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Game 2 was lost by self destruction of the team and coach!


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I re watched the 3rd quarter THREE TIMES NOW and that's where the hell started......

-hawks made dumb fouls on the defense from being over aggressive (mainly sap and korver)

-Teague was playing well then come 3rd quarter the offense stopped setting screens for him! In other words if you think Paul George locked him down you did NOT watch the game!

-hawks offense execution self destructed on rushed shots when we still had plenty of time on the shot clock, and air balls on uncontested shots!

-hawks lost badly on the boards in 3rd

-hawks committed so many dumb fouls it put Indiana in the bonus.

........And even after ALL those errors the hawks were still down ONLY 5 when bud took out our two best players sap and Teague out which brings us to our coaching error....

-bud left that bench in there waaaaay too long. That 3 point lead the pacers had was a 3 Point lead for a while. As soon as the bench came in the uncontested air balls started and the rush shots started and the lead went from 5 to 9 to 14 in a heartbeat!

-then bud tries to throw sap back in the game with 1 minute left but the game is out of hand in this 3rd quarter.

14 point lead going into the 4th and bud still has Teague on the bench. ( TEAGUE DID NOT GET SHUTDOWN.....don't let the media fool you)

All in all this game was coach error, too aggressive with the reaching on defense which help put them in the bonus, and a bench that was a nervous wreck missing all the open shots when we needed them. PLEASE I BEG YOU REWATCH THE 3RD QUARTER IT WAS NOT THE PACERS DEFENSE, IT WAS A HAWKS TEAM THAT SELF DESTRUCTED OUT OF NO WHERE.

I will give the pacers props and say that they really balled on the offense end but when webber said "these are the pacers we know"....that's is clearly a lie. The good thing is that this hawk team plays better at home and I think they can protect their home floor.

Go Hawks!

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On top of what I said listen to sap and Teague post game interview.....and I quote myself "it was not the pacers defense"

Jeff and sap explains how open shots were missed and when the shots stop falling it was harder for them to play defense! Again pacers defense was non effective for the majority of that 3rd quarter.



As a hawk fan I'm still not convinced. Yeah we live by the 3 but the pacers offense usually don't go off like that too often.

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It was Paul George and the fact they are just more talented than us. There's a reason why they are a #1 seed. They're very good when they play. They've struggled recently, I get it, but the season is a marathon, and they earned what they've gotten. I'm glad we we're able to steal a game....Now let's see what we do at home.

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Buckeye, I have to disagree with that assessment. They are more talented... yes.. but that's not what lost the third. The third was just dumb coaching. Teague and Sap were not that tired. Bud just put his trust in Scott, Lou, and Mack... and it proved to be a mistake. Those guys are not ready for this kind of competition for long stretches without an anchor. I agree with JTB, we went from playing team offense to just hoisting up shots. That's the ingredients of losing. This Indy team is made for us to beat them. When losing, George needed us to talk him up. Don't talk.... Play the offensive game that got us here and we will be 3-1 by Monday.

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They certainly played better but, as @JTB mentions, we had a hand in that. Indiana is a talented team but are fragile (pronounced fra-gee-lay) mentally.

I heard quotes from Hibbert (who talks too much) saying someone (Teague) was jawing at George which "awoke a sleeping giant" or STTE. Nah, sitting Teague/Millsaps (lol) for too long and allowing Indiana's starters extended minutes vs our bench allowed Indy to get into a rhythm.

As an aside, was that 3rd quarter a moment of Budz learning how to coach in the playoffs or does he have an ulterior motive that I'm not seeing?

I think you are on to something. That looked like a Coach Pop move. It was like he was thinking this game is not going our way. Let me get the young guys sometime and get ready for homecourt.

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-hawks offense execution self destructed on rushed shots when we still had plenty of time on the shot clock, and air balls on uncontested shots!

I thought they were rushing a lot of their shots in the first half as well but at least they were falling.

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I watched the 3rd quarter again myself. Indiana picked up the intensity at both ends of the court in the 3rd and the Hawks just stood around. Teague has to be the aggressor and he did not do that. When Indiana got really aggressive the Hawks could not handle it. The Hawks did not go inside and its a situation when you live by the jumper you die by the jumper.

When the Hawks shots are not falling they are in deep trouble and the reason why they will not win the series unless Indiana decides not to play any defense imo.

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I watched the 3rd quarter again myself. Indiana picked up the intensity at both ends of the court in the 3rd and the Hawks just stood around. Teague has to be the aggressor and he did not do that. When Indiana got really aggressive the Hawks could not handle it. The Hawks did not go inside and its a situation when you live by the jumper you die by the jumper.

When the Hawks shots are not falling they are in deep trouble and the reason why they will not win the series unless Indiana decides not to play any defense imo.

Where are you guys getting this from?!

3rd quarter the pacers defense did NOT turn up. How can you say their defense turned up when the hawks had multiple open looks?!

I know for a fact that the pacers defense did not disrupt this hawks team! As far as I'm concerned the hawks got the looks they wanted just didn't hit them....it happens.

Bud got out coached cause he played the bench to long. Lol you guys are hilarious, let's just face facts here. I understand pacers have the number 1 defense but it hasn't shown yet.

We get those same open looks game 3 and knock them down EVERYBODY will start doubting the pacers again.

Pacers won game 2 because of a very very good offense performance and being in the bonus.

