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The Plan is _____________ ?


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So what do you think of Ferry's plan to rebuild while remaining competitive? We are rebuilding. Ferry got rid of 3 starters from our recent core. Millsap is a short timer and we have a lot of young guys.

After nearly 2 seasons and a plan that now seems to have been established; i.e. competitive rebuild, do you think it's a good plan? Will it build a contender in the not so distant future? Is it the best way to build a true contender? Love to read some arguments defending or attacking the plan?

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I love this style of play and I love the competitive rebuild. I'm a Ferry fan but he has to show me something this offseason with the flexibility and revised culture in place to hopefully attract the FAs we need. Bud can do no wrong IMO.

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I'm just going to say it.

I remember having Bobby Sura and his triple doubles cost us a shot at D12.

For the moment, being competitive makes you feel good... until you get 4-0d by Lebron and then you realize that you could have had a shot at a difference maker.

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Even though I agree with the move I chose questionable. Either way "tanking" or "competitive" is questionable. It can be done both ways, but it takes a certain bit of luck for either to be successful. Just look at the landscape of the teams in position for this years lottery. Some of them have been there for the better part of 4 years now.

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I'm just going to say it.

I remember having Bobby Sura and his triple doubles cost us a shot at D12.

For the moment, being competitive makes you feel good... until you get 4-0d by Lebron and then you realize that you could have had a shot at a difference maker.

Truth is that was a totally different situation. This Hawks team from owners to players are trying to win and get in the playoffs. The Sura team everyone in the organization except for the players and Stotts were trying desperately to lose, they just really did a terrible job. You have to have the coach on board. Frankly I think Stotts knew he was gone either way and I guess didn't give a flip about the future.

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I think people put way too much stock into these kids. If they aren't a transcendent talent ready to score 20 or grab 10 out of high school or a polished, 3-4 year college player, I wouldn't get my hopes up in terms of them turning the franchise around. Calipari said himself "these kids aren't ready for the NBA" and he stockpiles lottery picks. To think they are is to not know how hard it is to make it in the NBA.

There are guys with all the talent in the world over in China. Or named Michael Beasley. There are guys with marginal talent that have had sparkling NBA careers like Kyle. The runaway ROY led his team to a 26-game losing streak. That's what you want to tank for?

What kills me is some of the people killing Ferry after not even 1 year of our new regime are the ones who held out hope for years that we'd actually do something under Joe. I tried to get you to realize how laughable that was, but you still cant accept that failure. Keep your shirt on and let the man do his thing.

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I think people put way too much stock into these kids. If they aren't a transcendent talent ready to score 20 or grab 10 out of high school or a polished, 3-4 year college player, I wouldn't get my hopes up in terms of them turning the franchise around. Calipari said himself "these kids aren't ready for the NBA" and he stockpiles lottery picks. To think they are is to not know how hard it is to make it in the NBA.

There are guys with all the talent in the world over in China. Or named Michael Beasley. There are guys with marginal talent that have had sparkling NBA careers like Kyle. The runaway ROY led his team to a 26-game losing streak. That's what you want to tank for?

What kills me is some of the people killing Ferry after not even 1 year of our new regime are the ones who held out hope for years that we'd actually do something under Joe. I tried to get you to realize how laughable that was, but you still cant accept that failure. Keep your shirt on and let the man do his thing.

All they have to do right now is just be better than Lou Williams. My point is this. Where do you think Star players come from? Paul George... didn't look like much coming out of college. Look at him now. Neither did his Center. Look at him now. Neither did Harden.... Look at him now. My point is this... Basketball is an individual sport.. masquerading as a team sport. However, you have to have individual talent to be good in the NBA. We had the opportunity to get a chance to get individual talent. We seemed to have mucked it up for a few days in the sun.

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It's hard to judge at this point. Starting a competitive rebuild and then losing your best player for the season is an extremely unfortunate situation. Just like tanking and ending up with another Marvin Williams would have been (though that would be much worse). This is far from an exact science and you need a lot of luck with whichever direction you choose.

