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I am boycotting the NBA Playoffs until Donald Sterling is removed from the NBA completely


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Like the NBA is going to make a move based on one message board poster not watching TV.

Maybe not by 1 . . . but a few million would do the trick, since everything is about TV ratings these days.

Instead of him not watching the Hawks or any of the other playoff team, how about not watching the Clippers when they're on TV? You affect their TV ratings number, and maybe the league ( and the networks especially ) would take notice at that.

The league will do something significant to Sterling. Whether it be a big fine, trying to force him to step down or sell the team, or even franchise penalty like taking away a 1st or 2nd round pick. They'll be under pressure to do something big. If they don't, that's when you'll see a big backlash.

I remember the Marge Schott drama in Cincinnati, when she called her black players "million dollar n-ggers". She and her camp tried to shine it up, and said that she called them "million dollar babies". But even then, she really didn't get in real trouble, until she said some things supporting Hitler.

She was a terrible owner as well.

So instead of the knee-jerk reaction to Sterling, let's see what the league does. People hate when Jesse Jackson gets involved in anything, because the spotlight gets turned up 1,000,000 watts when he does or says something about an issue. Trust and believe that the national media will be all over this on Monday, and the story will really blow up.

The NBA isn't stupid. No way they'll let Sterling get away without doing something significant to him.

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Good grief, people get so butt hurt over what is said these days. He's no different than Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the national nazi party that marched through Chattanooga today. We've become a society that allows every kind of kooky thought today and this is the kind of stuff you get with this type if society.

LMAO @ trying to compare all 3 of those groups/people together.

Jesse and Al doesn't speak for all Black people. And they don't actively speak against white people either. What they DO do, is speak against perceived discrimination against Black people, or put themselves in the middle of controversial racial situations. People just hate those two, because they turn the media attention on a situation way up.

This isn't simply a situation of somebody just saying something. This is an owner of an NBA franchise flat out saying that he doesn't want ( or would prefer not to ) have Black people at his basketball games. Especially if they're friends with his little playtoy, while cheating on his wife.

You don't let people in positions of power to just say anything they want, especially when it comes to possible discrimination. The only thing worse than being "butt-hurt" over what people say . . . is allowing people to say anything they want without any repercussions.

People have the 1st amendment right to say what they want. But we also have the 1st amendment right to call their azzes out on it, and take action if need be.

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African-Americans can make remarks about whites with impunity, yet if a white makes a remark about black people they are condemned as hateful bigots. Enough of this reverse racist nonsense. You can't judge someone based on remarks off the record. If i catch you calling a woman a b$#ch does that mean you are sexist and hate woman? According to the current logic on fairly judging racism then the answer is yes, even though it is utter nonsense.

Can you name some instances in which an African-American in power, has made a remark about whites, and not been called out on it?

Here's a news flash. If a white person says a remark about a Black person, he/she probably IS a bigot. If a black person says a negative remark about a white person, he/she probably IS a bigot.

If you're calling a woman a b-tch, you probably don't think highly of women.

Most of us in the real world aren't going around calling other people names. So why turn a blind eye to those that do? Especially if they are in a position of power? When you turn a blind eye to it, that's worse than calling them out on it. It'll be like watching your friend drink himself to death, but denying that he's an alcoholic.

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LMAO @ trying to compare all 3 of those groups/people together.

Jesse and Al doesn't speak for all Black people. And they don't actively speak against white people either. What they DO do, is speak against perceived discrimination against Black people, or put themselves in the middle of controversial racial situations. People just hate those two, because they turn the media attention on a situation way up.

This isn't simply a situation of somebody just saying something. This is an owner of an NBA franchise flat out saying that he doesn't want ( or would prefer not to ) have Black people at his basketball games. Especially if they're friends with his little playtoy, while cheating on his wife.

You don't let people in positions of power to just say anything they want, especially when it comes to possible discrimination. The only thing worse than being "butt-hurt" over what people say . . . is allowing people to say anything they want without any repercussions.

People have the 1st amendment right to say what they want. But we also have the 1st amendment right to call their azzes out on it, and take action if need be.

Exactly. I don't know what people think Jesse and Al speak for all black people
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LMAO @ trying to compare all 3 of those groups/people together.

Jesse and Al doesn't speak for all Black people. And they don't actively speak against white people either. What they DO do, is speak against perceived discrimination against Black people, or put themselves in the middle of controversial racial situations. People just hate those two, because they turn the media attention on a situation way up.

This isn't simply a situation of somebody just saying something. This is an owner of an NBA franchise flat out saying that he doesn't want ( or would prefer not to ) have Black people at his basketball games. Especially if they're friends with his little playtoy, while cheating on his wife.

You don't let people in positions of power to just say anything they want, especially when it comes to possible discrimination. The only thing worse than being "butt-hurt" over what people say . . . is allowing people to say anything they want without any repercussions.

People have the 1st amendment right to say what they want. But we also have the 1st amendment right to call their azzes out on it, and take action if need be.

