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Peachtreehoops nails it on why Jeff Teague has struggled.


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He will change minds if he actually sustains the play. Early this year he has the vast majority of the site drinking the kool-aid and then his play dropped off for such a long period that now it seems like a majority have soured on him. If he sustains the great play, he will win those people back. If he drops off again, people will feel like it was inevitable.

And its been pointed out numerous time that Milsap's production has suffered also after the Horford injury and no one destroys him...Some poster take it even further to suggest that a lesser talent like Mack should replace him and try to make up stats to support such an asinine point of view. And when the Targeted players starts playing better, there is no turning back seemingly because so much time and effort has been put into destroying the player. Just my 2 cents!

Edited by Peoriabird
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2/22 and forward has been great. 1/01 - 2/21 was pretty terrible. Hopefully, he doesn't take his foot off the gas pedal.

I know let's see 6 weeks of absolutely piss poor play and now 1 week of good play. Leads me to believe even more that it was just Teague being weak mentally and worrying about the trade deadline. If he keeps this up (within reason) for 5 more weeks then I'll gladly eat crow, assuming those who are anointing him now are willing to do the same if he fails.

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This is what puzzles me about so called fans of the Atlanta Hawks. It seem as though some develop so much animosity toward certain player that the player's poor performances become some what of a self fulfilling prophecy. Which in turn results in an actual fan rooting against a particular Hawk player!

You really do struggle with reading comprehension. Show me where I've EVER rooted against Teague succeeding. Ever.

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He will change minds if he actually sustains the play. Early this year he has the vast majority of the site drinking the kool-aid and then his play dropped off for such a long period that now it seems like a majority have soured on him. If he sustains the great play, he will win those people back. If he drops off again, people will feel like it was inevitable.

Yep this right here! In fact I was one of the guys pulling hard for Teague thinking he'd finally turned the corner and was going to be that All-Star caliber PG that we hoped he could become. But instead he's regressed for a 2nd straight year and I guess because he wears a Hawks uniform he's supposed to beyond questioning.

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You really do struggle with reading comprehension. Show me where I've EVER rooted against Teague succeeding. Ever.

It might not be just me having reading comprehension issue because others are drawing the same conclusions as I am. Maybe its your writing style that has some confused. But you seem pretty passionate about your claim.

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It might not be just me having reading comprehension issue because others are drawing the same conclusions as I am. Maybe its your writing style that has some confused. But you seem pretty passionate about your claim.

Oh gosh that really concerns me that 2 of the most negative posters on here think I'm rooting against Teague. How will I ever get over this.

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I don't think anyone has been unfair with their opinions on Teague. While I don't like when people use the term mediocre to describe him (I think it's a little excessive), that's a matter of semantics more than actual abuse.I know personally much of my frustration with him stems from his inability to perform to his ability on a consistent basis (a sentiment which has been shared by other posters). I mean, this guy has me looking like a clown earlier in the season when I was trying to tell anyone who would listen he was going to be an All-star.

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I don't think anyone has been unfair with their opinions on Teague. While I don't like when people use the term mediocre to describe him (I think it's a little excessive), that's a matter of semantics more than actual abuse.I know personally much of my frustration with him stems from his inability to perform to his ability on a consistent basis (a sentiment which has been shared by other posters). I mean, this guy has me looking like a clown earlier in the season when I was trying to tell anyone who would listen he was going to be an All-star.

Would you prefer blow average, unexceptional, unremarkable, etc? Because those are all fitting terms to describe his OVERALL play the past 1.5 seasons when according to what league average is for WS/48, he's below average in both years. According to PER he's slightly above average the past 2 years, so I guess that's something good I can say about Teague. His shooting and turnovers are both worse from his best season in 2011-2012 but at least his PER is up!

I honestly don't care if I'm labeled a hater or whatever here. When ANY of our players play well over a long stretch I will grandly praise them. When ANY of our players play poorly over a long stretch I will grandly criticize them. That's the whole point of this forum and that's what being a real fan is about. It's not about looking at the team and it's players through rose colored glasses. It's about discussing problem areas and looking for solutions to them.

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Would you prefer blow average, unexceptional, unremarkable, etc? Because those are all fitting terms to describe his OVERALL play the past 1.5 seasons when according to what league average is for WS/48, he's below average in both years. According to PER he's slightly above average the past 2 years, so I guess that's something good I can say about Teague. His shooting and turnovers are both worse from his best season in 2011-2012 but at least his PER is up! I honestly don't care if I'm labeled a hater or whatever here. When ANY of our players play well over a long stretch I will grandly praise them. When ANY of our players play poorly over a long stretch I will grandly criticize them. That's the whole point of this forum and that's what being a real fan is about. It's not about looking at the team and it's players through rose colored glasses. It's about discussing problem areas and looking for solutions to them.

That post wasn't directed towards you. It was supposed to be directed to anyone who thinks posters are harsh on Teague. The whole mediocre thing is not a big deal, just word choice, which I said in the post.
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That post wasn't directed towards you. It was supposed to be directed to anyone who thinks posters are harsh on Teague. The whole mediocre thing is not a big deal, just word choice, which I said in the post.

I know but it does apply to me as I've called him mediocre many times in this and other threads over the past week or so. I just thought it was a fitting word to describe his play as according to the average rating for players in WS/48, he's below average the past 1.5 seasons, which is mediocre to me.

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That post wasn't directed towards you. It was supposed to be directed to anyone who thinks posters are harsh on Teague. The whole mediocre thing is not a big deal, just word choice, which I said in the post.

You'll have to excuse him. He is a little sensitive about this topic

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I know but it does apply to me as I've called him mediocre many times in this and other threads over the past week or so. I just thought it was a fitting word to describe his play as according to the average rating for players in WS/48, he's below average the past 1.5 seasons, which is mediocre to me.

On second thought, I have a misunderstanding of that word. I always thought it meant inferior but close to average quality. Google defines it as "of only moderate quality; not very good". That's pretty fitting I'd say.
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On second thought, I have a misunderstanding of that word. I always thought it meant inferior but close to average quality. Google defines it as "of only moderate quality; not very good". That's pretty fitting I'd say.

That's how I see it as well and especially so when you look at the list of synonyms. I don't find Teague to be inferior at anything. Just below to average at many things and terrific at a few others.

You'll have to excuse him. He is a little sensitive about this topic

Taylor Swift, is that you? I mean it must be since you are so interested in all of my posts in this thread.

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List of all Awards winners in Hawks history. Hard to believe that Teague has never won a single award yet... and I mean that in a serious way, not sarcastically, as he's had some terrific weeks with us. Even Duck, Forehead and Chilly won awards with us at some point. http://basketball.realgm.com/nba/teams/Atlanta_Hawks/1/Awards

D*mn, the struggle is real. Not even a participation ribbon? Edited by nathan2331
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List of all Awards winners in Hawks history. Hard to believe that Teague has never won a single award yet... and I mean that in a serious way, not sarcastically, as he's had some terrific weeks with us. Even Duck, Forehead and Chilly won awards with us at some point.


Yes but take out rookie year stuff and its pretty much our all stars winning those award and Teague isn't there yet. Teague didn't get much use as a rookie.

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