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Teague and Schröder


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I love the Hawks....but i dont understand why Ferry signed Teague and then drafted Schröder (whos gunna take over the reins in a couple of years clearly) Why not shop Teague around?..Hes not gunna win us a championship anytime soon....Just let Schröder start and live with the growing pains. I would say theres TWO teams that could very well soon be in sell-mode.

1) Toronto

Teague/Brand/Jenkins/2nd rounder


Rudy Gay and Kyle Lowry?

Lowry is in the final year of his deal....so if the Hawks were to get him....he can be a backup to Schröder or you can just let him loose...now i know Rudy doesnt sound like it makes sense to get him....but we need a SF bad.....Demarre Carroll is good off the bench.....but not to start....hes an energy guy and would fit perfectly behind Rudy....now getting Rudy and his awful contract is a risk....but its almost like a 2 year trial (assuming he picks up his option next year).....but the Hawks are sort of in a predicament here...because there not bad enough to tank and right now there not good enough to win a title or make serious noise....If this trade were made Our starting lineup would be:



Rudy Gay



Then you could bring Lowry, Lou Williams (when Healthy) Antić and Ayón and Demarre all off the bench..

2) Boston.......this is more unlikely....but since Boston is clearly tanking and looking to trade pieces for draft picks....assuming Rondo is shipped out this season....you could maybe try and get Boston to take Teague and some other piece (draft picks) for Jeff Green and he could be the athletic wing man we need.

Or we can just tank and get rid of everyone but Horford....but that looks unlikely too....

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They're handling Teague/Schröder perfectly. Schröder isn't ready for a starting role (mainly bc it's a loooong season). Playing him around 20 minutes a game is perfect. When he's ready then they can trade Teague but it won't be for Rudy Gay. Our team is ran by statheads and Gay isn't a fit for that at all.

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I love the matchup of Teague and Schröder. I'd one thing if they were redundant talents, but they are two completely different PG's. Teague is a scoring PG while Schröder is a traditional, pass-first PG. I can't wait til Lou can get back to see what a Schröder/Lou pairing will do for us off of the bench. I could see Teague serving out his contract before Schröder is given the reins.

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Having two very good PG on your team is not a problem IMO. Eventually we'll probably have to get rid of one of them but at this stage I love having Dennis off the bench rather than Royal Ivey / Devin Harris etc... Teague has been balling so far, and that's with his shot being very off. So I don't understand how anyone can question resigning him to a reasonable contract, especially when you consider that Teague has improved impressively every single year he has been in the league. People talk about his cieling but the truth is, every year he seems to elevate that percieved cieling more than just a tad.

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"The Dennis" will be an average point guard at best throughout his career. Yes..he is quick...but he lacks passing skills due to playing with inferior competition in his younger days. He basically "hands the ball off" and has nothing like the court awareness of a guy like CP3.

I hope I am wrong but I don't expect him to be much more than a "flash in the pan"...he isn't a great shooter and he is too light to go against a team that plays rough defense. He will hang around the league for 4/5 years and then go back to Europe where the competition is softer.


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Having two very good PG on your team is not a problem IMO. Eventually we'll probably have to get rid of one of them but at this stage I love having Dennis off the bench rather than Royal Ivey / Devin Harris etc... Teague has been balling so far, and that's with his shot being very off. So I don't understand how anyone can question resigning him to a reasonable contract, especially when you consider that Teague has improved impressively every single year he has been in the league. People talk about his cieling but the truth is, every year he seems to elevate that percieved cieling more than just a tad.

Exactly I'm not mad that there are fans out there that still want to trade Teague I'm just upset there are fans that don't give him the credit he deserves...the thing that gets me the most is that the people who want Teague out of town never gives us a good trade for him for example Teague for Gay that's horrible gay isn't the same anymore and the Teague plus whoever for rondo and green has 0 chance of ever happening!....you can't get a star that easily! Keeping Teague and the rookie is the best move right now.
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Ok to all responses....but im sorry.....this is a win now league....this isnt build build build build and then you win a championship....teams are made to win NOW these days....not tommorow...the Heat were put together in one season....that equals 2 championships....the only team that was built and has been successful are the San Antonio Spurs...and they started building that team in the 1990s..... The Thunder have been building since they were the Sonics = 0 titles.....the Raptors (where where im from) have been building and failing since they ever became a franchise....Dallas (who won the title in 2011) made moves to get Shawn Marion and Tyson Chandler the year before they won there title....even the Lakers....when they started there run a long time ago...they TRADED to get Shaq to start there own run....then TRADED to get Gasol (Who was arguably the best PF at the time in the NBA when they got him) and those both equaled a bunch of titles....look at the Bulls...theyve had Rose since 2008....theyve been building forever....0 titles and there struggling immensely so far this season...you need to make trades to get the best roster now........now look at Houston....last season they got Harden....now they got Howard and there now a huge threat to win the WEST and possibly an NBA title...literally they became a contender overnight.....and whoever said Schröder wont be a decent PG??? excuse me?

Rondos Rookie Season : 23.5 Minutes Per Game 6.4 PPG 3.8 Ast per game

Schröder So Far : 18.3 Minutes Per Game 6.3 PPG 4.3 AST Per Game

So hes actually having a better Rookie Season then Rondo Already and is playing 5 minutes less per game.....so dont give me that nonsense...

