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Danny Ferry is slowly destroying the Atlanta fan base..


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Welcome to the Internet where people take out the anger they have about their own life on a beloved entertainment property. You guys still got nothing on Internet wrestling fans though

Obviously I feel bad for you if you feel that way about others opinions. I'm pretty sure I have a wonderful life my friend. No need to personally attack anyone over the internet. Have some class buddy..

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Some of you need to be a little realistic and give it time.Yeah, we dreamed of Dwight and CP3 but that dream ended when Doc went out west. The only reason we had these dreams though was because of the work Ferry did last offseason. Give it time..the only recent times teams have gone from bad/decent to great were when the Boston big three and Miami big three came together (even OKC didn't happen over night). We don't have a big three, the rebuild is going to take some time.I'll miss a lot of our old players but if we complain about results in the past, it's only logical to remove the players and coaches that were a part of those teams.We need a big three or to tank and build through the draft. Ferry has pretty much given us a team that could tank and a team that still has financial flexibity (no bad contracts) to still sign premier free agents in the future.Again, I'll keep saying it, just give it time..

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Jeff Teague is stiring the pot because he wants to get his name out there. As "poor" as DF has treated Teague, this is a buisness. DF offered Teague what he thought he was worth. Teague needs to accept that and move on if he is unhappy with the offer. Instead, Teague is pouting that he got a low ball offer.

A low ball offer with all these teams that had cap. This was as good a shot as any to get over paid. Jeff needs to realize he is not a all star like the rest of the NBA already does.

Edited by Buzzard
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The fact is this, it will take another 7 years before the Hawks become somewhat relevant again. With the east being how it is now, we will be fighting for the 8th seed until then.. Btw, advance analytics won't bring you championships just ask Phoenix, Indiana, Utah, and Memphis..

Rome wasn't built in one night. Dirk and the Mavs waited 13 seasons before they got their title and David Robinson waited 12 seasons. And all four of those teams have been to there respective CF's recently. Only one team per year gets to go home with the title. This is likely going to be a LONG process to get where the Spurs and others have been. Just enjoy the ride and the rest of what life has to offer...

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Obviously I feel bad for you if you feel that way about others opinions. I'm pretty sure I have a wonderful life my friend. No need to personally attack anyone over the internet. Have some class buddy..

More talking about the Internet in general not you sry!
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So this thread is 6 pages long while there are other threads about our Summer League roster and even one discussing an interview with DF himself? Interesting.

LoL! We will get to those threads soon.. This is exciting,,

So this thread is 6 pages long while there are other threads about our Summer League roster and even one discussing an interview with DF himself? Interesting.

LoL! We will get to those threads soon.. This is exciting,,

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Some of you need to be a little realistic and give it time.Yeah, we dreamed of Dwight and CP3 but that dream ended when Doc went out west. The only reason we had these dreams though was because of the work Ferry did last offseason.Give it time..the only recent times teams have gone from bad/decent to great were when the Boston big three and Miami big three came together (even OKC didn't happen over night). We don't have a big three, the rebuild is going to take some time.I'll miss a lot of our old players but if we complain about results in the past, it's only logical to remove the players and coaches that were a part of those teams.We need a big three or to tank and build through the draft. Ferry has pretty much given us a team that could tank and a team that still has financial flexibity (no bad contracts) to still sign premier free agents in the future.Again, I'll keep saying it, just give it time..

Totally agree. I wonder if a few years ago Rockets fans weren't having the same conversations? Seems like Morey was making deals to ensure his team had the 9th seed every year. But, he kept collecting assets until he could parlay them into Harden and then Howard. Not saying we will have the same success, but it does seem as if DF has the same mentality - collect assets (draft picks, good players on decent contracts).

It's disheartening that we missed the CP3 and Howard boat, unrealistic as it was. But, that just means we have to wait a little longer to be in the championship mix. Better than banging our heads against the 2nd round of playoffs wall with the same crew and expecting a different outcome.

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Give it some time??


