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Bleacher Report grades coach Bud an A-


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A lot of teams could "get by" with our backups, but their staring frontcourts are all much better than Brand/Scott!

Exactly. I'm not saying who can get by with Brand/Scott as their backups. I"m saying Brand/Scott as their starters AND backups. 2 guys. Because that's what we've been playing with until Muscala got here.

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Exactly. I'm not saying who can get by with Brand/Scott as their backups. I"m saying Brand/Scott as their starters AND backups. 2 guys. Because that's what we've been playing with until Muscala got here.

I view our recent backups as anyone available from the D-League, Ayón, and DMC. Teams like Miami, Indiana, Houston, LAC, Memphis, etc. would be fine wiping out their backups and using ours for a month or so. They would obviously suffer but they would still hold their own and not fall off the map unless they went on to lose their starters. That is mainly due to the difference in talent between Brand/Scott and their starters and also due to the other talent remaining on their rosters.

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I view our recent backups as anyone available from the D-League, Ayón, and DMC. Teams like Miami, Indiana, Houston, LAC, Memphis, etc. would be fine wiping out their backups and using ours for a month or so. They would obviously suffer but they would still hold their own and not fall off the map unless they went on to lose their starters. That is mainly due to the difference in talent between Brand/Scott and their starters and also due to the other talent remaining on their rosters.

Right. I don't think i'm saying it right not that it matters. My point is that is you put Scott and Brand as the starting 4/5 on the Heat with NO backups then the Heat are going to struggle. Not to beat a dead horse.

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Right. I don't think i'm saying it right not that it matters. My point is that is you put Scott and Brand as the starting 4/5 on the Heat with NO backups then the Heat are going to struggle. Not to beat a dead horse.

You and I are on the same page. Any team would struggle with that frontcourt rotation. Of course, the team with Wade and Lebron will struggle less than we have been but their winning % will significantly suffer.

Edited by AHF
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Something has to give here. The Hawks have regressed record wise from last season. If you give a positive grade to Bud, then someone has to pay the bill for the fall off. What grade does Ferry get?

So who pays for the drop in wins from last season? Can't give them both positive marks for the season.

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For the season:

I give Bud a positive B. He took an under talented team and stayed near the top of the East. After Horf went down, he was still able to keep them competitive. The slew of injuries on an already under talented team was too much. He needs to average .500 ball the rest of the way to not slide to B- or worse. He's also only a rook coach.

I give Ferry a negative D+. He should have realised that he wasn't going to be able to assemble enough talent, that he had a rook coach, a rebuilding team and not signed the good players he did sign; or bring in more or better. He floored a team that had no chance to compete with the best and win, but he played to win in what should have been a rebuild year. If he had signed younger, potential type players or maneuvered for picks, the Hawks would have been a clear favorite for a top pick.

Don't match JT, develop Mack, Schro

Trade Korver for picks

Either don't sign Sap or at least trade him asap in Dec for some kind of youth or picks.

No Brand

If he'd taken this route, even with Horf, we would have likely played into the top 5 picks.

This would not have been a tank. A tank is when you dump your good players to lose. Letting Smith go was not a dump...ehh, kind of felt like one though...

We didn't have to create a tank to lose, we were already ready. The band-aid moves to match JT, sign Korver and Sap and Brand were way short if you wanted to compete.

The result of Ferry's GMing this year is to have a long term Teague who is only an average (at best) PG, Korver a career back up as a star on our weak team and over-paid, an expiring Sap, an injured Horf (playing C), rookies that can't crack the rotation on a losing team, a losing record and likely late lottery draft position.

Will Sap or Horf have the same trade value in the future as they had at the deadline or in Horfs case last summer? No

Will we have a winning season? No

A top pick in the draft? No

A young player looking like a future star? No.......Ferry's grade could still fall....

Bud B to B-

Ferry D+ to D-

* It is possible that a GM can have a short-term bad while pulling off a long-term good. Just don't see how Ferry made the best result of this season though. Decrease in wins and played to win, not move up in the draft...not looking good

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The timing of Al's injury was a bummer. If David Robinson hadn't been out the entire season before the Tim Duncan draft ( had missed 2/3 of season instead) the history of the NBA finals sure would be different...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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