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No Ferry's genius was getting rid of Joe.

I'm glad that he is gone along with his terrible contract and declining play.

I want to build with Sap. IMO he is our best player.

He is 29 years old and not good enough to build around. On a championship team he is probably a strong 6th man. Like the Ginobilli of PF's.

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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How is swapping automatically smarter than the right to swap picks? That doesn't make any sense. It isn't pure luck. It is a great thing if the nets are out of the playoffs for sure but even if they aren't how important can it be to have the right to move up even two picks? The right to swap first round picks totally unprotected was a great friggin deal to get in return for someone taking away one of the worst contracts in basketball. Its the definition of a win-win...for the hawks and a lose-lose for the nets. I'm not believing for a second that Ferry 'lucked' into part of the deal. I'm guessing that was our biggest demand.

I never said swapping automatically was smarter, but it is the more confident move. My point remains it was more of a shot in the dark. If he was so sure that we would be better than the Nets he would have said swap automatically because I am sure we will be better than you which I have already stated in a earlier post. Sure superteams have not been working with the exception of the Heat but like I said most thought the Nets would make the playoffs and some still do. Nothing genius about this. No great foresight, this is people simply reaching to try and make Ferry look like some genius. If he was such a genius he would have made one first round pick that has panned out so far. He would have found a way to get some true talent in return for Josh, Jamal, and Joe if he was such a genius.

Edited by MrMeltdown
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He is 29 years old and not good enough to build around. On a championship team he is probably a strong 6th man. Like the Ginobilli of PF's.

Since we are adding a year, Horford is turning 28 coming off two torn pecs, Not sure if we can build with him either. Especially the money he is gonna ask for in two years.

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Since we are adding a year, Horford is turning 28 coming off two torn pecs, Not sure if we can build with him either. Especially the money he is gonna ask for in two years.

Adding a year? He turns 29 years old next month. Feb the 10th.


This 2nd big injury does change things and I think moving Horf should be considered at this point.

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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What did we get for Joe?? Capspace? Capspace that hasn't netted us anybody? Don't say Millsap... Smoove's contract netted us enough in return to sign Millsap and give Teague his extension.

Don't say Korver. Marvin's Money was enough to get us Korver and DMC.

So we got rid of our highest profile player so that we can say we have money and FAs can laugh??

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Getting rid of Joe was THE GET - if you don't understand that by now you never will. We were never winning anything with him with no hope for the future. (We have hope now, will it happen? - still to TBD but I'd rather have this).

We got a trade exception from Joe's trade to get Korver. We got Devin Harris for Marvin. Know your facts.

21 million(Joe)+13.5 million (Josh) - I'd rather have Sap at 9 mil and Korver at 6mil for wherever we are going.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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Sap is the best player to put on Hawks jersey in quite a while. I wouldn't be so quick to pawn him off. A large part of me says if it has to be Al OR Paul then let it be Al that we trade. Of course I'd love to keep them both but if Al isn't our C of the future then a decision has to be made. I am confident that Ferry is fully aware of this though.

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Sap is the best player to put on Hawks jersey in quite a while. I wouldn't be so quick to pawn him off. A large part of me says if it has to be Al OR Paul then let it be Al that we trade. Of course I'd love to keep them both but if Al isn't our C of the future then a decision has to be made. I am confident that Ferry is fully aware of this though.

I rather Al than Sap all day.

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Getting rid of Joe was THE GET - if you don't understand that by now you never will. We were never winning anything with him with no hope for the future. (We have hope now, will it happen? - still to TBD but I'd rather have this).We got a trade exception from Joe's trade to get Korver. We got Devin Harris for Marvin. Know your facts.21 million(Joe)+13.5 million (Josh) - I'd rather have Sap at 9 mil and Korver at 6mil for wherever we are going.

Oh... So because we took the 1 year rental of Devin Harris, that makes things square? You have sap at 9 Million and you could have had that with Smoove. Face that fact Jaybird... we're rebuilding. That's all trading Joe was about. It was not about some great move to get great players in here, Ferry traded him for ending contracts. PERIOD. He traded Marvin for Ending contracts. PERIOD. He let Smoove walk for NOTHING. Period. He's not building nothing yet, he's getting rid of everything that was here before. Go back and read your Billy Knight fire sale history. Notice he did the exact same thing. NO difference. So you can get excited about picking up Al Harrington.. I mean Millsap. But you have to recognize what's a building move and what's a move to keep your team on the trademill.

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It's comedic how it pains some of you to give any credit to Ferry whatsoever. You come up with these long drawn out explanations of how he hasn't done anything since being here. I just sit back and laugh.

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Oh... So because we took the 1 year rental of Devin Harris, that makes things square? You have sap at 9 Million and you could have had that with Smoove. Face that fact Jaybird... we're rebuilding. That's all trading Joe was about. It was not about some great move to get great players in here, Ferry traded him for ending contracts. PERIOD. He traded Marvin for Ending contracts. PERIOD. He let Smoove walk for NOTHING. Period. He's not building nothing yet, he's getting rid of everything that was here before. Go back and read your Billy Knight fire sale history. Notice he did the exact same thing. NO difference. So you can get excited about picking up Al Harrington.. I mean Millsap. But you have to recognize what's a building move and what's a move to keep your team on the trademill.

