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Don't want Dwight.


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Fellas, we walked into a rant thread with some Dwight haters. Let's sign Al Jefferson and some other mid tier players and be 1st round and done forever. They will be happy. mattlanta said he wants the team to play like the Spurs. No team can play like the Spurs because they aren't the Spurs. Remember when Woody tried to make us like like the Detroit Pistons. That's how you lose games and lots of them. You build a culture, bring in great coaches who can adjust to their personnel, and you add the needed talent or no coach will be good enough. Some of these posters are shameful in their spite of Howard. The OP put up a video from first take of all shows with Howard in LA to continue his full blown rant. This thread is a joke.

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I don't recall Kobe playing in that series. I also don't recall the starting lineup all being healthy at the same time for more than like 5 straight games all season.

Howard played injured for most of the season and he still put up 20 pts 12 rebounds 2,5 blocks on 60% shooting over the last half of the year.

Congrats for adding to the ignorance in this thread.

Fair enough, Kobe didn't play. But they still had to be helped in some games in order to reach the playoffs when both where healthy. Dwight was healthy during the playoffs and couldn't even win a single game. Of course he's a superstar, but he quit on the fckng Lakers, what do you think will happen when he gets upset in the ATL? Just think about it, man...

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Fair enough, Kobe didn't play. But they still had to be helped in some games in order to reach the playoffs when both where healthy. Dwight was healthy during the playoffs and couldn't even win a single game. Of course he's a superstar, but he quit on the fckng Lakers, what do you think will happen when he gets upset in the ATL? Just think about it, man...

Surprise, Surprise. More ignorance is upon us. Half of the Lakers team were injured during that series and the Spurs are an elite team. Dwight cant beat a well-oiled machine like the Spurs by himself. Give him Horford and Paul and he would probably take them out in 5 or 6 though.

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Its not about his talent, that's obvious to anyone. Its about the possible drama he brings. Look at any stable organization and you'll notice they don't take chances with possible headaches. The only exception is the Patriots who waited until after their culture was engrained to take a chance here and there. I'd rather have a rebounding five who can provide adequate defenseand score 8-10 garbage points a game in a workman like manner than D12 at this time. If the organization was more stable its a different story.

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Its not about his talent, that's obvious to anyone. Its about the possible drama he brings. Look at any stable organization and you'll notice they don't take chances with possible headaches. The only exception is the Patriots who waited until after their culture was engrained to take a chance here and there. I'd rather have a rebounding five who can provide adequate defenseand score 8-10 garbage points a game in a workman like manner than D12 at this time. If the organization was more stable its a different story.

Dwight was such a headache when he was carrying Orlando to the ECF, and NBA Finals right? Stop hating son. If you don't like him, just say it. The bs like he isn't a winning player and will never be a winner is bs.

Dwight, if you are ever lurking Hawksquawk, I want you in Atlanta. I seen your play on the Team USA and Orlando and was extremely impressed. I do think you bring a ton of value and I don't mind if you are goofy. I think it's fine. Magic Johnson had a smile everytime he played. You don't have to play every game looking like Rocky(Zaza) and pissed off like Ivan.

I think we have an excellent team for you. We have a movement PF who is excellent at it. We have shooters like Jenkins who have good potential. We have a great 6th man in Lou Will. We get CP3 as well as the puzzle is complete. Come back home. If these naysayers stay complaing, we know they are full blown losers who would rather Zaza as our starting center over you.

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Dwight lost his finals. He hasn't been the same player since the back troubles, isn't the most coachable, has the AAU attitude, doesn't want to play at home (?) and in my opinion does not personnify the culture that our new leadres refer to.Will he regain his pre back problem form? Is he a team player that you want to give a long, huge contract given the health and recent bad year?

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Dwight lost his finals. He hasn't been the same player since the back troubles, isn't the most coachable, has the AAU attitude, doesn't want to play at home (?) and in my opinion does not personnify the culture that our new leadres refer to.Will he regain his pre back problem form? Is he a team player that you want to give a long, huge contract given the health and recent bad year?

LMAO. Once he became healthy he put up 20 pts 12 boards and 2.5 blocks on 60% shooting while anchoring a Lakers defense that was one of the best in the league after the all-star break. In what world is that a bad year? That 20 pts on 60% shooting came in an offense that wasn't suited for him either. Give him shooters and spacing and he scores more or just give him more attempts than the lakers were.

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Just to clarify where I stand on this... I never said I didn't want Dwight... I just don't see him being the centerpiece of a team winning a championship. The formula must not start with him but with someone like CP3 and Horford, who Dwight would complement very well.

