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Discussion from game thread about Hawks attendance


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The Kings announcers kept talking about how sad it is that we get no fan support even though we are a good team. Said it doesn't matter what night of the week it is that it's always that way in Atlanta. I am seriously embarrassed to be a Hawks fan sometimes.

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Yep the Kings announcers kept talking about how sad it is that we get no fan support even though we are a good team. Said it doesn't matter what night of the week it is that it's always that way in Atlanta. I am seriously embarrassed to be a Hawks fan sometimes.

Man I was just kidding. I was actually surprised at the number of people there to see a crummy Kings team on a Wednesday night. It was the typical thing where the arena was pretty empty until after halftime, then people showed up to their seats. I didn't see the official attendance figures, but I thought the turnout for this type of game was alright. Not saying that it isn't a problem (because it obviously is), but tonight wasn't a particularly bad night by my view of things from midway down in section 117.

BTW - Saw DF chilling in the stands the whole game, didn't seem to be working on any Asik deal ...

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Didn't Deadspin post something about it too?

Yeah I think it was on there

Man I was just kidding. I was actually surprised at the number of people there to see a crummy Kings team on a Wednesday night. It was the typical thing where the arena was pretty empty until after halftime, then people showed up to their seats. I didn't see the official attendance figures, but I thought the turnout for this type of game was alright. Not saying that it isn't a problem (because it obviously is), but tonight wasn't a particularly bad night by my view of things from midway down in section 117.

BTW - Saw DF chilling in the stands the whole game, didn't seem to be working on any Asik deal ...

Nothing to kid about. When you've got Shaq getting on fans who are JUST ARRIVING in the 2nd half, that's freaking sad.

Thanks for the update on Ferry that's good news.

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Yep the Kings announcers kept talking about how sad it is that we get no fan support even though we are a good team. Said it doesn't matter what night of the week it is that it's always that way in Atlanta. I am seriously embarrassed to be a Hawks fan sometimes.

Did they ever pause to think that it might be because no one wants to see the Kings?And looks like Dolf was active on Twitter tonight.
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Did they ever pause to think that it might be because no one wants to see the Kings?And looks like Dolf was active on Twitter tonight.

Shouldn't matter who we are playing. Fans should be there supporting the team and not showing up after halftime. That's just pathetic.

And yeah I was, until it seemed like I was jinxing the team so I hopped off lol.

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Yeah I think it was on there

Nothing to kid about. When you've got Shaq getting on fans who are JUST ARRIVING in the 2nd half, that's freaking sad.

Thanks for the update on Ferry that's good news.

It's always been that way at every Hawks game I've ever been to. Most people show up halfway through. Just figured that was normal most everywhere for average to poor opposition teams.

At least there was a Kiss Cam of Harry the Hawk trying to make out with / eat the head of Shaq. Let him say what he wants. Harry's got our backs!

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It's always been that way at every Hawks game I've ever been to. Most people show up halfway through. Just figured that was normal most everywhere for average to poor opposition teams.

At least there was a Kiss Cam of Harry the Hawk trying to make out with / eat the head of Shaq. Let him say what he wants. Harry's got our backs!

No way I've never seen it like that but I haven't been to any games except Rockets games in about 15 years. I just don't get this showing up an hour after the game has started crap. What's the point of even buying tickets?

I bet that kiss cam was hilarious!

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Shouldn't matter who we are playing. Fans should be there supporting the team and not showing up after halftime. That's just pathetic. And yeah I was, until it seemed like I was jinxing the team so I hopped off lol.

Oh sure let's forget about opponent, time of week, alternative options, prices, transportation, etc. Not to mention we were insulted by a team's announcers for a city that has to heavily subsidize the team in order to keep them in their city, their local TV deal is pathetic, no local companies want to advertise their games, the naming rights to their arena is for SLEEP TRAIN, the city does not compete with other sports or entertainment, they have bottom 5 prices for tickets, etc.But sure, our fans "suck". That narrative sounds fun even if data or research does not support it.
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Oh sure let's forget about opponent, time of week, alternative options, prices, transportation, etc. Not to mention we were insulted by a team's announcers for a city that has to heavily subsidize the team in order to keep them in their city, their local TV deal is pathetic, no local companies want to advertise their games, the naming rights to their arena is for SLEEP TRAIN, the city does not compete with other sports or entertainment, they have bottom 5 prices for tickets, etc.But sure, our fans "suck". That narrative sounds fun even if data or research does not support it.

