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My take on Danny "treadmill" Ferry


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Treadmill teams like to treadmill. At best, we are a 8th seed, at worst we are drafting between 9th-12th. We are officially in Basketball purgatory. Congrats. Now I now exactly how Diesel felt when we resigned Marvin Williams. Like this stupid organization is not smart at all. Why waste cap space on mediocre Jeff Teague?

Danny Ferry is basically keeping status quo for ASG who are the owners. They don't want to be a bad team no matter what. They just have no interest in it. They been there, done that before and they rather sell non-enjoyable crap that has a chance to win 50% of their games than bad basketball with a chance to win 25-30% of their games and a chance at Andrew Wiggins. I am disappointing at ASG and Danny Ferry. Both have lost all my respect. Danny Ferry roster decision in my opinion is worse than BK. BK drafted poorly but he signed and trade for us to get Bibby for nothing, Jamal Crawford for nothing and signed an 6th time All Star in Joe Johnson. I seen Milsap often in Utah. I am not really impressed at all. He's a good player but we are fooling are self's if we think he is even a tenth as impactful as Smoove.

This is your Atlanta Hawks. Welcome to NBA purgatory.

Posted Image

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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that treadmill gif is hilarious Posted Image

I choose that treadmill gif because it's like the Hawks and the highlight factory. They staying on course, exciting you at times which was during the Jamal-Joe-Smoove-Bibby-Horf era, about to fall all the time but they never leave the treadmill. It's like their home.

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Alot of the kool aid drinkers were acting like Ferry owned the team all talking about his plan and his vision but he wasn't the one paying the salaries. He done exactly what I expected him to do keep us competitive. He is doing the exact same thing that Sund would be doing.

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Yup last team to take a similar approach was the rockets and look how that turned out

Just like you guys say the Thunder are the outlier, the Rockets are the outlier as well. The Hawks and the Bucks are the norm for the treadmill. The Raptors and Bobcats are the norm for the tank.

Sorry but Ferry has given me zero reason to believe he worth a shit. His trades have all been bad. The Joe Johnson trade could have been a coup, now it's questionable. The only thing worth shit in the Joe trade is Schröder. Everything else is gone now. On top of that, Joe and the Nets will be contenders for the next years. The Nets got what they wanted. Deron is still there. They were able to build a contender within two years and Joe gives them a two way clutch player who should be healthy in 2013-14.

His signings have been bad at best. BK got rid of a ton is average players. Got Sheed and flipped him for Sura and a pick(Josh Smith). That was a good trade for us.

He signed Joe Johnson. 6th time All Star, two way star, USA team player, top 3 SG at times in Atlanta in the NBA, and a top 15-20 player in the NBA.

He traded junk for Mike Bibby who helped us tremendously.

He traded junk for Jamal Crawford who helped us tremendously and was 6th man of the year.

With Ferry we have made average ass trades, shit signings like signing a 32 year old shooter and paying him 6 million per a season. Signing another PF AGAIN, who is also an undersized tweener who while smart, skilled, and a hard worker is not athletic, not very talented and defensively is average at best which means we have NO rim protectors on the roster. Smart move Ferry.

We resign the most junk PG I have seen waste my freaking time in the NBA in Jeff Teague. If we used this dude correctly like off the bench in a Bobby Jackson role, he would be just fine to me but no, we start this sap-sucker and pay him 8 mil per a season.

This is the dumbest organization in Basketball. What the hell are the Hawks trying to do?

What's our plan? This shit we are doing isn't a plan, it's retarded. This is what our lineup looks like in 2013:






This is an average offense team with Al Horford being the best passer and a below average defensive team.

You think this team can be better than teams like







or Cleveland





Bynum/Andy V

or even Detroit






This team probably wont even make the playoffs yet are too damn good to tank. Stupid ass organization. The only reason why Houston was even able to get Harden was Washington and GS turn down deals for them and Houston traded a lotto pick with potential(Lamb) and potential high lotto pick in Toronto's for him. It wasn't even about a player like Martin who they have no intentions to keep long term.

The Hawks are a joke. From top to bottom.

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Yup last team to take a similar approach was the rockets and look how that turned out

Well the rockets GM (morey) was always active in trades. He was always acquiring young talent, trading for picks, and was never afraid to take risk. Lets see for the next season or 2 if Ferry does that.

If he doesnt this is looking like the milwuakee approach.

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Patience it took Houston awhile to get Harden

This shit is really annoying. You guys got one example of Harden and I got like a thousand examples of teams on the treadmill especially Atlanta who never get off unless they tank.

Ferry has proven to be some shit at free agency and trading players where as BK proved to be strong while BK was all time awful at the draft and scouting while Ferry has proven to be great at.

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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I have never seen a team sole intention to keep their status quo of being a shit organization intact more than Atlanta.

