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Danny Ferry is slowly destroying the Atlanta fan base..


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he's running us like a small market baseball team. Hes the Billy Bean of basketball

You don't think he would have offered CP3 and Dwight contracts if they wanted to play here together?
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No sign and trade for Monta or Jennings, either matching Teague or letting him walk, as per Chrissy B and his sources.

You can't sign and trade a player after the sign an offer sheet.

If we let Teague walk then we have the money to sign either Jennings or Ellis. Hopefully we don't sign Ellis.

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We haven't heard your take yet RWF....

What about what Ferry has done do you like. Please be specific.

Ferry arrives, takes down a roster that should have been down long before. Beginning to place players on the roster that fits his way of doing things. Rebuild.

Pretty simple really.

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So I get negative feedback for going against the grain. Lol. Really? I was never a follower in my day and have always spoke my mind. This board will not break my ideology so I can feel welcomed or liked. So kick rocks if you font like my opinions. Most of you all disappear during the season anyway which speaks volumes.

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Ferry arrives, takes down a roster that should have been down long before. Beginning to place players on the roster that fits his way of doing things. Rebuild.

Pretty simple really.

I agree. Horford, Millsap, Lou is not a championship core but they are all very good players and they are not malcontents.

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It's not bull man, there is definitely a correlation between analytics and winning. Statistics are unbiased records of what happens on the court. Star talent shows up in the advanced stats. A player can be a star talent and a stathead's dream -- these are not mutually exclusive categories.


Millsap & Utah.

Millsap is every stathead's wet dream. Shoots over 50% from the field. Smart player, hardworker... But Utah didn't win a damn thing.

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So I get negative feedback for going against the grain. Lol. Really? I was never a follower in my day and have always spoke my mind. This board will not break my ideology so I can feel welcomed or liked. So kick rocks if you font like my opinions. Most of you all disappear during the season anyway which speaks volumes.

So whats your point? Its the off season. I tend to watch a lot more basketball than post during the regular season.

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I agree. Horford, Millsap, Lou is not a championship core but they are all very good players and they are not malcontents.

Ferry isn't and SHOULD NOT sign players long term if they are not winning you championships. Josh Smith and Jeff Teague is no loss to Ferry or to fans like myself that welcomes a rebuild, a re-tooling to win championships.

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Millsap & Utah.

Millsap is every stathead's wet dream. Shoots over 50% from the field. Smart player, hardworker... But Utah didn't win a damn thing.

Neither did Josh or us with Josh. So whats your point?

Edited by Buzzard
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Uhm... Millsap & Utah. Millsap is every stathead's wet dream. Shoots over 50% from the field. Smart player, hardworker... But Utah didn't win a damn thing.

Millsap is a great player..whatever Utah did win was because they had him. We didn't give the guy a max deal or anything. Did you expect him to make Utah into the best team in the west? Are we expecting him to be our savior on a 2 year 19 million contract? He's a good player..complaining about Millsap should be the least of your worries.
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We got a 1st round pick and selected Dennis Schröder.

Not true coach. We got Lucas for the Pick that Brooklyn gave us.... First off, he can't come over for two years. Second... maybe he shouldn't. This is notes about him.

Nicknamed "Bebe", unfortunately at this point his game is as soft as a baby ... If not for such a disappointing showing at the 2011 Treviso adidas Eurocamp in front of the entire International scouting contingent, he would likely be looked at as a lock first rounder and possibly even a lottery talent ... With his combination of length, fluidity and age, plus the added allure of being an international player, he appears to be the ideal late first round "project" that a team like San Antonio/OKC would target to stash overseas for a few seasons ..

The question NBA teams will have to ask themselves is just how much he'll continue to improve over the next few years. Turning 21 in July, he hasn't put on a great deal of bulk to his frame in the past few years, as it's not quite clear how much work he's put in in the weight room. His love of the game, work ethic and overall mentality has been questioned by people who have worked closely with him in years past, even if he's received nothing but strong reports this season from the people at Estudiantes. He's definitely still a year or two away at the very least from being able to contribute at the NBA level from a physical standpoint, even if he's in a terrific situation to continue to improve if his role increases next season.Nogueira's development as a prospect were certainly slowed by the odd route Estudiantes took in utilizing him, electing to stash him in unstructured environments on essentially their junior teams in the previous two seasons (2010-2011 and 2011-2012) competing against weak competition in the lowest levels of Spanish basketball. With a new General Manager (Himar Ojeda) came a new concept for integrating young prospects this season, which benefited Bebe in a major way and certainly changed the way he's been perceived as a prospect both in Spain and in the US, even if at 14 minutes per game there's still not a huge body of work to go off.Despite all the question marks, players with Nogueira's physical tools and talent are rare and coveted commodities, and there isn't a great deal of risk for an NBA team picking outside the top-20 to draft him and see what comes out of him. He's exactly the type of player who could skyrocket with a strong showing in a setting like the adidas EuroCamp, should he decide to attend.

