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Why Bosh turned into a small forward,3, man, is beyond me....chucking 3's????

The Pacers were idiots not to concede long jumpers to Bosh down the stretch. Give him that shot. He'll hit it sometimes but it is so much better than Lebron driving that it should be an easy decision to allow him to shoot those long J's.

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I love basketball. I've been watching it since I was in the 3rd grade...which was a long ass time ago. :D I originally started out watching the Lakers (and I'm still a Lakers fan), so enjoying the playoffs is a tradition for me...despite what the Hawks do (or rather...fail to do).

I used to be a HUGE LeBron fan. I thought it was kind of cheesy the way he jumped to Miami and "The Decision." So lame... I didn't become a hater though until I saw the celebration and championship promises. I wanted him to feel some humility. When the Heat bandwagoners showed up...my hatred turned into something worse than hatred...lol

I LOVE seeing the Heat lose. So much so that I've now rooted for 3 teams that DESPISE...the Spurs, Pacers, and the BOSTON CELTICS of all teams. I was cheering like a schoolgirl last year for Garnett and Pierce!

Miami has such a high powered offense and great support off the bench. But, if you can get Miami's Big 3 to shoot jumpers (as opposed to penetrating and finishing/dishing it off to spot up shooters) then you have them under control. It's going to take some mistakes by Spoelstra and a lack of mistakes by the Spurs. I think the Spurs have the edge when it comes to poise and control. If they can make shots, limit turnovers, and basically play D the way Indiana & Chicago did....they will win it pretty quickly. If Miami can keep the ball moving and hit the outside shot, they will win it in 7.

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Why Bosh turned into a small forward,3, man, is beyond me....chucking 3's????

Right?I think the only three I've ever seen him make is that one on TNT against us when they were short handed. He made the shot and sent the game to OT. Edited by cam1218
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It's interesting how Bosh is playing like Josh in the sense that he spends more time on the perimeter than down low. Granted, he has a good mid range jumper, but he's starting to settle for more 3s even though they have Allen in the game.

They don't want him in the paint because Lebron and Wade driving in there is Miami's best offense.

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It's interesting how Bosh is playing like Josh in the sense that he spends more time on the perimeter than down low. Granted, he has a good mid range jumper, but he's starting to settle for more 3s even though they have Allen in the game.

And this is why I don't want Al expanding his 3 pt range.
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Honestly, Miami needs a center. Point, blank, period. Their lack of a center is what is killing them. San Antonio can get too many easy points. Birdman has a shot blocking presence but he has low basketball IQ and he doesn't bring any type of threat on offense to keep SAS defenders on edge. Miami is a softer team than the Hawks. It is just Atlanta has Horford without a creator at PG and Miami has the great Lebron. I hate to say it but D. Wade lacks some serious lift and it's hampering his game. He does not look like a superstar. It's sad, it's like Joe Johnson in the Nets series.

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Miami also cannot hide DWade on defense in this series to save his legs on offense. No matter who he guards he's gonna have to work.

The thing is Miami is a team that has a lot of on ball players so what Spo did was be creative. He made the ball move fast so they can get the best possible look. SA has a lot of guys who are good off the ball but they have Parker who has great instincts and decision making so they move the ball fast but they are constantly moving. It makes it hard to defend for any team especially if that team has a player like Tim Duncan who is one of the best players to ever play in the NBA and Parker is a rarity as well. We can talk about this SA system but without Parker and Duncan especially Duncan. This system would suck even if you drafted the right players. You need studs to execute it with high BBIQ. I have faith in Bud but he needs to work his ass off to get CP3 and Dwight or it will be along season for him in Atlanta.

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Honestly, Miami needs a center. Point, blank, period. Their lack of a center is what is killing them. San Antonio can get too many easy points. Birdman has a shot blocking presence but he has low basketball IQ and he doesn't bring any type of threat on offense to keep SAS defenders on edge. Miami is a softer team than the Hawks. It is just Atlanta has Horford without a creator at PG and Miami has the great Lebron. I hate to say it but D. Wade lacks some serious lift and it's hampering his game. He does not look like a superstar. It's sad, it's like Joe Johnson in the Nets series.

