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How long will ATL be bad luck in the NBA?


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Guess I'm a little depressed even though nothing has happened yet.....just seems like every time we can possibly make something happen we either fail or other teams out there try to screw us over or the media just isn't on our side.I mean goodness! Not to go into bitch mode and excuse me for that but I have had it!WHAT HURTS THE MOST OUT OF THIS WHOLE PROCESS OF GOING AFTER TWO SUPERSTARS IS......the HAWKS are hands down the best fit for Howard and Paul! It should be a gurantee that we get them. Put them around horford we are talking guranteed championships but we still get talked about by the media, other fans have no respect for us and even these two stars are uncertain about the ATL organization.But still we are the best fit for these two but that somehow just doesn't matter! How crazy is that?!Man dont have a favorite team that goes through bad management of the team! Guess I'm just pissed because somehow we are still being effected by the billy knight era! I get ferry is doing his best but it looks like its going to take him ATLEAST 4 years to bring respect to the hawks if we miss out on Paul and Howard!Just tired of waiting and really hoping the hawks get lucky this off season....just want to see life brought back into the Phillips arena and the city of Atlanta (basketball that is).

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I'm just going to say this...

Regardless of how this shakes out, this is why you don't d*ck around with mediocrity. When you're making nickel and dime, knee-jerk, bullshit lateral moves...when you screw up drafts...when you're known as a stepping stone...when you have the kind of management problems we have...players notice. The national hate is a bit ridiculous, but we are ignored for a reason - what have we done in 30 years?

Shit has to change man. Simple as that. If we don't get Paul and Howard, the worst thing we can do is put together another "decent" team in hopes of playing a good regular season and an entertaining 1st round playoff series. All that will do is continue to contribute to the stigma about us.

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...and LOL at the idea that Boston is trading it's coach to the Clippers for players. Am I the only one that finds the whole idea to be ridiculous? LOL...this is the kind of shit people talk about when you win championships and stuff.

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JTB..calm down and have faith. We won't be worse than we are today. If we are, it is for a very good reason.

Usually I have more faith but I guess the rumors are getting to me.I don't know the rumors seem false of course but I just keep thinking "damn....we are the hawks and something seems to go wrong every time...what if one if these crazy rumors fell through? Are you really going to be shocked?"It's not danny ferrys decisions or our owners at this point. Right now I feel that ATL pass may catch up to them this off season...the billy knight pass that is
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We do not have bad luck. We just have had total mismanagement in the past. It improved slightly with Sund but it has greatly improved with Ferry and we are changing the culture around the organization.

Bad luck is a team like Milwaukee, Portland or Toronto. We have never had bad luck, just bad management.

Edited by Leadership
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I wouldn't say other teams are screwing us. They're trying to make the moves for themselves. We could have had Paul, but a blockhead GM thought he would put together a 6'7+ team and win championships. He quickly found out his plan was flawed and doomed for failure, but it was too little and too late.

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In Basketball, there is try too hard management who are bad (Charlotte, Orlando and Cleveland) Both of these teams have hope. Cleveland has high picks and potential stars to be an extremely good NBA team in 2-5 years. Charlotte has some great potential role players but lacks star talent and really needs luck in this draft and the next draft when it comes to adding talent. Orlando is well built and if they continue to draft and trade well, they could be a very good NBA team like a Denver Nuggets team.

There is completely bad management like Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Toronto. Remember, in the NBA, the middle is the worst place to be at in the NBA.

Atlanta management is superior now then it was when Sund was the GM and Sund was better than BK. I seen a year of great management like Ferry. I can say without a question of a doubt that this is the best management we have had in Atlanta history. Nothing else comes close.

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We do not have bad luck. We just have had total mismanagement in the past. It improved slightly with Sund but it has greatly improved with Ferry and we are changing the culture around the organization.

Bad luck is a team like Milwaukee, Portland or Toronto. We have never had bad luck, just bad management.

Nothing is changed until the players are in the court that make the difference. Until then it is all talk....

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Nothing is changed until the players are in the court that make the difference. Until then it is all talk....

I see a major difference. Now what you are saying is about national perception or local perception. That won't change till we become a great team or a team on the brink of greatness like Indiana. That's all on Ferry.

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I see a major difference. Now what you are saying is about national perception or local perception. That won't change till we become a great team or a team on the brink of greatness like Indiana. That's all on Ferry.

He got rid of JJ and brought in an unproven coach.

Not enough to say that something big has changed.

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More like: How much longer will ATLANTA as a SPORTS TOWN in general have bad luck? I want a championship of some sort god damnit, it's depressing. All the way down to my Yellow Jackets bball team losing the 2004 NCAA Championship to even the Atlanta Dream's 2 Finals losses, when it comes to postseason sports, we OOZE bad luck. That being said, I think the Falcons are a vagina hair (too raunchy? sorry.) away from a Super Bowl and I honestly think our Hawks are going in the right direction finally.

