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Teague has signed a 4 year / $32 million offer sheet with Milwaukee


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It's obvious that Jeff's feelings were hurt when we drafted a PG.

This is just me talking here but I think it is a lot more than that. From all reports the Hawks completely put Teague on the back shelf and Teague did not appreciate it. I think the bottom line is that Ferry doesn't Jeff as a long term answer at PG, which I agree with btw, and he doesn't want to tie up our cap space in a guy that he doesn't believe in.

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My biggest issues with Teague were all mental. I really hated the way he would pout and mope around on the court. He just didn't have the leadership qualities you'd want in a PG.He is talented though and I will miss him. I get him wanting a fresh start, but playing in Millwaukee under his old coach isn't that fresh of a start to me.

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I really do hope we start the German Sensation and see what he can do. Might as well play our first rounders and get them valuable developing time on the court. And if it helps us to lose enough games to get a high pick in the best draft in a decade, well....

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It's obvious that Jeff's feelings were hurt when we drafted a PG.

I was actually cool with the draft pick. He was the best player on the board at that point. The problem is, he is not a PG and the personnel doesn't fit him.

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Good riddance Teague. I wanted him back but if he wants to be a P*ssy then get outta here. You'll get your money but you're gonna be MISERABLE in Milwaukee. I think he's the first free agent that's ever wanted to go to the Bucks. IT'S GERMAN SENSATION TIME! Bring Mo Williams in and stick him on the bench. I mean really you think you're gonna go to MILWAUKEE and become something with Larry Drew? HAHAHAHAHHA. What a p*ssy.

Edited by IllestPamfilis
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8 mil a year for Teague. Hahaha make the Sucks sweat it out and match at the last minute or maybe the minute before the last minute cuz we dont want an Elvis Dumerville situation, lol.

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Diesel meltdown in 5.... 4.... 3.....

Soth keep posting your insights; We don't have many insiders here. Just you and that new guy (Sorry I forgot your name)

Thanks. I can count on one finger, wait that's too many, the times Diesel has ever admitted to being wrong or apologizing for a post. He's kinda like that nutty uncle you have to put up with at family get togethers. You just don't take it seriously.

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That bucks roster could potentially look pretty good.



Udoh/Ayón for big man depth.

They could still SnT for Henderson with Ellis going to Charlotte.

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German chocolateJenkinsKorverMillsapHorfordDang I'm not sure that is a lottery team. It's like 7th on the east...maybe 8th..smh

That's what I said. Still a decent NBA team. That's why I want Jennings. We could either be the same team or we can be much better.

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Oh and Ferry now has a few days to turn the heat up on Monta Ellis or Jennings if he really has any interest at all in those guys. He knows exactly what Teague is going to get paid now so he can tell Monta or Jennings to they have 2 days to take it or leave it and match Teague if they dont.

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Oh and Ferry now has a few days to turn the heat up on Monta Ellis or Jennings if he really has any interest at all in those guys. He knows exactly what Teague is going to get paid now so he can tell Monta or Jennings to they have 2 days to take it or leave it and match Teague if they dont.

Teague has already indicated he doesn't want to be here. They will not match him.
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