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Merged: Monta Ellis agrees to 3 yr / $30 million deal with MAVS


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Match Teague.

We have to convince him why Atlanta is the greatest city to play in first! Honestly, I would be happy if we matched Teague's offer sheet. But if he doesn't want to be here, then why force him to? Sign someone like Mo Williams to help Schröder develop.

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Why Ferry even talked to Dwight, Bynum, Ellis, or Jennings, I'll never understand. I guess he wanted to see up close and personal if they really had as poor character, personality, and intelligence as their reputations suggest. If any of them came here I'd of been pissed to the max.

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Closing in and close arent done. He would do well in Dallas though. If we let a 25 year old up and coming pg that would be a very easy asset to trade if needed walk and sign Mo Williams or Josh Smiths little brother Jennings than to me that proves what I first though when we handed the ship to a failure like Ferry, were fkd.

Edited by NJHAWK
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Very good news. I wasn't as opposed to signing him as some of you were but I'm definitely happy he won't be a Hawk next year.

I'm also happy because this board would have been unbearable to read if he signed with the Hawks.

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