I brought this up to a co-worker the other day, and I said the Heat is a more talented version of the Hawks. They thrive when they're able to leak out on fast breaks and get the crowd involved. They've had trouble ever since the Chicago series matching up with big frontlines. Chicago just didn't have enough bodies, and Indiana wanted to play the role of Santa Claus giving away turnovers like it was Christmas. With San Antonio not turning the ball over, that prevented Miami from running the fast break. It also made it necessary for Miami to crash the boards, and that's one area where San Antonio made the most of second chance opportunities and tip ins.

I think the bigger issue is Lebron being passive tonight. He had a triple double, but it seemed he had more turnovers than points in the fourth quarter. They cannot win if Lebron chooses to stand pat because eventually, once crunchtime hits, they'll look to Lebron to bail them out. Also, I really wish Miami didn't flop so much. Chalmers, Battier and Wade love to do nothing but flop.

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I brought this up to a co-worker the other day, and I said the Heat is a more talented version of the Hawks. They thrive when they're able to leak out on fast breaks and get the crowd involved. They've had trouble ever since the Chicago series matching up with big frontlines. Chicago just didn't have enough bodies, and Indiana wanted to play the role of Santa Claus giving away turnovers like it was Christmas. With San Antonio not turning the ball over, that prevented Miami from running the fast break. It also made it necessary for Miami to crash the boards, and that's one area where San Antonio made the most of second chance opportunities and tip ins.

I think the bigger issue is Lebron being passive tonight. He had a triple double, but it seemed he had more turnovers than points in the fourth quarter. They cannot win if Lebron chooses to stand pat because eventually, once crunchtime hits, they'll look to Lebron to bail them out. Also, I really wish Miami didn't flop so much. Chalmers, Battier and Wade love to do nothing but flop.

He had too, all San Antonio would give Lebron was jumpers. They refused to give the paint and Miami has no one who can score an easy point in the paint but Lebron. The problem is, Spurs are too good in the paint with their defense so even if Lebron is posting up, the only thing that is doing is opening up the offense for others, not Lebron. Lebron did what he was suppose to do. The fact of the matter is Miami was poorly constructed and other teams caught up quick. The Spurs are a better team than Miami.

Honestly, if we got CP3 and Dwight in Atlanta with Horford. Add a SF who can hit corner threes and defend decently. Miami will never beat us at all. Not even more than once. Miami invested in the wrong player with Wade. You can't put Wade and Bron together. Bron's ball dominate takes away from Wade. Wade and Bron are redundant but Bron is better. He is making Wade worse like Hughes but at the same time, Wade has lost his lift so that doesn't help and his first step isn't there.

I didn't see Miami winning this series unless Lebron was great and now after watching Game 1. No way can Miami win four games v. San Antonio. They will win two and maybe three but they are not winning four games.

They got lucky OKC didn't have a big who was a threat to score like Indy, Chicago, and San Antonio has. They were able to overtalent Chicago and Indy but they are not going to do it to San Antonio. They have superstars in San Antonio. Chicago and Indy didn't.

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The other thing impressive about San Antonio is their w/l record on the road: 7-1. Miami has been in this situation before losing Game 1, but they can't afford to be passive or they'll be down 0-2. Another point to consider is how Duncan got Miami's bigs in foul trouble. They were forced to play Joel Anthony a few minutes in the game. And Birdman is only good for 10-15 min spurts.

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The fact of the matter is Miami was poorly constructed and other teams caught up quick. The Spurs are a better team than Miami.

