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Trade for Ira Newbill!!!!


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Jackson for Ira!!!


All of you who said... 'addition by subtraction." who said "big Dog was the source of all of our problems....

Look at you now. Only six games in and you're already talking about the draft. Already given up. Already talking rebuild. Isn't it funny. Why not call for a trade to get Newbill.

Cleveland's not using him extensively. Wasn't it because we had a lineup of JT, Glover, Ira, SAR, and Theo that we were able to win all those games in the latter part of the season? Trade for Newbill.

You poor people. I told you before, the source of our problems is bigger than one player (Grob). In fact, if you close your eyes, the same complaints we hear when Grob was here are the same complaints we have now.

We need to reexamine the blueprints and reset some priorities. But some of your were thick this summer. KB21? Thick. You were sure we would be better... However, we're not. Maybe we ought to ask the league to give us more home games!!

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Man what the [censored] are you talking about. Nobody said that the Hawks would win the championship if Dog was gone. We know that this team has problems...but for the money Dog was making he is [censored] horrible...all he can do is shoot mid range jumps shots and dribble off his foot. This team will have at least 35 wins this year ....and I'll tell you what... the effort on the defensive end is better now that Dog is gone.

And who in the fucck is Ira NEWBILL?


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H you can kiss my ass.

My horsehorse is my highhorse. You were one of the main people who claimed that we would be better without GROB... And Swole, there were people who claimed that we would be better without Dog. Well, I'm looking at all those who have deserted the Hawks 6 games in. You pantywaste need to own up to your comments all freakin summer. All freakin summer, you talked about how we would be better. Good sense said that we had more than one problem. Well guess what, the same complaints I heard about Grob, I'm hearing about jackson.

I suggest to you who said Good riddence to Dog and said we would be better, My suggestion is that you guys shut your trap now.... Don't complain about [censored]. Because this is what you wanted.

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I think the problem is guys like Jackson and Big Dog wanted to step up when they really shouldn't because REEF WON'T, and JT is too inconsistent. REEF really need to step up or imo he should be traded. As much as I like Reef he needs to bring intensity every night, this is partly the coach's responsibility and partly Reef's responsibility. I think its high time Reef got a little selfish and becomes our go to guy, and JT his compliment. I don't mind Stotts going inside first and then outside, but he is trying to open up the inside WITH THEO, wtheck? At least Lon tried to start the game by going inside to Reef, instead of Nazr!

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Hawks are "Almost" good enough. They play, for the most part, to be in the game. One was a blowout, a disaster.

All the others, we had a chance, right up until the end.

Last night was more of the same. We had the game tied,

in fact, I believe we had a 2 point lead at one time, late

in the game. In two, we went into overtime.

With all this, we still have only one win. So close, yet

no wins in all those losses. Just one win.

Hawks ARE a better team. They ARE playing better defense.

We may come home empty from our western swing.

Hawks have early season troubles, year after year as we

take this western swing.

Things WILL get better. Sooner or later, some of those

shots will begin to fall. One game, we missed a lot of

our free throws. Last night, it was the three's that

would not go in.

When the new ownership is finally approved and the

trading deadline approaches, we may find some players

changing teams. Until then, Hawks will just have to

hang in there. Who knows, we might even win a few games.

Wouldn't that be nice.

The Falcons won today, so you see, it is possible!!

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This post is just awful. I mean wanting Ira back is pointless because he's not worth the contract he signed. We got SJackson because he was cheap and available.

Big Dog was not a good fit for this team at all. He slowed down are already awful offense and his defense was well below average. Talk about his rebounding help all you want but he gave up way more than he contributed. For the money he wasn't playing for value.

As for giving up on this team, I will not be enthusiastic about anything the Hawks do until Stotts shows me something. I honestly believe we can make the playoffs if we play Diaw and Hanson more and force the other veterans: JT, Reef, and Theo to pick up their games until the rookies grow. I think the rookies compete the hardest and you can see it in the limited minutes they play. Hanson was even talking mess to Dampier when he was in. I think that if Musselman was here we'd be that much better.

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Ego, this is the THIRD time in a week that you have gone out of your way to try and discredit me. I appreciate all the attention from "The Ego." Keep it coming, Ego.

Let's see, Ego. No one ever said the Hawks would be an EC Champ contender without Dog. The argument was simple, Ego, but it obviously went over your head: The Hawks were no better off paying Dog $10M to lose than paying some younger player with potential peanuts to lose. The argument was that the Hawks might as well trade him if they were going to lose, esp. since he does little to help the team win - something the #'s quite soundly supported. (Not to mention that the ownership agreed, Ego).

What does this slow start have to do with that, Ego? I have been more than upfront in my statements that this team is seriously flawed, with or without Big Dog. AT BEST, I placed them as a 5 seed in the EC, which is nothing to get excited over, Ego. In fact, I'm not a big fan of any of the Hawks' starters b/c they are so one-dimensional, Ego.

What I am excited about is the infusion of young talent on this team and the upcoming cap flexibility (both allowed by Dog's retreat to Philly), Ego.

Ego, add to that the fact that the Hawks have had a chance to win three of their five losses, and YOU, Señor Ego, are the one who looks silly. I hope you haven't counted your chickens before they've hatched, Le Ego. It's a long season, Ego.

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Honeline, it's very simple...

We got rid of a player because we said that he was the root of our problems. Well, that player is now long gone and we're still having the same problems...

