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Rodman says Jordan would average 40 today and LeBron would be average in the 90's


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LeBron is only stopped because he has to share the basketball. I guarantee you there's not a man in this planet that could contain him in a regular basis if he just decided to really take over a game a dominate. Now I don't know that his team would win that type of game but font kid yourself JTB, nobody is going to slow him down. Pippen was too light at the 3 as LeBron had 30-40 lbs on him. Malone or any other traditional 4 would get left at the 3pt line trying to defend him. Sports Science did a thing showing LeBron is the fastest man in the NBA end to end and he is probably close to the strongest and close to jumping the highest. There has never been anybody in NBA history with his combination of size, speed and athleticism. We all know Cam Newton is a beast if a physical QB but he's 4" shorter and probably 10 lbs lighter than LeBron and Cam trained for months to run the 40 and had a 4.58 and just messing around LeBron ran a 4.6. I can't stand the guy as a person but he's a physical freak the likes of which we have never seen before.

I get he's a physical freak and yes unstoppable on fast breaks but he can easily be maintained!First off I wouldn't put the mailman on lebron on the perimeter! Why do that?! That's Lebrons weakness I want him shooting!Second a man to zone defense is one that lebron has no idea how to score on!You want to know how you stop lebron? Watch the magic east finals against Cleveland and the mavs vs heat finals a couple years back!Lebron has offensive weaknesses and its mainly against zone defenses where for Jordan and Kobe it does not! That's not hard to see dolfan...don't let the nba today fool you!By the way I know Jordan didnt face zone defenses but I'm sure he would have destroyed them no doubt.
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Dolfan...first let me be clear. NOBODY can stop LeBron from scoring. He will get his 20 or so, but on a good defender...it will be a hard fought for 20. You put an active defender on LeBron like Loul Deng and you can slow him down...not stop him, but harass him enough to throw his game off - limiting the penetration and set up for other players. Deng is about the same size as Pippen, but the big difference...

Deng has one All Defensive 2nd selection to Pippen's EIGHT 1st team All Defensive selections...and playing next to another perimeter defender in MJ who has NINE. Not to mention the both of them playing next to Dennis Rodman who has SEVEN. Not only that, but you're talking about guys who defended in a physical league. Dude... Pippen would MORE than hold his own against LeBron. I'm pretty sure he'd make LeBron's life pretty f'n miserable and the three of them would be a nightmare for the Heat.

I don't doubt that Pippen would make it difficult on LeBron but Pippen never defended a guy who was 6'9 250 with the speed and strength of an elite NFL linebacker. I think that Pippen would get worn out with his generously listed 210 lb body trying to bang with LeBron as that would probably be the plan of attack for LeBron.

Make no mistake about it I think the Bulls would handle the Heat quite easily, but I think that LeBron would get his and he'd do it efficiently. I honestly think that he rarely plays up to his enormous ability and he tries too hard to get his teammates involved and that makes it seem like he's easier to slow down than he is. But as a team defensively they could stop LeBron and the Heat, I just don't see any single defender, even MJ, stopping LeBron from doing what he wants to do.

I really don't like either Lebron or MJ to be honest but someone saying Lebron would be "average" is just...no. That is literally being what the young kids today call a "hater".

Why don't you like MJ?

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I get he's a physical freak and yes unstoppable on fast breaks but he can easily be maintained!First off I wouldn't put the mailman on lebron on the perimeter! Why do that?! That's Lebrons weakness I want him shooting!Second a man to zone defense is one that lebron has no idea how to score on!You want to know how you stop lebron? Watch the magic east finals against Cleveland and the mavs vs heat finals a couple years back!Lebron has offensive weaknesses and its mainly against zone defenses where for Jordan and Kobe it does not! That's not hard to see dolfan...don't let the nba today fool you!By the way I know Jordan didnt face zone defenses but I'm sure he would have destroyed them no doubt.

LeBron is actually a better 3pt shooter than MJ was, but I think that if MJ played against the zone like LeBron did then things would probably be different.

In a zone defense you still have to be able to stop dribble penetration and I honestly think if LeBron said screw my teammates I'm just going to take over that he would do it against anyone. Yeah he'd miss a lot of shots and he'd take a lot of punishment once he got to the paint but he could do it. The only weakness that LeBron has is that he tries too hard to get his teammates involved and he doesn't have that killer instinct that Kobe and MJ have/had and that is the only way he will be stopped, is when he stops trying to take over himself and defers.

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Is Rodman crazy? Sure I think MJ would absolutely dominate in today's NBA and that he was a far superior player to LeBron, but I think LeBron would have adjusted to the more physical play and would have still been a superstar. He only whines about calls now because that's the NBA that he's grown up in. Rodman is absolutely right that the Bulls would have killed this Heat team.

No. I tend to agree with crazy Rodman. I watched what Physical play did to Scottie Pippen. Pippen was a great player but when placed under the hot lights against Detroit, he didn't want to play. Defenses were much better during Jordan's time. Think about the guys that they had:

Payton, Rodman, Buck Williams, Alvin Robertson, Pippen, Blaylock, Mckey, etc.

I would love to see the 1992 or 1995 Bulls matchuped against any Lebron team.