He dismantled our whole team. A team that was going nowhere fast and was going to be stuck with the worst contract in the league

He fires a coach that actually had a winning season (when nobody expected anything). Are we really upset about Larry Drew leaving? Good riddance Drew, your rotations were turrible

He gets 1 draft pick for Johnson that he spends on a guy who won't be available for 2 years. (Cash stash). You get rid of a contract which was considered unmoveable and don't have to take on any garbage in return. We also got Schröder from that deal which could turn in to a very nice piece.

He misses on the major free agents. Money talks and Paul had a chance to make a lot more in LAC. He also had a chance to have a black coach in LAC. He signed Millsap to a deal in which most are saying has the best value of any deal signed this offseason.

He keeps our current players in the dark so that they become disenchanted with the franchise. These are grown men making millions to play a sport. Its a business. Not everything comes fair in life and especially in business.

Danny has this year. IMO. Signs suggest that he's not going to do anything to move us forward. Fk'n LOL

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Danny Ferry has been here for ONE SEASON GUYS. Why all the damn hate? I swear most of ya'll live on negativity. Have some FAITH people. Ya'll bitch more than my 8 month old daughter.

Edited by IllestPamfilis
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So this thread is 6 pages long while there are other threads about our Summer League roster and even one discussing an interview with DF himself? Interesting.

Danny Ferry has been here for ONE SEASON GUYS. Why all the damn hate? I swear most of ya'll live on negativity. Have some FAITH people. Ya'll bitch more than my 8 month old daughter.

Your sig says it all about this thread!

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First off, I've the freedom to stake my opinion as everyone else. Secondly, I'm a die-hard Hawks fan and basketball fan whom has played the game. Thirdly, if you have an opinion on my thread please feel free to express yourself with better etiquette. Please give an explanation.

I agree. But there are those on the board who will jump you if you say negative things about the Hawks. I have been a Hawk fan longer than a lot on this board have been alive, so if I want to complain I will.

Ferry road into the press conference and stated we was going to be competitive, and he was going to bring a veteran star to this team via trade or free agency. Ferry has not been able to do much of anything at this point. He is paid big money to do his job and if he dont get it done, then he should face criticism. It seems other teams came into this offeseason with not much wiggle room and was able to get things done, Ferry did not.

Im in business and if I lag around and dont get the job done, I will be out of business. I guess my problem is that I am ultra compettive on the business side of things, I know what it takes to be successful in business. The same applies to a NBA team.

Edited by Vol4ever
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    [*]He dismantled a team that should have been dismantled and got 1 yr contracts in return. (THAT EQUALS NOTHING)

    [*]He didn't build a competitive team, we didn't compete with anybody over .500. He was given 1 yr contracts and it came with an unstated promise that he would do something good with the capspace.

    [*]He got a sitdown with Dwight because we had the most money to offer. Period. Dwight used us as Leverage. This is something that always have happened to us.

    [*]I'm not going to talk bad about the players he got us.. But the best player he got us is a duplication. Millsap is Josh Smith with better decision making and much worse defense. Right now, it seems as if the only thing we got was Millsap and we have kept Horf at Center. We didn't even reup Petro or Zaza who we know can help.

    [*]Ferry will be gone by the time Lucas can play (if ever). I keep hearing about all these solid picks. However, there was a lot of teams willing to trade out of the lottery this year and we didn't move a muscle. All these people talking about tanking. If you would have given what we had to another capable GM.. say Morey.... we wouldn't have done what Ferry has done.


This entire list makes no sense..

Sounds like a disgruntled Jets fan after a pick.

Getting rid of Joes contract was the greatest gift he gave us by far. That contract was awful!

Why would Dwight need to leverage anything when he is getting a max deal? You can't out-max a max..and Dwight was impressed with what Ferry has done.

Dwight was going to Houston before the meetings were scheduled. Dwight needed and ego boost and all of those teams provided one.

Milsap will be an excellent addition with the scheme being implemented.

We didn't trade up because the talent level in the lottery was similar to the teens.. No reason to. We weren't getting a top 5 pick so all of the "elite" ( loose term there with this draft class)prospects were not options without trading Horford or a 1st in next years loaded draft.

We have yet to have even an opening tipoff yet. Relax and wait to se the product before jumping the gun and burying DF.

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