That suggests that we were wrong about the original assumption. That's what I'm calling you and others out on HONLINE...

You can call it ego or whatever, however, I call it common [censored] since to know that one player is not the root of all problems.

ON top of that, you same guys who said that trading Dog would fix it are NOT standing behind none of the dung that you put out all summer long. There's nothing worse than a coward... and that's what you are.

Lastly, let's look at your 'new logic"... You say : The Hawks were no better off paying Dog $10M to lose than paying some younger player with potential peanuts to lose.


Well, let's put some of that logic to the test.

1. The Hawks are still losing.

2. Reef makes 14 Million and Theo makes 10 million.

By your logic, these guys should be traded too.

Down in Orlando,

1. The Magic are losing.

2. T-Mac makes 10+ million.

Orlando need to trade Tmac according to your logic.

Over in Minnesota,

1. The t-wolves have never been passed the first round of the playoffs.

2. KG is making 21+ million dollars.

THe twolves need to trade KG..


The utterly stupid logic of HONLINE.

1. Concede defeat.

2. Trade everybody.

3. Get some sorry guys who will play for Peanuts.

4. To [censored] with the fan base and the possibility of winning, just save cash.

Then you'd have to wonder, why are there no fans at the games?

I hope the new ownership doesn't follow the HONLINE Logic.

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Let me state, I didn't care that we traded Big Dog and I didn't care if we kept him. So I feel I'm neutral on the subject.

But in defense to those who said trade him, I will say this:

For Diesel to stand up and brag about how we should have kept the Big Dog is silly. Diesel, you can do this after game 30 or 42 or at the end of the year. But, it has been only 7 games. Talk smack all you want, but a fair evaluation will be at least the middle of the season. I think most would agree.

Let us also look at how Philly is doing at that time as well. To see if Big Dog made the impact you thing he is. But, until middle of the season what's the point of you talking trash about I told you so.

The Hawks won last night Diesel. I told you they were better without Big Dog. Now doesn't that sound stupid it. Of course it does. So let's see how the season unfolds before we start bashing others on what they have said.

You very well maybe right, but lets see what takes place. Give the season a chance.


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getting rid of bigdog would solve all of our problems. I know I didnt' say it and I don't recall ever reading that. I know a lot of people here wanted him gone. But I don't think anyone ever made the claim that we would be a winner without him in a Hawks Uni.

As much as you'd like to, you can't argue with the facts. LAST YEAR we played better with him out of the lineup. Whether you want to look at the record or if you want to talk first person experience from actually watching the games and seeing how they played, win or lose. We played better. That doesn't mean we're a contender or that we're going to win many, if any, more games. But we played better when he was on the bench.

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Actually, the claim was forwarded by:

KB - "Addition by Subtraction."

Jezmund and a few others...

However, If you really think about it:

Had we kept Big Dog.

Drafted somebody who can play the SG like Howard or even went out on a limb for a guy like Travis Outlaw.

Got a coach like Carlisle.

Then Picked up a ball handler like Kenny Anderson.

Who knows what we'd be right now.

Even adding Jackson to that mix:


With better coaching.

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Getting rid of Dog... a good thing??

What did we get out of it?

You don't replace 21/7 with nothing and call it good.

I say that we didn't tweak enough and we didn't look enough to see what the problem really was. The assumption was that the problem was Grob. Just like when we lose this year, the assumption is that the problem is Reef.

We can't keep up this witch hunt without actually sitting down and examining where each player fits and what they bring to the team.

What I heard a lot of this summer was that Grob brought nothing but problems to the team.. That's about as wrong as can be. In my mind, that was a team not given enough of an opportunity with good training. It's no doubt that Lon knew nothing. I have my doubts about Stotts too. SO to place the blame on one player... is silly.

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The trade was a good thing because it was a good thing for this team. It wasn't about points or rebounds, it was about chemistry.

It was about Big Dog's reluctance to play a part in the team scheme of things. He didn't want to be part of the team. He ruined our offensive chemistry and he played little to no defense.

This is why it was good.

It would have been better had we had owners. That would have allowed us to compliment and address the problems still in our house. Unfortunately, this was NOT the case and we let FAs that would have contributed greatly pass us by and were left getting Jackson.

The move was right, it was just unfortunate that no one could finish up the follow-up that should have happened.

We also did not get NOTHING out of it. We unloaded his hefty contract and picked up a cheaper player who fits our team a little better. Jackson is certainly NOT the answer, but he was a step in the right direction.


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What are we getting from Dion and Jax?....we are not missing Dog at all..that is just BS...here we go again...first it was 20 and 6 now it is 21 and 7 later it will be 30 and 8.....lol...why don't you ever talk about Dog's defense and ball handling and selfishness and laziness...it is always 20 and 6 or 21 and 7...I don't know if you just don't watch the games or you don't know the game that well but this argument is old and ignorant.

I don't think anybody ever said that GRob was the only problem...he just was making a lot of money and Reef Theo and JT bring more to the table for the money they are paid. How can you not notice the improvent in team D...that is already evident and is probably going to improve.

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Chillz, we didn't win with Big Dog out of the lineup last year. Those are all typos in the box scores.

You have to subtract 21 points (and 6 rebounds) from all those games, because clearly Big Dog's production cannot be replaced, at all, at any time.

(Note: this is sarcasm)

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