It's ALWAYS like that in Atlanta. Let's not try and act like this is a one off thing. Other cities don't use these excuses and I'm tired of hearing them about the Hawks. So far this year we are 29th in attendance in the NBA, barely ahead of the Sixers for last place. And that's for a team who's been to the playoffs 7 straight years and are in 3rd place in the East right now. Those crappy Kings average 2,000 more fans per game than we do and that's just pathetic no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

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Shouldn't matter who we are playing. Fans should be there supporting the team and not showing up after halftime. That's just pathetic. And yeah I was, until it seemed like I was jinxing the t team so I hopped off lol.

I look at this way traffic is so god awful it's sometimes the best you can do. The game started at what 7 730? You get off work at five it takes you nearly an hour to get home. Once you get home you gotta unwind take a shower whatever so by then it's already almost 7. So when you can finally head towards the game it's already started. Another thirty plus in traffic and bam it's already almost half time.Don't hate the fans it's not their fault Atlanta is so spread out
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I look at this way traffic is so god awful it's sometimes the best you can do. The game started at what 7 730? You get off work at five it takes you nearly an hour to get home. Once you get home you gotta unwind take a shower whatever so by then it's already almost 7. So when you can finally head towards the game it's already started. Another thirty plus in traffic and bam it's already almost half time.Don't hate the fans it's not their fault Atlanta is so spread out

Houston is a larger city with equally as bad of traffic and it's actually a larger area that it's spread out of yet they don't have those problems. These are just excuses and I get it but in a city with that many people it's just sad that we can only average 13,000 fans per game. I mean come on the Cavs and Raptors average 4,000 more fans per game than Atlanta and we've been better than them year after year and again this year.

And not everyone has to go home after work to go see the game. Bring clothes with you to change into, see the game with friends. I get families having to go home and get their kids and what not but there are plenty of people without kids who should be going to games to fill the stadium to more than 73% capacity.

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Brother I'm just explaining why our fans show up at halftime. I dunno why more people don't want to go besides having to drive. I mean when I go to a hawks game I like to get a few drinks in me and if I do that I can't drive. You give me a train that I can take back to a few blocks from my house and I'm there a lot more

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It's ALWAYS like that in Atlanta. Let's not try and act like this is a one off thing. Other cities don't use these excuses and I'm tired of hearing them about the Hawks. So far this year we are 29th in attendance in the NBA, barely ahead of the Sixers for last place. And that's for a team who's been to the playoffs 7 straight years and are in 3rd place in the East right now. Those crappy Kings average 2,000 more fans per game than we do and that's just pathetic no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

Spin? Excuses? I'm not sure what you are looking at but when someone discusses attendance without mention of prices or costs then they aren't trying to engage in answering why the attendance is low or even understand it. If one isn't trying to do that then they do not have a basis for claiming Atlanta had bad fans.So it is a narrative without facts. When data are considered, we start to see the fans don't suck and are responding like most other fans do when faced with the same factors.It really irked me to hear Sacramento announcers, a place that just passed massive subsidies in order to retain a team, make classless comments and fail to recognize that the Kings are part of the equation of explaining attendance. They mentioned similar attendance woes with Charlotte days before. They fail to see the connection because they fail to do anything but say stupid narratives that do not make sense when someone examines the issue. I know I've never heard Rathbun rip on a city for lack of support when in fact you should expect horrible support because it is on a Wednesday in December against a crappy team. I know I projected this game to have pathetic attendance back in September/October when our TV schedule was released.
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Sacramento is a god awful town I'm shocked their fans can even afford to go to games after they're done buying meth

