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Teague doesn't want to come back?


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The deal fell apart due to too many moving parts, I think Houston wanted Teague too which would have meant signing and trading two guys and then who know what else fell apart at the last minute(i'm assuming a 3rd team had to be in there somewhere)

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I happen to believe we could have gotten good players from Houston if we had played it right. Send Dwight his buddy so he'll be happy and warm and fuzzy inside. Don't waste money on garbage like Jennings or Monta, or even give the impression you are considering them. Then they know your expectations are low and you are either clueless or just looking to throw away money on losers.

Ferry isn't wasting money. He would have if he accepted Lin for Josh Smith. People need to understand addition by subtraction. Ferry is going to keep the cap in a great position as we progress through and try to better the team. Getting Lin and Asik would have put us back in the middle of the NBA and no way to improve.

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Ferry isn't wasting money. He would have if he accepted Lin for Josh Smith. People need to understand addition by subtraction. Ferry is going to keep the cap in a great position as we progress through and try to better the team. Getting Lin and Asik would have put us back in the middle of the NBA and no way to improve.

OK, now we're lower in the NBA with no way to improve except over another 6-7 year rebuild.

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I'm not sure Morey even wanted to part with Lin or Asik anyway. He said in an interview that his plan was to keep them both even with Dwight.Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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OK, now we're lower in the NBA with no way to improve except over another 6-7 year rebuild.

Even if this is the case (which I doubt), it's better than slowly crumbling while younger teams advance ahead of us in standings while still paying Joe to decreasing numbers, and losing more fans that way.

"Ferry sucks! I want to see Joe/Josh/Teague sink like an expensive ship with a leak, just so we can wait off to rebuild at a later date with no pieces to trade like he is putting together now! Why did he have to speed the process up? Why?"

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Even if this is the case (which I doubt), it's better than slowly crumbling while younger teams advance ahead of us in standings while still paying Joe to decreasing numbers, and losing more fans that way.

"Ferry sucks! I want to see Joe/Josh/Teague sink like an expensive ship with a leak, just so we can wait off to rebuild at a later date with no pieces to trade like he is putting together now! Why did he have to speed the process up? Why?"

Read my lips. I did not want Josh or Joe. If we weren't going to keep Teague fine, but just don't leave people out there dangling. That's really going to encourage prospects to come here knowing how they'll be treated.

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That's really going to encourage prospects to come here knowing how they'll be treated.

How were they treated? Josh pretty much confirmed he didn't want the Hawks anymore and Pistons were the 1st team he talked to. Teague? We don't know the story.

2nd, Rockets has done way worse than anybody to get what they wanted. Ferry hasn't "treated" any millionaire wrong on the Hawks.

The ship was sinking, only a matter of time. The previous GMs had no clue how to run anything, other than trading the future for a quick "fix" at PG in Bibby then Kirk. They loved staying in the middle.

Ferry sped the process up, while having the cap under control, and valuable trade pieces for the future. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Ferry. Just because there was nothing to improve this team in FA, he is now wronged a little portion of the fanbase?

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If you no longer want to re-sign a player, at least let them know so they don't waste their time looking for an offer from you. (All the while getting static on the line.) That is no way to treat anyone, even if you don't like them.

Edited by Watchman
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If you no longer want to re-sign a player, at least let them know so they don't waste their time looking for an offer from you. (All the while getting static on the line.) That is no way to treat anyone, even if you don't like them.

32 million doesnt look like a waste of time to me

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How were they treated? Josh pretty much confirmed he didn't want the Hawks anymore and Pistons were the 1st team he talked to. Teague? We don't know the story.

2nd, Rockets has done way worse than anybody to get what they wanted. Ferry hasn't "treated" any millionaire wrong on the Hawks.

The ship was sinking, only a matter of time. The previous GMs had no clue how to run anything, other than trading the future for a quick "fix" at PG in Bibby then Kirk. They loved staying in the middle.

Ferry sped the process up, while having the cap under control, and valuable trade pieces for the future. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Ferry. Just because there was nothing to improve this team in FA, he is now wronged a little portion of the fanbase?

Yes, teams will be chomping at the bit hoping we'll offer them Korver and Millsap in exchange for a high lottery pick.

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If you no longer want to re-sign a player, at least let them know so they don't waste their time looking for an offer from you. (All the while getting static on the line.) That is no way to treat anyone, even if you don't like them.

Now we are playing the trust game? Lebron did that for the Cavs? It's a business. Players play the Franchise for more money and the franchise plays the players for a better chance at winning.

Yes, teams will be chomping at the bit hoping we'll offer them Korver and Millsap in exchange for a high lottery pick.

Who said a lottery pick, or Korver/Millsap? Stop the heightened reality statements.

The sky isn't falling, it's the first time we have had a GM in so long, so it must feel weird for some of you.

Edited by RWF
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Now we are playing the trust game? Lebron did that for the Cavs? It's a business. Players play the Franchise for more money and the franchise plays the players for a better chance at winning.

Who said a lottery pick, or Korver/Millsap? Stop the heightened reality statements.

I don't care much for dog eat dog. Be up front with people. It works out better for you in the long run.

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Now we are playing the trust game? Lebron did that for the Cavs? It's a business. Players play the Franchise for more money and the franchise plays the players for a better chance at winning.

Who said a lottery pick, or Korver/Millsap? Stop the heightened reality statements.

The sky isn't falling, it's the first time we have had a GM in so long, so it must feel weird for some of you.

Well if not Korver and Millsap, who are these "valuable players" that teams are going to help our cause by taking on?

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Well if not Korver and Millsap, who are these good players that teams are going to help our cause by taking on?

If I had the crystal ball I could tell you that. Right now, it's year 1, instead of year 8 or 9 of the same ol' Hawks being ok with mid-NBA and a decreasing fan base as it was.

Watchman, this was going to happen sooner or later. If Ferry wasn't here, we would have Joe and Josh sink the team and we would have no cap relief and nothing to start a rebuild with. Would have took to about year 2025 to be back.

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If I had the crystal ball I could tell you that. Right now, it's year 1, instead of year 8 or 9 of the same ol' Hawks being ok with mid-NBA and a decreasing fan base as it was.

I'm not ok with it, I just expect improvement, not decline.

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I'm not ok with it, I just expect improvement, not decline.

The roster is not yet complete. DF has made no decision on Teague. We have not played ONE second of the 2013/14 season. Chances are Jenkins and Scott will be improved. but we are declining, Ok
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And then we can sign all the ATL Fans big names like Bibby to go with our Highlight Factory's own horrible shooting, slam dunk superstars and get blown out every time we are on TNT. Go Hawks! -sarcasm The only "deep" hole that the Hawks have been in was before Ferry got here.

Agree. Everyone wanted to break up the so called "core", (BUT SAID IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE NOBODY WANTED KNUCKLEHEAD JOSH, NOBODY WANTED MARVIN, AND NOBODY WANTED JOE'S CONTRACT). DF miraculously dispose of all 3, and the fans are still bitching. I just don't get it. DWIGHT DIDNT WANT TO BE HERE. CP3 EITHER. Let DF build this thing. If you cant win with super stars, you gotta try to do it with smarts. And having Korver/Horford/Milsap and Budenholzer is a good start. Edited by terrell
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