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More D12 (in his own words)


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So what do you think of D'Antoni? "I love him," he said. "He's a great person." Is he a great coach? "He's a great person and I'm glad we had the opportunity to be together," said Howard, which some will undoubtedly interpret as goodbye. Los Angeles Times

"It's free agency and I have the opportunity to choose where I'm going to play," he said. "God opens doors, and I'm relying on my faith to direct me. "I don't think it's fair I get criticized for waiting on such an opportunity." Los Angeles Times

But what does he want in a team? "I want to win; I've done everything else," he said. "I just want to win." Can the Lakers win? "Any team I am on can win," he said with a grin, "but nice try." Los Angeles Times

You just can't please people," Howard said. "I catch fish and it's a problem. People were upset I was out having fun; they thought I should be sitting in a room all upset because we lost. "I am upset, but I'm not going to stop living life. "I couldn't watch the playoffs I was so ticked. Everywhere I went I saw a Tim Duncan jersey, and you know how much I hated that." Los Angeles Times

We talked about Mike D'Antoni, why Howard hasn't committed to the Lakers and his plans to work with former NBA sharpshooter Chris Mullin. We also chatted about his desire to make movies. "Maybe 'Kazaam II'," he joked in reference to Shaq's bomb. "Actually I'm working right now on some stuff with Disney." "Do they have a Disney studio in Houston?" I asked. "Time to shoot free throws," said Howard. Los Angeles Times

Read more at http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#u3AgfoZubmKobGmD.99

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Movies? Well Mr. Howard welcome to Hollywood south.

Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your point of view) we're about to find out that the long standing rumor of Dwight not wanting to play in Atlanta is indeed true. Oh well, time to see if Ferry can make lemonade out of lemons.
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If the Rockets pull this off . . . smh.

They are the poster child for a franchise supposedly stuck in the "no man's land" of being mediocre. But by staying active and aggressive, they find themselves to be one of the front runners to sign the biggest free agent prize of the offseason?

And all of this because the Thunder got cheap, and refused to sign Harden.

LOL . . if the Rockets get Howard, the Thunder may find themselves not only worrying about San Antonio, Denver, Memphis, and the LA Clippers, they'll now have to worry about the Rockets.

Can anybody get Dwight to talk 90 seconds about coming to Atlanta? Do some high end strippers have some dirt on that dude that he doesn't want exposed?

If not, then forget that dude and move on.

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Movies? Well Mr. Howard welcome to Hollywood south.

My peeve is over why he'd be worried about doing movies during the season? He can go live in LA or NY over the summers but during the season I would hope that he's focused on winning rather than being a 6'10" Eddie Murphy. Start confusing the playbook with his lines and junks.
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Did anyone notice the complete dismissal by Howard about Hollywood, Sponsorships, and TV Shows?

Page 3 of http://www.latimes.com/sports/basketball/nba/lakers/la-sp-simers-dwight-howard-20130602,0,3898772.column?page=3&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=53295&utm_source=dlvr.it&track=rss

What about getting more money or a chance to do TV shows here (LA)?

"I'll get those opportunities later; it's all about winning now," he said.

The latest "interview" session is showing his current state of mind... He wants to visit with ATL, Houston, and Dallas to see what it is like because he hasn't been a FREE agent yet! He wants to be like LeBron and get wined and dined. In the end, what actually happens on his trips to Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston will be the deal-breaker. What will really push him into Atlanta will be a conversation with Chris Paul about playing together.

Most people are over-analyzing the dude. He wants to win.. LA is not that great. Perception is far from everything for NBA players. They like relationships and winning. Plus, their memories are very short (See Lebron... he left because of opportunity not history or how it "should be": translate.. Dwight will not stay in LA because it is what he "should" do and take the bigger money.

He will leave.. I put it at 40% Houston / 40% Atlanta / 20% Dallas if Chris Paul signs with the Clips.

100% to Atlanta if Chris Paul signs with Atlanta and tells Dwight to play with him. Danny Ferry holds the key. He better plan every move to make it happen because this doesn't come that often.

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Just my $0.02

This is really simple. Dwight is an athlete and his primary concern is winning a title - and hopefully MULTIPLE titles. Dude is already rich. He can only get...um..richer?

But honestly, the money means very little while he's watching the Finals on TV. We all have the same mentality. Most of us are looking forward to some sort of crowning achievement in our lives and without it, we feel at least slightly unfulfilled. People look at my life and think I have it great, but I would trade it all to be doing what I love. In D12's case, he already has it all...it's just that secondary bullshit he would possibly need to sacrifice for the chance at winning it all. Moreover, he's not likely to lose out on much because he's very charismatic and he's going to be in the business (and show business) for years to come... Likely LONG after he retires.