The Hawks had one more lost than Houston and several more wins than Dallas but Dallas and Houston get a lot of praise on ESPN and by the media while Atlanta is seen as a joke. No one in the NBA thinks Atlanta is trying to win. You just had a mediocre PG beg to leave and they keep him here, not Eric Gordon who can be a top 25 player but mediocre ass run of the mill PG who can't run an offense. What kind of shit organization is this? The Oakland Raiders? At least Oakland has been good and great at times. This organization in Atlanta, they have always been a POS.

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Alot of the kool aid drinkers were acting like Ferry owned the team all talking about his plan and his vision but he wasn't the one paying the salaries. He done exactly what I expected him to do keep us competitive. He is doing the exact same thing that Sund would be doing.

Ima give Ferry 2 or 3 seasons to judge him. If nothing changes and we are still the same 40 win team with the same players ima officially declare him another ASG puppet.

Its crazy that Ferry gave us so much hope. Im not sure anything changes until ASG is gone.

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Getting rid of Joe was about money if you didn't cut that contract with the new CBA and a harder cap and a stiff as hell luxury tax the Hawks had to sell Joe for nothing if they didn't do that he would have been amnestied or tied down this franchise for even longer. We've added multiple awesome traceable assets and have built a team that could win in the first round if we draw the right match up/ catch a few breaks.And let's not forget there's that whole will Boston trade Rondo thing you have to think Ferry is thinking about in his head. I think the guys he signed make sense if you think about them as trade assets. KK could easily be traded to the Thunder mid season for Dallas unprotected 2016 pick. Milsap wasn't signed to be traded he was signed so we could trade Al Horf. Think about it same with resigning Teague I guarantee there's a few teams that would love to have a Jeff Teague type. He could easily be sent to Orlando on a draft night trade of we have a lottery pick. Or what if a lottery team is willing to trade their pick for a proven like Horf? We're setting up to make moves and we will continue to do so until the right thing comes into place. Maybe Ferry never does anything but I promise you this this team will we better in the long run because of what Ferry did with Joe Marin and Josh.

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Rick Sund was so freaking below average. Everything he did was predictable and below average. With that said, he had a roster he could have worked magic on if he was a good GM. Ferry well got rid of that roster, did absolute nothing positive, got worse but not much worse and now we are in Milwaukee Buck land. Lucky us. Everyone talking about Houston like two of their franchise players didn't end their careers early due to injury. People need to wake up, this organization is some bullshit and the main reason why most of Atlanta doesn't support this team.

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Getting rid of Joe was about money if you didn't cut that contract with the new CBA and a harder cap and a stiff as hell luxury tax the Hawks had to sell Joe for nothing if they didn't do that he would have been amnestied or tied down this franchise for even longer. We've added multiple awesome traceable assets and have built a team that could win in the first round if we draw the right match up/ catch a few breaks.And let's not forget there's that whole will Boston trade Rondo thing you have to think Ferry is thinking about in his head. I think the guys he signed make sense if you think about them as trade assets. KK could easily be traded to the Thunder mid season for Dallas unprotected 2016 pick. Milsap wasn't signed to be traded he was signed so we could trade Al Horf. Think about it same with resigning Teague I guarantee there's a few teams that would love to have a Jeff Teague type. He could easily be sent to Orlando on a draft night trade of we have a lottery pick. Or what if a lottery team is willing to trade their pick for a proven like Horf? We're setting up to make moves and we will continue to do so until the right thing comes into place. Maybe Ferry never does anything but I promise you this this team will we better in the long run because of what Ferry did with Joe Marin and Josh.

Milsap isn't netting us Rajon Rondo, sorry to break it to you but if Rondo was going to be traded, they would have superior options than Teague and Milsap. This is like the good ole days of HS where we wanted to flip Smoove or Joe for CP3, Melo, or any other player with serious talent. Hate to break it to you but teams that flip those players are looking for young players with massive potential who have proven they could play on the NBA level or at least get a couple of assets.

Milsap and Jeff Teague are not assets. They are just trade pieces, not the centerpiece of any major trade.

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I never said Milsap was the asset you trade fam

Misread your post and trading Al is beyond retarded fam. That's like suicide. That's the one player that can actually become somebody on the roster. Then again, this is a shit organization. I put nothing above them.

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I'd trade Al Horf for the chance at J. Parker or Wiggins all day. I mean you gotta think a team like Orlando or Portland would give us a nice haul for Al Horf. The Kings too but then we have our Rider/Smith of this century if you did any sort of Horf for Cousins deal.Well without the wife beating and drug abuse but its comparable

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I'd trade Al Horf for the chance at J. Parker or Wiggins all day. I mean you gotta think a team like Orlando or Portland would give us a nice haul for Al Horf. The Kings too but then we have our Rider/Smith of this century if you did any sort of Horf for Cousins deal.Well without the wife beating and drug abuse but its comparable

I don't even think Horf would get us that type of haul anymore. There was a time we could easily get Deron or CP3 for Horf. Horf status seems to have lessen since we got rid of Bibby.

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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