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Merged: Hawks have had discussions with Lakers about Hill and Kaman


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Kaman for the DPE would help the Lakers luxury tax issues I'm assuming. It also would help our team. Funny, I believe Diesel and I actually agreed for years about the Hawks should have went after Kaman. He's not what he once was but he's still decent.

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Kaman for the DPE would help the Lakers luxury tax issues I'm assuming. It also would help our team. Funny, I believe Diesel and I actually agreed for years about the Hawks should have went after Kaman. He's not what he once was but he's still decent.

20-10-2.5 blocks guy give minutes for the DPE? I'll take it. Makes too much sense for Danny Ferry to not do it.

Healthy Kaman is a 20/10 player on any given night. Problem is you can't rely on him to be healthy and he's an average defender at best. Massive upgrade over Ayón though.

Better than paying Al Jeff all that money for similar concerns.

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Please let this happen!....I hope we get both jam an and hill somehow and get rid of Teague and Lou.Kaman and hill aren't no where near superstar players but this seems like a pipe dream unfortunately, like everything else.

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Get it done Ferry.

Edited by GameTime
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Can't do that as both Hill (3.5) and Kaman (3.2) make roughly 3 million each. Lou and Cunningham combined make about 6.4 million. We could do Cunningham and Ayón though and that would work well. Use Lou in another deal Posted Image

I could be wrong (here comes Posted Image) but I didn't think we could get multiple players with the DPE? Also keep in mind if we get 2 players we'll have to drop 2 players.

I've been dealing with waterheads all day and now I have to deal with this?!?!?! {/sarcasm}

Kidding, I would actually be insulting waterheads by comparing them to what I've been dealing with today and I wouldn't want to do that.

But @Dolfan23 is right, DPE is a one-time thing and only applies to one contract. We can't acquire 2 from the DPE. I'm glad someone is paying attention to things I write!

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Yeah, Mar$chwaaaag aka Baby Kobe on the move again.think we can pick up $chwaggy P in the Kaman deal just for the lulz? Seriously though, I'd prefer Hill. Kamans reached money-stealing status.

A legit sized C making 3 million who can put up 20 and 10 on any night is a hell of a deal. Yeah he's stolen money in the past but so did Elton Brand and we're happy to have him.

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