But if we get Dwight -- great! If we don't -- it's not the end of the world. Rome was not built in one day, and I trust our front office to take us towards the right direction with or without Dwight Howard.

Edited by mattlanta
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Just to clarify where I stand on this... I never said I didn't want Dwight... I just don't see him being the centerpiece of a team winning a championship. The formula must not start with him but with someone like CP3 and Horford, who Dwight would complement very well.

But if we get Dwight -- great! If we don't -- it's not the end of the world. Rome was not built in one day, and I trust our front office to take us towards the right direction with or without Dwight Howard.

I have to like this post, with or without him, this team is finally getting on the right course after so many years. For the first time, we finally have a goal in mind and we finally have very good people in this organization. Look at the way Ferry has did all this and still got enough good players to get to the playoff. So the future is bright, whatever road this team takes. I want CP3/D12, this team needs a superstar but if we dont get them, move on and develop the talent.

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Living in San Diego and getting all Lakers games last season I can see why a lot of people may not want him or not find him likable as a basketball player. He doesn't seem to have a lot of the strong conviction you see with leaders (the guy cannot make up his mind), doesn't take responsibility when he makes bad decisions, and complains a TON leading to techincals a lot of times.

Now that I've gotten that out, I will say that I would like him here if we get CP because he still brings a lot to the table most guys don't. Chris Paul is a good but not overbearing type of leader (Kobe was unfair to Dwight at times I feel). CP as leader would take that burden off Dwight and the Atlanta spotlight isn't as glaring as LA. Lasty and most importantly to me, we could move Horford to PF. Having two guys like that down low would be huge.

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Boy this thread is getting out of control. Emotions are high. I just think its funny that if anyone presents another opinion that defers from the other they don't know anything. Apparently you either hate Dwight or ride his D!@#.

There are good points to both sides of the argument, unfortunately neither side can see it since they are caught up on one side of the argument. Hopefully, DF can step back and take a look at all of the pros and cons and make the best decision for the organization.

For the record I would like DH here. But to ignore the fact that he is a drama queen is ridiculous.

Leadership I appreciate the knowledge you bring, but I have seen everyone of Dwight's games here in Orlando, since I've lived here for the last 20 years and it wasn't always puppy dogs and ice cream. I'm not a super reporter (just know the word on the street from those who are inside the organization). Even when the Magic were winning DH was a big P!#@@. He always wanted attention, thus he wanted to go to a big market. He always put off the blame to others and would always be fighting with SVG. He now acknowledges that SVG was tough on him to make him a better ball player and has mended this relationship. I think this is hitting him now because he realizes the grass isn't always greener being in a big market. Hopefully the one thing he will take this year with the Lakers is to take some of that attitude Kobe has and put it into his personality.

Yet it goes without saying what trumps this attitude is his talent. Thus that is why every team wants this guy and you ignore his clear personality/attitude flaws. You would hope that we would land CP3 to keep that in check. Then this team would CP3's team and everyone else on the team would fall in line.

Like I said to begin good points on both sides of this argument. Yet I still would want DH on the Hawks because of what he can bring to this team along with the other pieces we add in the off season and that would be a Championship.

Atlanta Hawks NBA Champions, boy that sounds good. Don't think we aren't going to get it anytime soon without DH and CP3.

Honestly, this is a good post. Seeing both sides. Understanding that he is a great talent but has been known to lack leadership skills. The thing is, he needs a strong leader like SVG and a player who is can respect who personality isn't a complete negative like Kobe. Could CP3 be that guy. Most likely, he does want to play with CP3. CP3 is one of the best leaders till he got to LA and the Dunk brothers decided he's not great for their impact. Maybe this is an excellent move for CP3, D12, and Horf as it puts all of them in a great situation.

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I want Dwight here because we need a player of his calibre to help get us to the next level.He is a head case. I agree with the OP and worry about him too. What if he clowns his way through ATL? I doubt it would happen but you aren't going to convince Heat, Pacer, Knicks and Nets fans that he will behave. They are going to hate and we won't have much ammunition for a comeback until he shows he has grown up.You take the chance though and see what happens. Like someone else said, I'd rather lose with Dwight than Al Jefferson. Plus Dwight being here probably means we have Chris Paul too. Nobody should criticize any poster who was concerns about Dwight. They are 100 percent right..some of us just think the reward is much larger than any risk.

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Simmons pretty much summarized my feelings in his exchange with an NBA official.

Here's a text exchange I had with someone who works for one of the 30 NBA franchises. I thought it summed everything up.

Him: "U writing about Dwight soon?"

Me: "Think so. Would u go near him?"

Him: "f*** NO."

Me: "What if he wanted to sign with u?"

Him: "Maybe."

Me: "Maybe?"

