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The New East....


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The East has changed....

Of Note:

New Orleans. This is one of the top three teams. They look dominate. They play Dominate. No Mashburn??? Dayyuuum. I'm not going to applaud Floyd Yet. One thing I have noticed about him is that he doesn't know how to coach through adjustments. Have they beaten 1 team who they were playing for the second time??

Detroit. I criticized Joe for firing a good coach. However, Larry Brown is a master coach. This Detroit team looks a lot free-er than before. I think this team actually runs up and down the floor. The Young players are playing.... I think Prince would still be on the bench subbing in if Carlisle were still coach. The only thing is that Darko seems to be mostly hype...

Indy. I think getting Carlisle was a blessing in disguise for Indy. Artest is a much better person with Carlisle as coach. I have a feeling though that there will be some blow ups down the road. I think what was true in Detroit is that Carlisle has a controlling personallity. He will clash with some of his players. Has anybody seen Jamaal Tinsley??

Boston. By far, this is the biggest surprise to me. Everyone said Good riddence to Twan. Well, the curse of Walker has fell on Boston. Now all the sudden, Pierce can't score. I mean, now defenses have no choice but to focus on Pierce. Boston wins, but it's not due to Pierce anymore. It's do to Vin Baker... He's taking it 1 step at a time. Drunk man walking.

Toronto. Vince is back. He's got fire. He's got skill. Now he needs some help. It's not too late for Toronto to trade AD for Jamison. IN the grand scheme of things I think that's going to happen one day. Reunite the 2 best friends. Also, Bosh is going to be a player. 6 blocks last night. They just needs some boards.

Philly. I didn't know how to accept Ayres(sp). I think he will do OK. He learned a lot from LB. It's hard to tell what this team will be because they are constantly injured. However, i have noticed that Randy has done something that has opened up the game for Snow.

Those are the surprising teams. I don't know if NJ will be the champions of the East this year. NY is stronger but I want to see what happens with McDyess. Miami is not as strong as I thought they would be. Is it coaching? Is it no PG.

All in all, the Hawks have an excellent opportunity to SNEAK into the playoffs!?!!?!!

Orlando has fell off.

Boston is falling off.

Here's how the top 8 are looking:

1. Detroit.

2. New Orleans

3. Indy

4. NJ

5. Toronto

6. Boston

7. Cleveland - Yep... Cleveland is doing more than showcasing King James. They actually play good team basketball... EXCEPT, they need defense.

8. Hawks????

Here's my thought for the day trade wise...

Theo/Hendu to Cleveland....

Big Z/Ira/JR Bremer to us....

What it gives us...

Big man. Big Z who can play with Reef, who Rebounds and scores. I seriously believe that Big Z is right up there with Yao. #2 Ira. Defense at the Sf position. We know what Ira brings to the table. he's cheap. Move Jackson to SG on occassions...

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Big Z is NOT a rebounder/defensive presence. He is a 7'3" scorer. That is not what the Hawks need, they need a bruiser, Reef can take care of the low post scoring. I rather they trade for Diop - he is still raw/bad but he has the potential to be a solid rebounder/defender/shot blocker. I thought Ira brought alot to the team in the past several years but Jackson is a better player and has a better contract.

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Dude, stranger things have happened.

Who thought that little team down in Florida was any good

last spring at the end of spring training?

Yet, they -- Not the Yankees or Braves or Red Sox or

Cubs -- Are the WORLD CHAMPIONS in baseball.

Diesel only said maybe 8th place for the Hawks. He didn't

mention winning it all.

I believe that there will be some trades before the trade

deadline passes. They may only be minor, bench guys.

It might be a big one. Along about that time, teams will

trade the later {Young hopefuls & Draft picks} for the

"Right now" {That one established player they need to

win - RIGHT NOW!!}

Depends where Hawks are at that time and what we have

to offer and what other teams want. We can't know

right now, only guess. The more desperate the other

team is, the easier to get what you want.

Remember the trade of Mutumbo for the then injured Theo?

Plus Nazr and our "Point Foreward" which, eventually turned out to be a steal for us. It got the other team exactly

what they had to have "RIGHT NOW!"

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