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Some things to ponder on ..........

Gray Mule

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Who holds the record for the shortest time in a regular NBA game?

It's gotta be our own Hawk, Dennis from last night's game.

Now, this old man gets picky, picky, picky.

Jeff Teague. In the last two games JT has played like an all star. I haven't

watched better PG play from any Hawk in forever. He's had the WOW! factor

working both games. Over and over, we want to stop play and say, "Did you

see that!" Outstanding, to say the least.

Now to throw my tiny cup of ice water on JT for the last two games. He is one

of the best free throw shooters on the Hawks. Yet, in the last two games, he has

missed free throws in regulation that would have won both games. Remember,

when you go to overtime, the score is tied. Duh. Everyone knows this. Those

missed free throws. JT hits them and we win both games in regulation.

I know. Picky, Picky, picky.

While I'm being picky, what about the officiating in the last two games? Wasn't

it great! (That is, if you are a Hawk opponent and not a Hawk fan) If you watched

Bud's post game interview, when something was mentioned about a call, he very

quickly said, "No comment." Otherwise, it cost a big pile of $$$.


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Shorter than Mario West?

Dennis was inserted into the lineup to throw the ball in.

He threw it in as a turnover and someone called time "At once" and

Dennis was removed from the game and didn't return.

Couldn't have been many seconds and this was his entire time

in the game.

If West has a shorter time, it couldn't be more than a second or two.

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