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Interesting Thing About Korver's Streak


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I've attached a spreadsheet with some stats from the USA Today article. The odds against Korver's streak, as of 87 games was about 14 to 1. Odds against the Barros streak was 38 to one.

The most unlikely streak was Adams (49 to 1 against) since he wasn't that great of a shooter, but made up for it somewhat by taking more shots. The most likely streaks were Scott (3 to 1 against) and Millers (4 to 1 against) since they were good shooters and took lots of shots. Barros and Korver take almost the same number of shots per game. I assumed each shot was an independent roll of the dice, which is obviously questionable, but its about the only thing you can do in situation like this.

BTW - I'd rather just post the table, but couldn't figure out how to do it.

Edited by Randy
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It's cool...but it's a Gimmicky record. It has little to do with winning or losing games. If Kyle was on a better team he wouldn't be getting the shots to keep the streak going for long as a backup.

I hope he breaks the record since it may make him seem more valuable at the trade deadline.

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Classy quote from Barros. I think the record is pretty signifigant seeing how he isn't a main offensive option. He's steadily climbing the all time ladder in threes made and has been a fan fav at every stop. Most media outlets won't get too excited, but hardcore basketball spots know it's a pretty cool accomplishment. I'm sure guys like 3D and Legs will shout him out. For him to have the mark and not the usual suspects you would think in Reggie or Ray is neat.

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Maybe another reason the playoffs don't count is because rather than being a string of games against random teams like in the regular season, in the playoffs you get stuck playing the same team for a minimum of four games in a row. Seems like kind of a different ballgame. What if you got matched up against some hardcore defensive stalwart of a team? To me that doesn't seem like quite the same thing as being challenged by a variety of different teams each night. Not a massive difference, but something I could see as a reason for not counting post-season games.

I will admit that I am a huge KK fan and was even before he came to Atlanta, so maybe I am reaching for a reason ... ?

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I don't care what the reason is or is not. I like the streak and I'm glad it's a Hawk doing it. It may be meaningless to some in the grand scheme of things but Kyle has put the work in. Like he said he doesn't create his own shot he depends on others to assist him greatly and his only job is to get open and hit the shot. He is dedicated to his craft.

There are all kind of regular season only awards. Just like the MVP (like when Dirk won it then got bounced in the 1st round of the playoffs) ROY, COY etc - all regular season awards.


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