This. I've never been impressed with the LeBron Era Heat as a team top to bottom. If you're counting on very limited guys like Cole, Chalmers, Battier, and Haslem to give tou something, that's a gamble because many times they'll give you nothing, especially when Wade keeps trying his awful jumper. Their lack of a True Two-Way Big is their Achilles coupled with the fact that Bosh is shying away from the paint more each game. I've never been a Parker fan, but I have a newfound respect for him after this game. Pretty cool piece from SN here on how he never gives you anything to key on: http://www.sbnation.com/2013/6/6/4398914/tony-parker-spurs-vs-heat-nba-finals-2013 Edited by benhillboy
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Don't care who wins, just want to see a good nba finals. It's hard not to be impressed by this Spurs team and Lebron on the Heat. For all the heat (no pun intended) Lebron takes for the decision. How can you hate the guy? Never gets in trouble that we know of and just plays basketball and tries to improve his game each year. I can respect a guy with that work ethic. Now the rest of the Heat I can do without. Anyways I hope we get a good series.

He is a whiny cocky baby. That's why I don't like him. He needed to stoop this low to win a finals. He isn't in the same world as Kobe.

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I agree, Dolfan. That would be like asking a Falcons fan about the Super Bowl after losing the NFC Title game to the 49ers. No interest and absolutely no desire to watch an effin second. I'm a Falcon fan first and foremost; NOT an NFL fan. I could give a fat baby's ass about the other 31 teams in the league and never have. I'm the same way with the Braves, Vols, and Hawks. After my teams get knocked out of the playoffs or what not, I'm simply not interested in what else goes on in that league that doesn't involve them. I might gloss over a game every now and again but that's about it. Now, does that mean that I miss a ton of great games and spectacular plays? Sure. Do I care? Not even...

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This. I've never been impressed with the LeBron Era Heat as a team top to bottom. If you're counting on very limited guys like Cole, Chalmers, Battier, and Haslem to give tou something, that's a gamble because many times they'll give you nothing, especially when Wade keeps trying his awful jumper. Their lack of a True Two-Way Big is their Achilles coupled with the fact that Bosh is shying away from the paint more each game. I've never been a Parker fan, but I have a newfound respect for him after this game. Pretty cool piece from SN here on how he never gives you anything to key on: http://www.sbnation.com/2013/6/6/4398914/tony-parker-spurs-vs-heat-nba-finals-2013

I think we have three two way PF's in the NBA. Duncan, Bosh and Horford. Bosh and Duncan can create their own offense consistently. Horford and Duncan can score close to the basket. Horford is the best at movement. All three have range. I think size and mentality is what Bosh lacks. He is emotional but his lack of size hurts his aggression. Duncan has it all like Monta Ellis say but here, Duncan has it all. He can do everything and is so smart that he always make the best team decision. No one is like Duncan that has played the game. No one. He is an one of a kind. Look at his +/- nba.com. It's always 6+ or better. Look at 82 games, always in the top 5 and used to be #1 every year. Horf is nothing like that, nor is Bosh. Horf could be a great depending on personnel but he will never be Duncan. Duncan is an one of a kind special talent like Lebron that just doesn't come around that often. Honestly, I thought Duncan, not Parker or James was the best player on the court tonight.

Point being, Duncan is great, I do think Bosh is a two way PF. He just is not a low post, score at the rim type. Horf is as well but he cannot create his own offense like the other two.

Edited by Leadership
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Spurs coaching was evident at the end of the game. The fourth quarter they started to lock down and it was money time. The old men who had been off for 11 days did their thing and won. Very impressive. Love their attitude and that's was Bud will bring.

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So do ya'll think it is better for us, (as far as the hunt for Paul/Howard goes), if the Spurs win this series or the Heat?

If the Heat win, they will seem to be a dominant force that can only be beaten by the best of the best which could lead Paul and Howard to joinging forces in Atlanta.

If the Spurs win, it's a good look for Coach Bud and the Spurs culture that we are attempting to bring to Atlanta. It shows that the Spurs know the recipe to defeating the Heat and Coach Bud will have played a solid role in the victory.

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When the Spurs win in grand fashion Howard and Paul will realize that teaming up in Atlanta with Horford would be able to run through the East and meet and beat the Heat easily.They would have the size and PG.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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