So in other words we got NOTHING For Joe.

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Rome wasn't built in one night. Dirk and the Mavs waited 13 seasons before they got their title and David Robinson waited 12 seasons. And all four of those teams have been to there respective CF's recently. Only one team per year gets to go home with the title. This is likely going to be a LONG process to get where the Spurs and others have been. Just enjoy the ride and the rest of what life has to offer...

Correction. Dirk and the Mavs had to wait til they got a new GM and a new coach. Ala change of Vision. All the years under Nellie was a waste because Nellie couldn't visualize nor could he get people to buy into the vision. Donnie and Carlie took cast offs and found a way to win it. They had the right C and the right vets on the team when it was time to win. Dirk had been hurt during the season. Nobody thought they could beat Portland or Miami. However, the moves made by a GM who had more vision than his father proved to be the right moves.

Ferry isn't showing vision. He's trying to prove a proof. That's not vision. BK tried to prove a proof and failed.

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So I get negative feedback for going against the grain. Lol. Really? I was never a follower in my day and have always spoke my mind. This board will not break my ideology so I can feel welcomed or liked. So kick rocks if you font like my opinions. Most of you all disappear during the season anyway which speaks volumes.

Its not you going against the grain........no actually you are very wood grained because every other fan on here has an axe to grind. The whining has been none stop and a whole new thread with no new info has hit a nerve. There is a whole thread for fans to complain in. We don't need anymore that aren't dealing with a new issue. That's what you are seeing.

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Ferry arrives, takes down a roster that should have been down long before. Beginning to place players on the roster that fits his way of doing things. Rebuild.

Pretty simple really.

You're right.. Pretty simple to have a fire sale... Big Whoop. However, what has he built??? What has he changed?? Where is the progress??? What are the signs of progress??

Let me explain something to you RWF...

Most GMs know how to give away assets. But gifted GMs don't give them away without obtaining something. We have NOTHING to show for what we gave.

Now on to Building... let me point out the mistakes for you.

    [*]For years, Horford has been complaining about having to play the 5. He wants to move to the 4. Many people say that his natural position is the 4. Danny even talked about Al sliding back to the 4 position if we can get a good C. For years, we have thought it was because Josh was good and a tweener and played better at the 4 away from the 3 point line that we kept Horf at C. So finally, when Josh is gone, Ferry's first move is to bring in another undersized tweener who plays better at PF than he does at the 3?

    [*]Ferry is building a team... supposedly we're building to win but we have great deficiencies starting with scoring and PG. However, Danny's first move is to resign 30 yr old Korver to a 4 year deal. Here's the obvious problem.. at his age and with his ability, he's not along for a rebuild.

    [*]Ferry is building a team of good guys. He said that in his opening interview when he took the job last year. However, he's flirting with the idea of bringing in Jennings or Monta? These are not just guys who kill you on the floor with selfish dumb shots (ala smoove) but also kill you in the lockerroom with Me first attitudes.

    [*]Ferry is building a team, first pick in the draft, a guy who cannot come over for 2 years and is still far away from being a contributor. Secondly, a guy who has a lot of press but played in an inferior league and is severely underweight for this league.

So you're happy that we had a fire sale??? Whoopty damn doo... PTL has one every freakin year. So do the bobkittens. BK had a great fire sale. His pick wasn't some europlayer who would never come over. His pick from his firesale was Josh Smith. So what has Ferry done... Answer the phone when Billy King called him and took the deal that Billy King offered? IF you want to thank somebody for moving Joe, thank Billy King. Ferry didn't contact King. King contacted Ferry. King made the deal happen. But was smart enough not to give Ferry anything of importance.

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Ferry isn't and SHOULD NOT sign players long term if they are not winning you championships. Josh Smith and Jeff Teague is no loss to Ferry or to fans like myself that welcomes a rebuild, a re-tooling to win championships.

How about Korver?

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