Cheap tickets and nothing else to do. I don't think their fans are any different than ours once you factor that in. But I do like the meth narrative after hearing those asshole announcers!
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It's ALWAYS like that in Atlanta. Let's not try and act like this is a one off thing. Other cities don't use these excuses and I'm tired of hearing them about the Hawks. So far this year we are 29th in attendance in the NBA, barely ahead of the Sixers for last place. And that's for a team who's been to the playoffs 7 straight years and are in 3rd place in the East right now. Those crappy Kings average 2,000 more fans per game than we do and that's just pathetic no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

We need a better team. This team is average as hell. Being 3rd in the East would be 12th in the West. And there is nothing to do but watch the Kings in Sacramento, Atlanta is Black Hollywood. Entertain us. We were losing till Korver and Horford went beast mode and IT was getting killed by Teague every possession as well.

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Spin? Excuses? I'm not sure what you are looking at but when someone discusses attendance without mention of prices or costs then they aren't trying to engage in answering why the attendance is low or even understand it. If one isn't trying to do that then they do not have a basis for claiming Atlanta had bad fans.So it is a narrative without facts. When data are considered, we start to see the fans don't suck and are responding like most other fans do when faced with the same factors.It really irked me to hear Sacramento announcers, a place that just passed massive subsidies in order to retain a team, make classless comments and fail to recognize that the Kings are part of the equation of explaining attendance. They mentioned similar attendance woes with Charlotte days before. They fail to see the connection because they fail to do anything but say stupid narratives that do not make sense when someone examines the issue. I know I've never heard Rathbun rip on a city for lack of support when in fact you should expect horrible support because it is on a Wednesday in December against a crappy team. I know I projected this game to have pathetic attendance back in September/October when our TV schedule was released.

What facts are sooooo different about the situation in Atlanta than they are in other cities? I don't see anything that shows that Atlanta fans are responding like other fans. I mean we are 2nd to last in home attendance and there is zero excuse for that. None! I'm sorry but these are all just excuses as to why more fans don't show up and many of the ones who do show up don't get there until the 2nd half. The Hawks and Atlanta are not a unique and special butterfly. The fans don't go through anything that fans in New York, LA, Brooklyn, Houston, etc. etc. fans don't go through to get to a game. Their fans don't get off of work early. They've got to go home and pick up kids. Their ticket prices are more than the Hawks, traffic is just as bad, etc. etc. There is no excuse for attendance in Atlanta to be so piss poor. Most of the residents are just apathetic about the team and only show up to support superstar players and popular teams and guess what, when those teams are in town somehow the fans are magically able to go to the games and get there on time and they're even paying a lot more for tickets, but the problem is they're cheering for the visiting team. Nothing is going to change my mind and make me think that if people (other than diehards) in Atlanta cared about the team that they wouldn't have much better attendance.

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We need a better team. This team is average as hell. Being 3rd in the East would be 12th in the West. And there is nothing to do but watch the Kings in Sacramento, Atlanta is Black Hollywood. Entertain us. We were losing till Korver and Horford went beast mode and IT was getting killed by Teague every possession as well.

Comparing Atlanta to Sacramento doesn't really matter. Let's compare them to Cleveland and Toronto, who each draw 4,000 more fans per game than the Hawks do. Or let's compare the Hawks to any of the other 28 teams who draw more fans per game than Atlanta. How about the fact that the Hawks games on the road have significantly more fans at them than our home games? Fans in other cities want to see their teams play the average Hawks so why don't our fans want to see them play?

Cheap tickets and nothing else to do. I don't think their fans are any different than ours once you factor that in. But I do like the meth narrative after hearing those asshole announcers!

Yeah those announcers were awful speaking the truth. Shaq was awful for criticizing the fans for showing up to the game in the 2nd half.

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The simple truth is their aren't a lot of Hawks fans in Atlanta. People love the football and baseball. Hoops? Not so much. When we play big market teams their fans come out. If we find a way to attract these fans the attendance will rise. This brand of basketball is a nice start. Getting the player out there would be another. The Hawks don't do enough promotion. Most people don't even know when they have a game. Blame it on the team and not the fans.

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