Him: "I guess we'd have to."

Look at those seven texts. They explain everything. From f*** NO to I guess we'd have to in about 40 seconds.


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Simmons pretty much summarized my feelings in his exchange with an NBA official.


Here's a text exchange I had with someone who works for one of the 30 NBA franchises. I thought it summed everything up.

It would be kinda awkward and probably against league rules if he worked for more than one of the 30 teams wouldn't it?

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It would be kinda awkward and probably against league rules if he worked for more than one of the 30 teams wouldn't it?

You read that entirely differently than I did. I read it as him pointing out authority with anonymity as most reporters do without wanting to burn their source while also specifying that it was an individual from a singular franchise rather than "multiple sources".

Here's an example of a conversation I had once with a buddy who works for a large multi-national bank:

Me: heading out to Keeley's tonight?

Him: the Illuminati are real.

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Ok I haven't posted in a really long time. I still read the forum quite a bit, but I became a bit disgusted with the way the Hawks squandered their draft picks on busts for the most part and built a team that once again had to be taken apart and put back together.

Now there is a breath of fresh air... back to square 1 possibly. I think Danny Ferry has done an awesome job getting rid of bad contracts and putting the hawks in a position to start over.

I really like the hiring of Budenholzer because I love the spurs brand of basketball. I do think that building the team in the Spurs image would be quite hard and I'm sure Ferry and Budenholzer understand that. It's not like you can just go out and draft or sign a players like Tim Duncan and Tony Parker. The spurs have excellent coaching and go after players that fit in their system that's undeniable, but they also had some very good fortune in having the no.1 overall pick and Duncan in the draft that year. He is an all-time great and we aren't getting a Tim Duncan. However I do think Horford could serve as Tim Duncan Lite. I like the idea of building a team with guys who are competitive and winners. Maybe not having the most talented guy at every position but guys who fill the right role and are tough guys who go out there and battle every night because it is in their nature and would be competing just as hard in their field if they weren't a basketball player.

Years ago... I posted on this forum that it would be a mistake to draft Marvin because he didn't have that competitive drive and the killer instinct to become a great player. There were several stories I read about him that were major red flags in that department. I was totally right. He was a wuss and a total bust. I don't want nice guys. I want guys that will go out there and destroy people on a nightly basis. I want guys that hate losing, guys that never want to come out of a game, guys that will do anything to win.

Dwight Howard does not fit that bill. Dwight Howard is a goofball. I think Dwight Howard spends more time working on his impressions of Van Gundy and Barkley than he does on his free throws. Dwight Howard likes going on television shows and wants to be some kind of comedian apparently. That's a great attribute in a person and I love people that are funny and easy going. I hate that in a basketball player or any other athlete. Can you imagine Michael Jordan or Larry Bird or even Kobe Bryant going on some foreign television show with a woman's wig on? Dwight Howard did that. I don't want that guy on the Hawks.

Also... I'm from Atlanta I have lived in Atlanta my entire life. I love Atlanta. Dwight Howard also grew up in Atlanta but seems to have no desire to play for his hometown team. That also is a red flag. He doesn't have that hometown pride. If he doesn't like Atlanta and doesn't want to represent his hometown. Fine... I don't want a goofball like him anyway. He doesn't show the type of loyalty and competitive spirit that I think defines a real Champion. He went to LA with a team that already had some very good players on it and they got worse. That is not a good sign. He also was a huge distraction and just really screwed up that team.

Chris Paul is a competitor. I like Chris Paul and would take him in a second, but if the Hawks need to take a few years to rebuild Paul won't have any interest in coming here. That is fine with me... I can wait a few years to see what Ferry and Budenholzer can put together.

Go to Houston Dwight. You won't ever win anything but you aren't a winner anyway. You can do commercials and TV Shows and maybe even some Movies. The press will be easy on your fragile ego and there won't be any pressure. Go to Houston. As an Atlantan I can honesty say I don't want someone like you representing my City. You goofball.

I completely agree, and would add that Dwight since his back surgery is not nearly the same player he once was . He has noticeably regressed, and the question is, can he ever be the same again?

Big men with bad backs equate to a serious red flag, and as Bill Simmons noted, despite his regression as a player, some team is going to shoot for the moon and blow their wad in landing Dwight this summer, and I just pray that team ain't us.

It's a gamblers bet, and a bad one.

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I'm not huge into Dwight's style of play or attitude, but if we're being real the dude's the best C in the game. The only center I'd take over him would be Marc Gasol and that's just because I like Marc's passing and versatility. Dwight is the best center in the NBA, simple as that. You sign him if the opportunity presents itself. He does need support, but this coaching staff+Horford+CP3 is exactly what he needs.

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