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It was Paul George and the fact they are just more talented than us. There's a reason why they are a #1 seed. They're very good when they play. They've struggled recently, I get it, but the season is a marathon, and they earned what they've gotten. I'm glad we we're able to steal a game....Now let's see what we do at home.

George was the man on offense yes!....defense? No....AGAIN George did NOT shut down Teague nor did any of the pacers.

Go back and rewatch the 3rd quarter.

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I think we need to remind ourselves that we split with them and we got HCA for the moment. Plus they don't play in Phillips too well so it is best to get the young guys some experience in this type of atmosphere. We all need to remind even know that Coach Bud has been with Coach Pop for many many years, this is the first time to be in the position as Head Coach and he will make mistakes and learn from them.

Besides we are playing with House Money.

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Indiana was not aggressive in the first half..............in the second half they were all over the Hawks, slapping balls away and rebounding most of the shots that were not falling. The Hawks made terrible passes in the second half and say what you will the Pacers took control of the game and the score shows it. They were outscored in the 3rd quarter like 30-13.

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Buckeye, I have to disagree with that assessment. They are more talented... yes.. but that's not what lost the third. The third was just dumb coaching. Teague and Sap were not that tired. Bud just put his trust in Scott, Lou, and Mack... and it proved to be a mistake. Those guys are not ready for this kind of competition for long stretches without an anchor. I agree with JTB, we went from playing team offense to just hoisting up shots. That's the ingredients of losing. This Indy team is made for us to beat them. When losing, George needed us to talk him up. Don't talk.... Play the offensive game that got us here and we will be 3-1 by Monday.

That's a fair argument and I agree for the most part. I was a bit confused about Bud's choices last night and the decisions he made...seemed a little out of characteristic to me. But I will say, the best player on the floor last night was George, and we weren't stopping him, even if our sub patterns were better....

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Indiana was not aggressive in the first half..............in the second half they were all over the Hawks, slapping balls away and rebounding most of the shots that were not falling. The Hawks made terrible passes in the second half and say what you will the Pacers took control of the game and the score shows it. They were outscored in the 3rd quarter like 30-13.

We are going to just have to agree to disagree. Pacers had two steals but the rest of the hawk turnovers were from air balls and other plain dumb mistakes.

We put them on the live because of slapping them on defense instead of actually trying to defend.

George was just a flat out beast on offense but even then we were still in the game.

Pacers offensive spurt was unlikely because a usual pacers team don't play that well bad that efficient for that long. I'm not trying to dis credit this team all I'm saying is that there so called defensive identity was not the reason we lost game two.

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Where are you guys getting this from?!

3rd quarter the pacers defense did NOT turn up. How can you say their defense turned up when the hawks had multiple open looks?!

I know for a fact that the pacers defense did not disrupt this hawks team! As far as I'm concerned the hawks got the looks they wanted just didn't hit them....it happens.

Bud got out coached cause he played the bench to long. Lol you guys are hilarious, let's just face facts here. I understand pacers have the number 1 defense but it hasn't shown yet.

We get those same open looks game 3 and knock them down EVERYBODY will start doubting the pacers again.

Pacers won game 2 because of a very very good offense performance and being in the bonus.

That was another quiet shot at Teague. He said " Indiana picked up the intensity at both ends of the court in the 3rd and the Hawks just stood around. Teague has to be the aggressor and he did not do that. " Teague can't be the aggressor if he's watching Lou and Mack f it up!

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Indiana was not aggressive in the first half..............in the second half they were all over the Hawks, slapping balls away and rebounding most of the shots that were not falling. The Hawks made terrible passes in the second half and say what you will the Pacers took control of the game and the score shows it. They were outscored in the 3rd quarter like 30-13.

But did you watch the game?

Don't look at the score or stats, watch the damn game. You'll see we had it under control until Bud left Teague on the bench too long. Our inside play dissolved because the refs left their Pacers whistles in the lockerroom. I'm seeing Brand getting Killed, Mack getting Fouled on drives, West jumping in with all body, fouling and tying up Somebody for a Jumpball. Then the ref throwing the ball right at West? The Memo came down that the league didn't want us going up 2 on the Pacers and Bud fell right in line by leaving our best player on the bench and not calling one TO during a third qtr run that decided the game.

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That was another quiet shot at Teague. He said " Indiana picked up the intensity at both ends of the court in the 3rd and the Hawks just stood around. Teague has to be the aggressor and he did not do that. " Teague can't be the aggressor if he's watching Lou and Mack f it up!

But he also said at the end of the day we just missed open shots. See the point is that the offense scheme worked the hawks just didn't finish the plays. Also in my opinion in the 2nd half bud obviously wanted to go to sap more.

I have to defend Teague right here because it's the right thing to do.....Teague was just running the offense scheme or whatever play that was called. He wasn't shying away from the defense because it was the same as the first half but second half the open shots we got were missed.

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I cringe anytime the bench comes in. I will give Lou props for giving us offense in the second quarter. How about anyone wanting to try and guard Scola? That was killer as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I cringe anytime the bench comes in. I will give Lou props for giving us offense in the second quarter. How about anyone wanting to try and guard Scola? That was killer as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Agreed its like they forgot he could score but what's really bad about it if you go back and rewatch the game scola had way too many uncontested shots. The hawks really folded on the defense end.

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