1995 Bulls vs. 2012 Heat. Slaughter.

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No. I tend to agree with crazy Rodman. I watched what Physical play did to Scottie Pippen. Pippen was a great player but when placed under the hot lights against Detroit, he didn't want to play. Defenses were much better during Jordan's time. Think about the guys that they had:

Payton, Rodman, Buck Williams, Alvin Robertson, Pippen, Blaylock, Mckey, etc.

I would love to see the 1992 or 1995 Bulls matchuped against any Lebron team.


1995 Bulls vs. 2012 Heat. Slaughter.

Again sure the Bulls would beat the Heat. What I'm saying is that Rodman is nuts that LeBron would be average and anyone who agrees with that is just as crazy as he is.

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For any Lebron vs. comparison, we first got to get Lebron off the PEDs.

Bob spoke with a girl named “Jessica,” who wouldn’t give her last name. She claimed to be Anthony Bosch’s assistant. She also claimed to have a “personal relationship” with him (and there was mention of him being married). She claimed he assisted her, financially. She claimed he stopped. She has an axe to grind. She didn’t appear to want to gain publicity. She gave circumstantial, hearsay evidence that implicated LeBron James (and Jameer Nelson) in the Biogenesis PEDs scandal. ---- A sketchy person has sketchy heresay evidence that, if true, means LeBron James’ agent acquired PEDs. If that is true, LeBron James likely has used PEDs. The sketchy person is not reliable but does have a shred of credibility, hence the “sketchy” moniker. The main piece of evidence is an interview we can listen to. We have no proof that “Jessica” actually worked for Anthony Bosch, or that her claim that drugs for “LJ,” picked up by “Paul,” assumed to be LeBron’s agent Rich Paul, is true. There is also no mention of which drugs were picked up. They could have been something legal, say, protein-infused Oreos!

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In a few years it will be revealed that Lebron, Dwight, Wade and others were on PED's. just hope Dwight's 4 or 5 years is up with us before the report comes out. Lol

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Oh benhillboy please tell me your kidding about taking Lebron over Jordan? I usually agree with all ur posts but this is just not good. Lol

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In a few years it will be revealed that Lebron, Dwight, Wade and others were on PED's. just hope Dwight's 4 or 5 years is up with us before the report comes out. Lol

I agree. Lebron's case is so obvious that it's bad that the league is turning a blind eye. IN Cleveland, Lebron had a warthins tumor of his parotoid gland in his face. He doesn't smoke, so this is a tell tell sign of Steroid use. He had to get a Parotidectomy which is what Steroid users do. His agent has been linked with Arod's doc. I think that there are a few in the league who have been using for a long time. At one time, I think even our own Smoove used. I don't think he's using anymore.

But Steroids will come down with the next commish.


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I think steroids should be addressed with the next commish but I'm upset its Adam Silver who is basically Stern's puppet. I think the new commish should have absolutely no ties to Stern. Wishful thinking though.

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I don't doubt that Pippen would make it difficult on LeBron but Pippen never defended a guy who was 6'9 250 with the speed and strength of an elite NFL linebacker. I think that Pippen would get worn out with his generously listed 210 lb body trying to bang with LeBron as that would probably be the plan of attack for LeBron.

Make no mistake about it I think the Bulls would handle the Heat quite easily, but I think that LeBron would get his and he'd do it efficiently. I honestly think that he rarely plays up to his enormous ability and he tries too hard to get his teammates involved and that makes it seem like he's easier to slow down than he is. But as a team defensively they could stop LeBron and the Heat, I just don't see any single defender, even MJ, stopping LeBron from doing what he wants to do.

Why don't you like MJ?

He's one of the most arrogant douches I've seen in sports. His HOF acceptance speech that "shocked" so many people with how rude and arrogant MJ came across was no surprise to me and apparently everyone who knows the guy said that was how he really was. He cheated on his wife with many different women over the years. He never used his clout as the most popular athlete in the world to push any agenda or reform except making his bank account grow. He left his union brothers to rot during the strikes and lockouts. Then as an owner he was one of the guys trying to keep player salaries down and he refuses to spend any money on the Bobcats.

I respect him as a player, you'd be nuts not to do that but as a person? Can't stand the guy.

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He's one of the most arrogant douches I've seen in sports. His HOF acceptance speech that "shocked" so many people with how rude and arrogant MJ came across was no surprise to me and apparently everyone who knows the guy said that was how he really was. He cheated on his wife with many different women over the years. He never used his clout as the most popular athlete in the world to push any agenda or reform except making his bank account grow. He left his union brothers to rot during the strikes and lockouts. Then as an owner he was one of the guys trying to keep player salaries down and he refuses to spend any money on the Bobcats.

I respect him as a player, you'd be nuts not to do that but as a person? Can't stand the guy.

Oh okay I didn't know you were referring to him as a person.

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LeBron would undoubtedly be affected negatively if he played in the 90s. The spacing is better in today's game with more prolific shooters at almost every position. Not to mention all the special centers the 90s had. With all that being said, he'd still be the first or second best SF in the era and would still have several all nba appearances. He probably woulkdnt have as many MVPs and would probably be less efficient too.

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What separates MJ from the pack is his talent coupled with his mentality. Amazing talents come and go, but few have had the determination that MJ had. I literally 'witnessed' Lebron quit on the court when he was with the Cavs. That really bothered me when I saw that because I really thought he was better than that. MJ would NEVER have done that, EVER. Jordan was a jerk, but I absolutely loved his mentality on the court.

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