the chatroom when LD got off three 'uhmmms' in one breath or started 'Hulking up' with a rapid fire array of his famous one-liners. But I wish him nothing but the best; except when he plays our team...

Edited by Dejay
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Just trolling the Bucks fans spot... LD is getting some much due love...

If your a follower, or fan of any organization/team then you must absolutely embracethe front end of the process of change with an open mind, and if your capable,an open heart. It has always been my contention there will be more then enough timeon the back end to complain if indeed the whole experiment goes south.I have, and will continue to be an enormous skeptic of just what the hell JohnHammond is doing? Yet, tonight, on this day, with Coach Larry Drew on board,is NOT THE TIME for such heavy hitting. Of all the cats that strolled throughthe Cousins Center, and there really we not many, Coach Drew seems just a ticabove the rest with his resume, experience, like-ability and respect.He was, as mentioned, coaching in a less then stable ATL environment and stillhad success.There was a part of me that kinda wanted Sampson hired. That part that watchesNASCAR for the crashes. I had envisioned an implosion of will, and someone goingdown on a ten count before season one was up. Not sure why, but, the visualwas real.Today the Milwaukee Bucks hired a new coach.I'm pleased with the selection, and wish the man success.Now, as a fellow blogger before me stated,...comes the hard part. The personnel carousal.But, that's another matter for another day.Milwaukee Bucks coach Larry Drew is in the HOUSE>

All right. He is the best choice they had realistically.Now the players. Would Smith actually come here? Would Ellis stay? Redick? I'd let Jennings walk even if he was offered the league minimum. I'm pretty sure Redick is gone.Can Ellis and Sanders get along now? Can Ellis be happy at point guard? Would Ellis and Harris be a better combo? I think Harris is a great choice for backup point guard, but he probably thinks he's still a starter.I like some of the trade possibilities. I don't think you can build a team around Illyasova as a starter.Harris, Ellis, Smith, Henson and Sanders? They would score. Can they play enough defense?Well, this is interesting anyway.For all those who want the Bucks to leave, get out of town yourselves.

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Drew will get considerably better with experience and familiarity with his peers. He'll step up a whole level just by being harder on the refs and his players. His best moments were when he stuck by the two players he bumped heads with the most in Ivan and Josh and saw big wins in games where they played extensively.

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Honestly, I think Drew is a much better coach than his predecessor as Woodson just says to his stars, "Have fun!"One thing that should be mentioned to Bucks fans is that Larry Drew is the best play caller out of a timeout that I have ever seen... Gets too cute with the lineup, but the man can draw up plays like nobody's business. Glad we got Bud, but LD isn't getting enough credit.

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Honestly, I think Drew is a much better coach than his predecessor as Woodson just says to his stars, "Have fun!"One thing that should be mentioned to Bucks fans is that Larry Drew is the best play caller out of a timeout that I have ever seen... Gets too cute with the lineup, but the man can draw up plays like nobody's business. Glad we got Bud, but LD isn't getting enough credit.

He does draw up great plays but it helps when you've got front court guys like Al and Josh that can pass like PGs. He won't have that in Milwaukee but I'm sure he'll still do fine.

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I was really happy to hear Larry got a new job. He deserves it. He took Woody's team and made them better. Then took almost a whole new squad of cast offs and made them just as good. His resume in Atlanta will be hard to judge as Bud will get a totally different team next year but I thought Larry did a great job.

So the question is who gets fired first: Larry, Woody, or Bud. My money's on Woody. Of course I don't know if the Bucks will be able to get any players.

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"It was an awkward situation" -LD about Atlanta (third video)

He also talks about himself in 3rd person. Always fun pressers, although it would be better to have subtitles for mumbles.

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