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Hawks Are Exposed


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This team has hit an impasse. The loss of Antić effected the team even more than we first thought. There very few pick-and-roll plays and the offense is struggling. We are getting out-rebounded each night and have no inside game. Now, I don't think this team can just decide to tank. There are too many teams that have worse records than us, and loosing in the NBA doesn't guarantee the first pick.

So what Ferry needs to decide is who he envisions being on this team long-term. If Teague aint the guy, trade him now and let Mack and Schröder play. Long-term the team needs a center. Al Horford cannot continue to play at a position where he is undersized. A while back a member wrote that playing Horf at the Center position may have caused some injuries since he is getting bruised up.

Some believe Millsap can slide over to SF. Not sure I agree. His outside game is not great and he could be very valuable to a team looking for a post player. So should the Hawks trade him? Not sure...

I love watching this team. So it is very tough seeing them blown away by the Pelicans, Bulls, and Raptors. What made this team so exciting was their heart and energy. Even after Horford went out, the team played strong and competed with the best: OKC and IND. Now they are loss. If Ferry doesn't make a move we can expect to watch blowouts the rest of the year.

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If this team has DMC healthy an still on the team dont expect any double digit losses. If Ferry wanted to blow it up and tank strongly he would have to trade DMC for a vet expiring.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I think Ferry waited too long to make a move. If it is about this year and the east is extremely week, he should have brought a backup center in. Chris Kaman was pushed to the end of the bench and now he is playing really well.

I know Ferry has done a couple good things but I'm not sure he has a long range plan. He does not have a track record of building a franchise, San Antonio was already a great team when he arrived on board and he failed in Cleveland. He has done well in moving Joe's contract, signing Sap and DMC. I think we are in a tough position still.

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I think Ferry waited too long to make a move. If it is about this year and the east is extremely week, he should have brought a backup center in. Chris Kaman was pushed to the end of the bench and now he is playing really well.

I know Ferry has done a couple good things but I'm not sure he has a long range plan. He does not have a track record of building a franchise, San Antonio was already a great team when he arrived on board and he failed in Cleveland. He has done well in moving Joe's contract, signing Sap and DMC. I think we are in a tough position still.

Kaman was a tough call. He did well everywhere and then was getting scrub minutes. Not sure why. Haven't watched him much lately. But you're right Ferry has made a few good moves nothing great. I dont think you can just build a franchise in 1.5 years though. With the exception of Miami, most franchises were not build over 1 summer. It has taken Indiana a few years, Hibbert has been in the league since 2008 and Paul George was drafted in 2010. The Pacers did not become true contenders until last year. So Ferry is probably trying to build through the draft. But he hasn't gotten lucky with a top 10 pick. Use GS as another example. Steph Curry has been on the team since 2009 and they've been through their ups/downs. Even with Bogut and Iggy they are not legit contenders in my book. Due to the fact that there are so many big market teams its difficult to compete when your a smaller market team like Atlanta.

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I don't think it's too late. We have a talent deficiency and we need to build through the draft as well as FA. Millsap is a great player and a guy you want to keep around, but he's also the piece that can be the rebuild. Korver should also be moved, like him but got to retool. Teague should be moved just because Ferry never should have matched. Brand has some value and Lou Will needs to go.

If Ferry moves the max of these players (Sap, Korver) we still have every chance of finishing with a record giving us a 9- 12th place before the lottery. I'd trade to rebuild and move our pick to about #9 in a second; especially with the other picks, young potential players and expiring coming back.

Horford and the kids and see where we are in a year or two with the development of; Bebe, Schro, JJ, Scott, #9 and the picks and young players we get back trading our prime assets.

Edit: Add Muscala to the young group, he's tearing it up in the Spanish league

Edited by tbhawksfan
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I don't know if exposed is the right word. I had no expectations of this team to begin with. I feel that they were playing over their heads if anything at all.

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I don't know if exposed is the right word. I had no expectations of this team to begin with. I feel that they were playing over their heads if anything at all.