Edited by IllestPamfilis
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He got rid of JJ and brought in an unproven coach.

Not enough to say that something big has changed.

The Korver trade. We got Korver for free basically.

The Marvin trade. We traded him for Devin who is also an expiring contract. Devin was one of our most productive players.

The Joe trade didn't just bring in a bunch of expiring scrubs. He got a mid 1st, a 2nd in 2017 and we can swap places with Brooklyn in the 1st round of the draft in 14 and 15. That's a major haul for someone on the down swing and a terribly overpaid contract in Joe.

The movement offense transition last year we ran even if we don't got the players yet to execute it well yet.

The Bud hire has been a good one. He is a great coaching talent. This isn't someone with above average coaching talent like Drew.

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If we keep putting ourselves in position to get lucky and swing for the fences like we are doing this offseason I think things will eventually go our way. But if we keep settling being mediorce because you are afraid of being bad nothing will change.

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Usually I have more faith but I guess the rumors are getting to me.I don't know the rumors seem false of course but I just keep thinking "damn....we are the hawks and something seems to go wrong every time...what if one if these crazy rumors fell through? Are you really going to be shocked?"It's not danny ferrys decisions or our owners at this point. Right now I feel that ATL pass may catch up to them this off season...the billy knight pass that is

Easy with those negative thoughts Chicken Little. All the rumors now are just that... rumors. They are only out there to give ESPN shit to fill their day with until the NBA Draft and free agency gets underway. This is an important time for the Hawks but it's not the end of the world if CP3 stays in LAC and Dwight goes to Houston. Ferry trading Joe was the beginning of a LONG process to get this organization to a winning tradition. It's not something that will snap its fingers and be right over night.

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More like: How much longer will ATLANTA as a SPORTS TOWN in general have bad luck? I want a championship of some sort god damnit, it's depressing. All the way down to my Yellow Jackets bball team losing the 2004 NCAA Championship to even the Atlanta Dream's 2 Finals losses, when it comes to postseason sports, we OOZE bad luck. That being said, I think the Falcons are a vagina hair (too raunchy? sorry.) away from a Super Bowl and I honestly think our Hawks are going in the right direction finally.

I wanna say that the Hawks have finally *STARTED* to figure it out. You can't keep throwing the same exact shit at the wall and expecting different results. It's been the same story for each new era since I started watching this team in '85...the same exact story - BAD MANAGEMENT. From ownership on down to the sideline...just shit-tacular management.

Finally, after so many mistakes and after so many years of mediocrity...FINALLY somebody woke up and said, "Hey...this kind of shit isn't working..."

f***in' DUH man. This is why I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Danny Ferry come in and when I read his comments. This is definitely about change around here. Hopefully we'll see that.

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I wanna say that the Hawks have finally *STARTED* to figure it out. You can't keep throwing the same exact shit at the wall and expecting different results. It's been the same story for each new era since I started watching this team in '85...the same exact story - BAD MANAGEMENT. From ownership on down to the sideline...just shit-tacular management. Finally, after so many mistakes and after so many years of mediocrity...FINALLY somebody woke up and said, "Hey...this kind of shit isn't working..." f***in' DUH man. This is why I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Danny Ferry come in and when I read his comments. This is definitely about change around here. Hopefully we'll see that.

Goodness! Since 85' you say!.....well damn not to kill ya spirits but you ought to be feeling worse than me!I like the ferry signing alot and all he has done this far but man I just don't know how I'm going to get over it if we miss out on these two superstars but that's the nba for ya....it is what it is.
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Oh please, I've been rooting for this team since the '70s and others here for even longer. I've watched them change uniforms, logos, players, arenas, coaches, the whole works. But one thing that didn't change until recently (I hope) is their front office, which historically has been among the worst in pro sports. From the crew who let David Thompson slip through their fingers to the ones who traded for Nique but did such pisspoor drafting that he was forced to carry the franchise for over a decade. From Kasten's reluctance to make a move while half the conference passed them by to Babs' annual incompetence in the draft to BK's arrogance ('I believe that I am the resident basketball expert here') to Sund's indifference ('WLOC'). This franchise lost a ton of loyal fans who threw up their hands when the Pistons bluffed Kasten onto matching their offer sheet for Jon Koncak or when Babs traded the team's franchise player in the midst of a potential championship season for a guy who didn't want to be here. They also lost a lot of potential fans when BK's cracked idea of an all 6'7"-6'9" team cost us Chris Paul and a host of very good players that Ferry and the gang has to break open the piggy bank this summer to get. A double-decker crap sandwich indeed; one that every Hawks fan has had to take a bite of at some point. Some of us had to take second and third helpings for our troubles while (insert superstar here) won world titles and did the impossible elsewhere. For years, many of us has begged for a paradigm shift in the direction of this team. Hopefully, that day is on the horizon...

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