And if Teague is ballin out right now.....if he keeps this up till the Trade Deadline....why nnot trade him when his stock could be at an all time high this season??....it may never get this high again...so i stand by my theory....throw dennis in there....the quicker he learns...the more he learns and the better he can become quicker....get Teague out of here and try to haul a Borderline All Star or someone to fix our problem at SF and lets not have TWO PGS when Lou gets back healthy he can backup Denis..

Just my two cents

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Never said Lowry and Gay would win us anything...but they will get us into the Playoffs for sure with Horford and Milsap and can make noise in the East again...but Lowrys contract runs out this season....so hes a loaner and Gay runs out next season....so you could rent these guys and see where how they fit in....if they dont fit in then there off the books this year and next year....its like a trial period but you can win now as well.

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Think about it the starters could be

Pg - Schröder

Sg - Korver or Gay

Sf- Korver or Gay

PF - Milsap

C- Horford

Bench - Lou Wiliams, Lowry, Carroll, Cartier, Ayón, Antić

thats a really deep team for the immediate future and if it doesnt work with Lowry or Gay then you have cap space again after next summer. ( assuming Gay picks up his option for next season)

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Think about it the starters could be

Pg - Schröder

Sg - Korver or Gay

Sf- Korver or Gay

PF - Milsap

C- Horford

Bench - Lou Wiliams, Lowry, Carroll, Cartier, Ayón, Antić

thats a really deep team for the immediate future and if it doesnt work with Lowry or Gay then you have cap space again after next summer. ( assuming Gay picks up his option for next season)

You a Raptors fan?

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Think about it the starters could be

Pg - Schröder

Sg - Korver or Gay

Sf- Korver or Gay

PF - Milsap

C- Horford

Bench - Lou Wiliams, Lowry, Carroll, Cartier, Ayón, Antić

thats a really deep team for the immediate future and if it doesnt work with Lowry or Gay then you have cap space again after next summer. ( assuming Gay picks up his option for next season)

Rudy Gay is bad on both ends of the floor... Memphis traded him for basically nothing and got better after doing it. I'd rather have our current team than swapping Teague for Gay. Teague is a player on the upswing while Gay has seen his production erode each of the last three years (same for Lowry). Dennis has played decent in his first four games but has lots of question marks to his game still. It's a moot point though, because salary wise that trade is completely impossible. Gay and Lowry = 24 Million, Teague = 8 Million

If we did trade Teague, or Lou, or Dennis, I would hope it would be for some interior help. The weakness in this team is clearly inside defense and rebounding (though we did a better job of both against the kings). Players like Lowry and Gay won't move the needle for this team.

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If we are not winning anything with Lowry and Gay why'd we trade for them to just make the playoffs. We can do that without them.

Teague cannot be traded this season without his consent. Good luck getting him to agree to go toToronto.

We seem to finally have an effective 1-2 punch at PG (I know it's early) with both under contract for at least 4years so split them up for Lowry (who always has some kinda injury) rental. Posted Image

As of today, I rather keep them both for this year and see how it pans out. Unless Ferry gets 'a knock your socks off' offer and Teague agrees.'

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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"The Dennis" will be an average point guard at best throughout his career. Yes..he is quick...but he lacks passing skills due to playing with inferior competition in his younger days. He basically "hands the ball off" and has nothing like the court awareness of a guy like CP3. I hope I am wrong but I don't expect him to be much more than a "flash in the pan"...he isn't a great shooter and he is too light to go against a team that plays rough defense. He will hang around the league for 4/5 years and then go back to Europe where the competition is softer. (JMHO)

Wut? Apparently you haven't watched him at all this season. His passing has been great. Better than anyone on our team. If our guys could finish then he'd have double the assists. On the strength, he's only 20 and hasn't been in a NBA strength & conditioning program very long yet. Guy has a very bright future. (JMHO)
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If we are not winning anything with Lowry and Gay why'd we trade for them to just make the playoffs. We can do that without them.

Teague cannot be traded this season without his consent. Good luck getting him to agree to go toToronto.

We seem to finally have an effective 1-2 punch at PG (I know it's early) with both under contract for at least 4years so split them up for Lowry (who always has some kinda injury) rental.

As of today, I rather keep them both for this year and see how it pans out. Unless Ferry gets 'a knock your socks off' offer and Teague agrees.'

Having a good PG off the bench is a great thing. Especially when you consider that Teague's problem is consistency and effort, having a guy like Schröder who can spell him when he's cold and push him in practice is going to continue to pay dividends for us this year.

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Rondos Rookie Season : 23.5 Minutes Per Game 6.4 PPG 3.8 Ast per gameSchröder So Far : 18.3 Minutes Per Game 6.3 PPG 4.3 AST Per Game So hes actually having a better Rookie Season then Rondo Already and is playing 5 minutes less per game.....so dont give me that nonsense..

You have to remember that Rondo was pretty much on the court to pass the ball to 3 future hall of famers. He didn't have the free reign that Schröder has on a semi-rebuilding team. It's also way too early to say who is better at this point in their careers..The thing is we have two point guards that are getting better. It's dumb to trade either now because their value will continue to increase. Edited by cam1218
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