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The Hawks "War Room" 2013


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  • Premium Member

From the war room, DFerry, Mike-B, Snyder, and Nique talk about the moves that the Hawks will make.

Nique: What's up guys? So what will we do with all this free agent money??

Mike-B: We're going to bring a system here where we're organized defensively, organized offensively, we're going to execute, they'll know their roles, and we'll hold them accountable.

Nique: So are you saying that you're not bringing Smith back? I'm going to miss that guy!!

Snyder: Miss him. All he ever did was take ill advised shots.

Nique: No. That's not all he ever did, he honored me at the slam dunk competition. Don't you remember him wearing my Jersey!!!

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Snyder: Really?? Slam dunking is not basketball!! Basketball is about being intense!!!! Look at me!

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Don't I look Intense?!!


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No. That's not intensity. You don't know intensity until it's game 7 against Bird and the Celtics and you have Doc Rivers f-------g it up for you!!!

Mike-B: He's right. This is Intense.

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I love you mike, but you don't know intensity, until you have been through Duke Basketball. This is intense!!!!

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Mike-B: Take it away!!

Snyder: I hate that Bastard.

Nique: Damn!!!

D-Ferry: Anyway, we've come to talk about what we will do. Well, I have my top man working on FAcy. He's been working hard at making this an offseason to remember. Let's call him and see where he is.. but this must stay in this room!!

D-Ferry Dials a number.. Somebody answers but says nothing.

D-Ferry: The password is Lebronsucks.

The Voice: Hello!!!

D-Ferry: CB... It's good to hear from you. This is Big Daddy.

The Voice: Hi Boss, I'm so glad you called.

D-Ferry: What have you learned so far?

The Voice: Well Boss, The NBA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of league communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife's phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards.

D-Ferry: Didn't I tell you guys he was impressive!! I know that we can use these communications to help our cause, like sending out a leak to the AJC in hopes that our free agent targets will get the notice that we're interested in them... But are we afraid of the payback?

The Voice: "We have seen enough criminality on the part of David Stern. It is hypocritical to make this allegation against me. They have narrowed the public sphere of influence.

Nique: What do you mean?

The Voice: "That the NBA routinely lies in response to inquiries about the draft lottery and referee game fixing. I believe that when Tim Donaghy asked about the scale of this, they said it did not have to provide an answer. We collect more digital communications from the league than America do from the Russians."

Nique: Wow!!

D-Ferry: So here's what we will do, you know we want CP3 and D12 to start thinking Atlanta. Put out a memo to be leaked saying that we are looking forward to having them on our team?

The Voice: Boss, You are not even aware of what is possible. The extent of their capabilities is horrifying. We can plant bugs in machines. Once you go on the network, I can identify your machine. You will never be safe whatever protections you put in place.

D-Ferry: That's good but we're not interested in spying on these guys!!

The Voice: "I could not do this without accepting the risk of being caught. You can't come up against the world's most powerful league and not accept the risk. If they want to get you, over time they will."

D-Ferry: IF they catch you, Gearon has told me that he will take the fine!!

Nique: I will be back, I have to go out and get my child a birthday gift. I forgot.

Nique Leaves goes to the store and buys his child a new video game system. In the store, he runs into Doc Rivers.

Doc: Nique. What's going on man?

Nique: What are you doing in Atlanta??

Doc: Well, I was in town, hoping to be asked for a coaching interview.

Nique: Interview from who... Ga Tech?

Doc: The college game is refreshing but I thought your guys would call me up! Ferry must not like me?

Nique: That could have been great but we have Mike-B now.

Doc: I saw that. And you guys got rid of Larry?

Nique: That was Ferry's call. He wanted to be with his friends?!

Doc: Well are you worried that you will be replaced?

Nique: What's my title?

Doc: Aren't you a vice president or something?

Nique: At one point, i was being considered for VP of publicity... but BK wanted me to do that for free. I told him that I have to cut a check at the end of the day.

Doc: Yeah, you're still popping out children!!

Nique: Dominique is magnific...

The two me lague and start on their way.. Nique heads to his home. Upon opening the door, he is met by League officials... They stop him and frisk him.

League official #1: We believe Mr. Rivers may have passed sensitive materials to you.

Nique: What sort of materials?

League official #2: Sensitive, sir.

Nique: I don't know what you're talking about.

League official#1: Let me see your bag!!

Nique: What?

League official#1: Your bag, what's in your bag.

Nique: This is a child's toy, you cannot see my bag.

League official#2 (talking into bluetooth): The subject is getting hostile.

Nique: Subject?

Out of nowhere, Mookie Blaylock shows up and throws two basketballs at the league officials that hit them perfectly in the head and knocks them down and motions for Nique to jump into his car. Nique runs and Jumps in.

Nique: Why are they after me?

Mookie: You have something they want.

Nique: I don't have anything.

Mookie: Maybe you do and you don't know it. Do they know me?

Nique: You?

Mookie: Do they know me?

Nique: I don't know what you're talking about.

Mookie: You're either very smart... or incredibly stupid.

Nique: All I know is that I was at the toy store, buying gifts, I ran into Doc.. I came home and these guys were waiting on me!

Mookie: The league's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the forties. They've infected everything. They get into your bank statements, computer files, email, listen to your phone calls... Every wire, every airwave. The more technology used, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. At least it'd better be.

Nique: Wow, that's twice I have heard that today. Are you CB?

Mookie: CB? Like Charles Barkley?

Nique: That's who CB was. Wait a minute, he works for the league. It's you. You're CB.

Mookie: I am not CB. At best... I'm DB.

Nique: DB?

Mookie: Yeah, it's my initials. Hey, I just got this email that says that we're getting CP3 and D12.

Nique: Really?

Mookie: You didn't know? You guys are going to be in some hot -----. The league already knows about this email. If I got it, I know they got it. That's probably why they were at your house.

Nique: BUt they said that Doc had given me something?

Mookie: What did you guys talk about?

Nique: YOu know kids and stuff. The normal. He did mention he wanted the coaching job but we got Mike!?

Mookie: Why would he be in town for a coaching job that he's not interviewing for?

Nique: That's a good question.?

Mookie: He was hinting something to you and you missed it.

Nique: What a minute. He asked about Larry and he asked about me and VP job.

Mookie: You're not a VP.

Nique: I Know. I guess he didn't know that.

Mookie: He knew that. You have to put the clues together. Larry, VP, Kids. I got it. It has something to do with Milwaukee, Stu Jackson, and Point Guards. My friend, we have to go to Milwaukee!!

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  • Premium Member

How much, if any, influence you think Nique has on these moves? I know he's an executive...

I would say: 0 point 00 %. I think he's an owner, I don't know what executlve role he has.

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