You best believe all this is about ONE damn thing - winning championships (plural!) and who can offer him the best shot at it. Realistically, it boils down to three of his options and you can bet he has weighed them all a thousand times a day already.

The Lakers are not the answer. He has spent a year there. He knows what to expect. He knows what he has to deal with. He knows that team is aging. And to top it off, Kobe is going to be rehabbing a foot. The only thing waiting for him in LA is on-court drama. They ARE the Lakers though, so they can make things happen, but...this has been a disastrous year for them. Next year does not look any better...just older. So, more time wasted on the prime of his career.

Houston has potential, and it would probably look like a better solution than LA, especially long term, but does Hardin/Howard look as good as CP3/Horford/Howard? Does ANYTHING look as good as CP3, Horford, Howard?

There is no way he see's that as a better option. There isn't one. So if Chris Paul calls him and says, "Let's see what's going on in ATL", then you have to imagine Howard takes it seriously, swallows his pride, and does the damn thing (CP3 too).

My opinion on this matter was pretty solid last year - but that was before both LA teams were exposed (in the WORST way possible), and before I knew about those two wanting to team up. For us NOT to be in the running, and at the front of the pack for that matter, it would have to be a SERIOUS reluctance on the part of Howard due to nothing but fear (of who we used to be) and pride.

Edited by Wretch
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Just my $0.02 This is really simple. Dwight is an athlete and his primary concern is winning a title - and hopefully MULTIPLE titles. Dude is already rich. He can only get...um..richer? But honestly, the money means very little while he's watching the Finals on TV. We all have the same mentality. Most of us are looking forward to some sort of crowning achievement in our lives and without it, we feel at least slightly unfulfilled. People look at my life and think I have it great, but I would trade it all to be doing what I love. In D12's case, he already has it all...it's just that secondary bullshit he would possibly need to sacrifice for the chance at winning it all. Moreover, he's not likely to lose out on much because he's very charismatic and he's going to be in the business (and show business) for years to come... Likely LONG after he retires. So... You best believe all this is about ONE damn thing - winning championships (plural!) and who can offer him the best shot at it. Realistically, it boils down to three of his options and you can bet he has weighed them all a thousand times a day already. The Lakers are not the answer. He has spent a year there. He knows what to expect. He knows what he has to deal with. He knows that team is aging. And to top it off, Kobe is going to be rehabbing a foot. The only thing waiting for him in LA is on-court drama. They ARE the Lakers though, so they can make things happen, but...this has been a disastrous year for them. Next year does not look any better...just older. So, more time wasted on the prime of his career. Houston has potential, and it would probably look like a better solution than LA, especially long term, but does Hardin/Howard look as good as CP3/Horford/Howard? Does ANYTHING look as good as CP3, Horford, Howard? There is no way he see's that as a better option. There isn't one. So if Chris Paul calls him and says, "Let's see what's going on in ATL", then you have to imagine Howard takes it seriously, swallows his pride, and does the damn thing (CP3 too). My opinion on this matter was pretty solid last year - but that was before both LA teams were exposed (in the WORST way possible), and before I knew about those two wanting to team up. For us NOT to be in the running, and at the front of the pack for that matter, it would have to be a SERIOUS reluctance on the part of Howard due to nothing but fear (of who we used to be) and pride.

Agreed. Unless his desire not to play in Atlanta is so strong that not even a team like that would convince him.
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if we can get paul first then howard is in asap

They both have to want to play with each other. They have to convince each other that the two combined with Al can do great things.With the cap set at 58 mil, they will not only be missing out on the extra year but also a lower annual salary - it's both or none. Edited by JayBirdHawk
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They both have to want to play with each other. They have to convince each other that the two combined with Al can do great things.

The thing is they will do great things. If the cap is at 58.5. The best we can do is offer 15-16.5 mil. Sign Corey Brewer for the MLE






This would beat any team in the NBA and the pieces fit extremely well.

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You know, I would rather Webster from the Wiz. He would be a even better fit. I also like Brandon Rush but he's coming off an ACL injury.

We have several options who can be good role players at the SF position with Dwight and CP3. I would prefer a defensive minded guy who can shoot threes like James Posey.

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I wonder if Ferry will try to schedule a combined presentation to both at the same time, if they and their agents are amenable to it. That way they see Ferry's vision at the same time. I think that would be more impactful.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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