I was thinking that exposed isn't the right word too. We are just really struggling right now. You're right about the team playing over their heads too, especially with the injuries we have suffered.
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A team so starved of talent yet who shares the ball like us can't be exposed. Most good teams don't lose 5 in a row, but the Bulls' defense, Noah's versatility guarding the perimeter and PNR in particular, is a bad matchup for us. Pero was pretty big for us stretching the floor, setting solid screens, and picking up some rebounding slack. I still believe we're the 4th best team in this dreadful Conference, barring any further injury. I'm not into moral victories, but I trust Bud is using these losses as teaching tools to ultimately make guys better for the long run, sans Lou who we all seem to want gone.

Edited by benhillboy
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We were playing much better than everyone would think until someone decided it was time to showcase Lou "poo-poo" Williams. We should be fine and back to the 3rd or 4th seed a few weeks after Pero returns. Undermanned as we are, playing Lou this many minutes equals a lot of blowout losses.

As soon as the trade deadline is gone, I hope Lou won't be playing this much anymore. That is, if DF doesn't manage to move him until the 20th.

Playing Lou this much is the closest thing to tanking we'll see this season. If they really want to tank, this is the way to go.


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Kaman was a tough call. He did well everywhere and then was getting scrub minutes. Not sure why. Haven't watched him much lately. But you're right Ferry has made a few good moves nothing great. I dont think you can just build a franchise in 1.5 years though. With the exception of Miami, most franchises were not build over 1 summer. It has taken Indiana a few years, Hibbert has been in the league since 2008 and Paul George was drafted in 2010. The Pacers did not become true contenders until last year. So Ferry is probably trying to build through the draft. But he hasn't gotten lucky with a top 10 pick. Use GS as another example. Steph Curry has been on the team since 2009 and they've been through their ups/downs. Even with Bogut and Iggy they are not legit contenders in my book. Due to the fact that there are so many big market teams its difficult to compete when your a smaller market team like Atlanta.

Kaman had a severe concussion in Dallas that took a long time to recover from he even had memory loss and wasnt sure he could play again. He even had to learn how to read again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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We were playing much better than everyone would think until someone decided it was time to showcase Lou "poo-poo" Williams. We should be fine and back to the 3rd or 4th seed a few weeks after Pero returns. Undermanned as we are, playing Lou this many minutes equals a lot of blowout losses.

As soon as the trade deadline is gone, I hope Lou won't be playing this much anymore. That is, if DF doesn't manage to move him until the 20th.

Playing Lou this much is the closest thing to tanking we'll see this season. If they really want to tank, this is the way to go.


Like I said in the last game chat "Bud effed with the formula!" and it screwed up the chemistry.

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Well maybe it's not his fault. He could have been forced to play Lou, so I guess we'll have to wait for the first post-deadline game to know whose idea that was.

Having a GM who forces his way into coaching decisions is not the spurs way of running a organization and reeks of dysfunction. I remember when B.C use to force dwyane casey into playing Barg heavy mins despite him sucking.If ferry isnt giving bud full coaching decisions I want him fired immediately cause nothing good comes from it
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Having a GM who forces his way into coaching decisions is not the spurs way of running a organization and reeks of dysfunction. I remember when B.C use to force dwyane casey into playing Barg heavy mins despite him sucking.If ferry isnt giving bud full coaching decisions I want him fired immediately cause nothing good comes from it

Bud and Ferry might of had an agreement (Like RC and Pop did about George Hill; netted them Kawhi)

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We have none. Do we try to have a long term goal and work toward it?

Or, do we reach and grab something to appease us, the fans, right now?

Then, there is the third choice. Chunk everything and everyone. Go for

broke. Lose so many games we get that elusive great draft pick and then

hope and trust that he, that one player, can turn us around and put us in

the championship round!

We've heard the prayer, "Lord, give me patience and give it to me now."

Yet, digging deeper into scripture, we find that tribulations is what gives

us patience and I'm sure no one of us would pray for tribulation.

Some of us can't believe that our GM is wise enough to have a long range

plan. We want him to do something. Now! Enough of this trying to grow

and having all these players injured and us losing.

I dearly hope our GM has a plan. I sincerely hope his plan, long term, works.

If not, then he and a lot of us will look and feel stupid.

Patience, my Hawksquawk friends, patience!!


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