Haha - Josh at 9 mil? Not even. Josh declined a 3 year extension at 15mil per. He signed for 4 yrs/13.5 per.You keep saying he got nothing for Josh - great - sometimes getting nothing as opposed to BAD LONG TERM contracts is much better which is all that was offered for him. If Ferry had traded Josh the same time as Joe and Marvin, people would still complain. My guess DF wanted to see what Josh could do as a leader and it failed.So what's the problem if we are rebuilding? And if that's what he is doing wasn't it prudent to get rid of Joe and Marvin for ending contracts?Are we a finished product? No. At the start of the season were we winning a championship? No.
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What we need to happen is a playoff team in the West looking to add a scorer from the bench and give us some young talent for Lou Williams. I can't imagine anyone in the East looking to add Williams, but a team like Portland or even the Thunder could use Williams. I like the planThe Clippers are in desperate need of a shooter and that is where Korver could be moved. My point is there are teams out there that will be looking to add good vet players to get them through the playoffs. With the West being so competitive a move for a guy that can score off the bench could make a huge difference in a playoff series.

Plus 1 Edited by DrReality
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Haha - Josh at 9 mil? Not even. Josh declined a 3 year extension at 15mil per. He signed for 4 yrs/13.5 per.You keep saying he got nothing for Josh - great - sometimes getting nothing as opposed to BAD LONG TERM contracts is much better which is all that was offered for him. If Ferry had traded Josh the same time as Joe and Marvin, people would still complain. My guess DF wanted to see what Josh could do as a leader and it failed.So what's the problem if we are rebuilding? And if that's what he is doing wasn't it prudent to get rid of Joe and Marvin for ending contracts?Are we a finished product? No. At the start of the season were we winning a championship? No.

Yes, Josh was addition by subtraction

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He's not building nothing yet, he's getting rid of everything that was here before. Go back and read your Billy Knight fire sale history. Notice he did the exact same thing. NO difference. So you can get excited about picking up Al Harrington.. I mean Millsap. But you have to recognize what's a building move and what's a move to keep your team on the trademill.

That's not true. BK gutted and tanked. Al Harrington wasa secondary player on the Pacers who was brought in to be "the man". DF didn't gut our team (kept Al and resigned JT). Milsap wasn't brought in to be "the man". We aren't in a 13 win season. You may not like what Ferry is doing, but to say his moves and BK's are even similar is just flat out wrong. We aren't making bold, crazy moves left and right to gun for a championship (see the other Billy and the Nets), but are treading (not tanking) and keeping ourselves in position for any opportunities that may come up (like when teams need a third team to make a trade, etc). It's a free country, so hate away, but tell it like it really is at least.
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Haha - Josh at 9 mil? Not even. Josh declined a 3 year extension at 15mil per. He signed for 4 yrs/13.5 per.You keep saying he got nothing for Josh - great - sometimes getting nothing as opposed to BAD LONG TERM contracts is much better which is all that was offered for him. If Ferry had traded Josh the same time as Joe and Marvin, people would still complain. My guess DF wanted to see what Josh could do as a leader and it failed.So what's the problem if we are rebuilding? And if that's what he is doing wasn't it prudent to get rid of Joe and Marvin for ending contracts?Are we a finished product? No. At the start of the season were we winning a championship? No.

The only point I made about Josh was that we didn't pay him so we had enough money from not paying him to pay for Millsap or whoever. I was not saying that we should have resigned him. NO WAY.

Haha - Josh at 9 mil? Not even. Josh declined a 3 year extension at 15mil per. He signed for 4 yrs/13.5 per.You keep saying he got nothing for Josh - great - sometimes getting nothing as opposed to BAD LONG TERM contracts is much better which is all that was offered for him. If Ferry had traded Josh the same time as Joe and Marvin, people would still complain. My guess DF wanted to see what Josh could do as a leader and it failed.So what's the problem if we are rebuilding? And if that's what he is doing wasn't it prudent to get rid of Joe and Marvin for ending contracts?Are we a finished product? No. At the start of the season were we winning a championship? No.

The only point I made about Josh was that we didn't pay him so we had enough money from not paying him to pay for Millsap or whoever. I was not saying that we should have resigned him. NO WAY.

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That's not true. BK gutted and tanked. Al Harrington wasa secondary player on the Pacers who was brought in to be "the man". DF didn't gut our team (kept Al and resigned JT). Milsap wasn't brought in to be "the man". We aren't in a 13 win season. You may not like what Ferry is doing, but to say his moves and BK's are even similar is just flat out wrong. We aren't making bold, crazy moves left and right to gun for a championship (see the other Billy and the Nets), but are treading (not tanking) and keeping ourselves in position for any opportunities that may come up (like when teams need a third team to make a trade, etc).It's a free country, so hate away, but tell it like it really is at least.

There was another JT that was resigned (he went to Utah and signed an offer sheet). Signing him was about keeping him so that we would lose him for nothing. Later, he was traded for Walker (capspace). Also, I don't think Ferry is finished moving contracts. Ferry is in the process of looking for deals. He hasn't come out and said that anybody was untouchable.

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Well the difference is pretty obvious. BK got rid of everything and we became a 13 win doormat of the league. DF is getting rid of things and we keep getting better.

Do you really think we're better? I would have loved to see Joe play in Bud's system with Millsap and Korver. We should have gotten rid of Marvin and Smoove a long time ago. We should have made Teague the man.. A long time ago. Our best is still when we played Chicago in the 2nd round of the playoffs. We are not that good mac. I will agree that BK got rid of everything at the same time and we sucked and got high draft picks. DFerry is doing the same thing but he didn't get rid of everything at the same time. He's pulling a Big tuna and he's bringing in the ingredients that he wants. Nobody has an anchor.. Everybody can be moved. That was the same way BK started.

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