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NBA Finals!


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I thought this forum was made up of true basketball fans........I see that is not the case........just a bunch of Hawk homers. I must say I'm a little surprised. It does make me give less thought on the opinions of people's draft Opinions. If you don't even watch the Finals then you probably watched very little college basketball.Miami is getting their usual favorable calls. Wade got an obvious charge drawn by Duncan.....they blew the whistle on Duncan......contributing to 2 early fouls. What makes it even worse was that Wade was passing the ball........yet the shitty refs gave Wade a shooting foul. Duncan re-enters with 7:55 left in the 2nd quarter to score 12 points to finish off the half.You guys missed a great 1st half. It reminds me of the 2004 Olympics when USA got the bronze. Team ball vs superstar athletes. May the best team win.

Edited by coachx
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Miami is playing great and shooting 50% and the Spurs are playing terrible and only down 3. Spurs will come away with a W tonight or game 2. And WTF Neal.. chucking up shots left and right.

Edited by AHawks89
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I thought this forum was made up of true basketball fans........I see that is not the case........just a bunch of Hawk homers. I must say I'm a little surprised. It does make me give less thought on the opinions of people's draft Opinions. If you don't even watch the Finals then you probably watched very little college basketball.Miami is getting their usual favorable calls. Wade got an obvious charge drawn by Duncan.....they blew the whistle on Duncan......contributing to 2 early fouls. What makes it even worse was that Wade was passing the ball........yet the shitty refs gave Wade a shooting foul. Duncan re-enters with 7:55 left in the 2nd quarter to score 12 points to finish off the half.You guys missed a great 1st half. It reminds me of the 2004 Olympics when USA got the bronze. Team ball vs superstar athletes. May the best team win.

This isn't truebasketballfans.net this is hawksquawk.net and we are Hawks fans above all else. I love basketball but once the Hawks are eliminated I lose the desire to watch other teams play on as it makes me mad to think about. That doesn't mean that I or anyone else has less basketball knowledge. You act like these teams that are playing are brand new and if we aren't watching them then we don't know anything about them. And I can speak for anyone else but I only watch Syracuse games in college ball and then some of the other tournament games but I don't have the knowledge about the players that some of you have. I do read up and study on these guys when it's draft time but I don't watch them all season long. Too much to do in life without watching basketball 24/7!

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I'm actually surprised they upheld that. I was sure they would have waived it off. Spurs win Game 1, and we gotta wait until Sunday for Game 2.

Remember that there had to be clear evidence to waive it off. That is difficult to get when there is a camera angle showing separation between the ball and hand before the light goes on. Only reason to be surprised is based on the calls Miami got over the course of the game. Waiving that off would have been a travesty.

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Remember that there had to be clear evidence to waive it off. That is difficult to get when there is a camera angle showing separation between the ball and hand before the light goes on. Only reason to be surprised is based on the calls Miami got over the course of the game. Waiving that off would have been a travesty.

That's exactly what I was getting at. You gotta admit that was one hell of a shot by Parker and what a way to maintain composure during that.

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I think the thing that excites me the most about watching the Spurs in the Finals vs. the Heat is getting a preview of what Ferry and Bud hope to accomplish. Basically, they are looking to take these two teams and put them together. Think about that. Think about what Pop could do with LeBron and Wade or, in our case, what Bud could do with CP3, Horf, and Dwight.

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