Edited by High5
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I'm just going to say it.

I remember having Bobby Sura and his triple doubles cost us a shot at D12.

For the moment, being competitive makes you feel good... until you get 4-0d by Lebron and then you realize that you could have had a shot at a difference maker.

This is my view as well.

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For those waiting for this off season, just what are you expecting?

Draft at least one guy who can make the team and contribute, bring bebe over next year, make some trades to bring in another quality starter either at center or wing.

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We shall forever be at odds on that one bruh.

It is a team sport but requires elite talent to have a good shot at a ring. Your 1 time Pistons being the exception (Billuos et al not Isiah).

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I'm gonna say it's questionable and Diesel hit the nail on the head. Winning makes you feel good in the present. I hate to use this analogy, but it's like....getting drunk and hooking up with someone out of desperation. It's all fun and games until the morning after... When people "wake up" from these fun and games in a few years, they'll question what we actually got out of it (most won't remember like they don't remember 2004).

The only thing that saves this plan from being stupid is the fact that ANYTHING can happen. We could take a chance and overpay for a young stud that wants out (similar to JJ) and he could blossom. We could do that and then draft a very good 2.5/3rd option type of guy in the late 1st round and build a really solid team. We might be able to keep Horf and Sap...anything could happen to put into contention. The odds say we'll max out at 45-50 wins and be a 2nd round team.

Because some team ****IS**** going to draft the next star, they will attract other stars...and they will put us out of the playoffs. That's what tends to happen to us.

People really go on about how long bad teams stay bad and how draft picks turn out to be busts...but that's irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, the elite players lead teams to the conference finals and there are only three ways to acquire them.

Blockbuster trade - which we don't have the assets to pull off

Marquee free agency - which we suck at

Draft Lottery (picks 1-14) - which we will not partake in

That's it people. CONTENDERS have elite talent. There are no other ways to acquire elite talent and accordingly, there is no other way to build a CONTENDER. There are many ways to get talent and they are all pretty damn easy. There are only a FEW ways to get elite talent and each way is HARD. It's not really that hard to figure out...if you're honest about it.

We are not going to draft an elite player with a late 1st rounder. We are not going to trade for an elite player for any combination of average players. Danny Ferry will be hoping for a free agent to fall in our laps the same way lottery teams are hoping for a star - and that is a questionable strategy. If we were rebuilding, at least we would have lottery assets to deal.

Staying competitive? we aren't guaranteed anything...except a low seeded playoff spot IF we continue to stack decent talent at competitive salaries. We have seen this before. Many times. We know how it is likely to turn out.

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For those waiting for this off season, just what are you expecting?

Some semblance of a clear direction to title contention rather than what many suspect will be another round of bargain veteran additions to keep the Hawks "competitive".
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Competitive rebuild... If that isn't an oxymoron, I don't know what is. Sounds like straddling the fence and a plan for more mediocrity. It's not like we are Dallas with Dirk or LA with Kobe and can just reload every year. We have to build a team from the ground up. I have faith in Ferry, but if this offseason doesn't give me a good feeling, my faith is going to start waning.

The plan right now is to stay as attractive a destination as possible and to draft well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm just going to say it.

I remember having Bobby Sura and his triple doubles cost us a shot at D12.

For the moment, being competitive makes you feel good... until you get 4-0d by Lebron and then you realize that you could have had a shot at a difference maker.

I had a dream...

That we drafted Dwight... and that he left for the Lakers, just like he did to Orlando... Leaving them with zero championships in the DH era...

Tell me, why would it have been any different if he was drafted by the Hawks? would the Hawks be NBA Champions? IIRC Dwight took Orlando to the Finals and bolted afterwards, so probably going to the Finals wouldn't be enough to keep him.

Tanking is silly, as even if we had landed a superstar, he would probably go away before winning a championship.

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