If you don't think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton don't speak against white people and use that for financial gain your not listening. I agree that they don't represent all black people, but they are never stopped. People speaking based on skin color is just ignorant, but you know what both sides are in fact allowed to voice their opinion. I've heard Charles Barkley talked out agains white folks on a TNT broadcast and he is ignorant, but he has chosen to make those comments because there are no consequences. Sterling is ignorant, but to lambast him while others do the same without being called out is equally ignorant.

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If you don't think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton don't speak against white people and use that for financial gain your not listening. I agree that they don't represent all black people, but they are never stopped. People speaking based on skin color is just ignorant, but you know what both sides are in fact allowed to voice their opinion. I've heard Charles Barkley talked out agains white folks on a TNT broadcast and he is ignorant, but he has chosen to make those comments because there are no consequences. Sterling is ignorant, but to lambast him while others do the same without being called out is equally ignorant.

Vol . . name an instance in which Jesse, Al, or even Barkley has said something against white people, without talking about a bigger issue as a whole.

Jesse and Al were all over the Don Imus comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team a few years back. People thought Imus had the right to say whatever he wanted . . . even if it's calling a bunch of Black women college players 18 - 22 years old . . "nappy headed hoes".

If Imus wanted to call a bunch of black girls that have done nothing to him some "nappy headed hoes", that's fine. That's his 1st Amendment right. But when he does that, I don't want to see him crying when there is a big time backlash against what he said.

Of course Jesse and Al speak against things for financial gain. But they don't speak against white people in GENERAL. They speak against the "system", which just happens to be ran by White people, for the most part.

If a black kid gets killed by a wannabe neighborhood watch guy, they're going to speak on it. If a Black man gets dragged behind a truck by a bunch of white guys, they're going to speak out about it. If a very popular White radio personality calls a bunch of Black college girls some "nappy headed hoes", they're going to speak out about it.

Jesse and Al come from the Civil Rights Era. They've fought against systematic racism or perceived discrimination most of their lives. They have never came out and said . . "all white people are bad and evil". It's just that some white people hate when they come on the scene and blows up a story in the media.

And when Jesse has said something out of pocket . . he's been called out on it. Back in 1984, he called New York City "Himeytown" . . . referring to all of the Jews in the city. He supposedly said that "off the record", but it got out. He got ripped to shreds for that comment.

Then a few years ago, he said that he wanted to "cut Obama's nuts off". This was after one of Obama's speeches on the responsibility of Black men. That was caught on camera, but off the record. He got ripped to shreds for that too.

We're living in a world in which information is instantly obtained. So when you say or do something stupid ( like Michael Vick fighting dogs . . or Riley Cooper saying "I'll fight every n-igger here" at a country concert ), people are not going to let you get away with it or even let you live it down.

But one again, Sterling isn't just a player, he's an owner in a position of great power. He has the power to hire and fire people. And if he has a pattern of discrimination ( which he does ), people will call him out on it.

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African-Americans can make remarks about whites with impunity, yet if a white makes a remark about black people they are condemned as hateful bigots. Enough of this reverse racist nonsense. You can't judge someone based on remarks off the record. If i catch you calling a woman a b$#ch does that mean you are sexist and hate woman? According to the current logic on fairly judging racism then the answer is yes, even though it is utter nonsense.

If this proves out to be true, Sterling is done in the NBA. Remarks like these at any management level cannot be tolerated. To answer your question, it may not be sexist but it would be considered highly inappropriate at any professional level.

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Haven't read the whole topic. But my five cents about the topic are: boycotting the nba dosn't change anything.

Nobody will take care about some people not watching tv or some empty seats. If you want to send a message you have to go out and show it.

So it would help a lot more to go to the games waering a "no racism" shirt.

If you want to multiply your message print it on 20 additional shirts and give them to other fans in the arena.

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I don't see boycotting the NBA as a solution right now. Boycotting the Clippers maybe. I myself will wait and see how things go after the NBA has finished its investigation.

My thinking is this, I would not boycott GM, Ford, or Chrysler because of the comments of a plant VIP; but I would expect him/her to be replaced. Sterling is not the CEO of the NBA; but he is the CEO of one team ( location ). Lets see where the chips fall. I have a feeling this VIP will be replaced.....

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The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him.” – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan

The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” – Barack Obama

I get to) kill all the white people… How great is that?” – Jamie Foxx discussing his Django Unchanged role

Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” – Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” – Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ

There is a couple Northcyde.

I'm done with this silliness, there is unlimited racist remarks from all people, back to the Hawks.

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Im fascinated to see how this plays out.

Everyone is tslking boycott, but are players going to turn down lucrative offers in a great market because of a racist owner? I seriously doubt it

I think boycotting is a silly idea anyways. It's not like players are out there playing for the owners of their team. They play because they love the game, for their teammates, coaches, and fans. By boycotting, they'll just be screwing those people over.

The really odd thing to me is if you are truly racist, why own a basketball team, of all the sports? And why date a half black girl?

I'm more concerned about the amount of flipping from the clippers.

Edited by ag82
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The Clipper players and coaches have a legit right to boycott playing for the team until Sterling is removed. I hope he gets the Marge Schott treatment. But I'm not boycotting the NBA as a whole because of it.

Then they shouldn't receive a paycheck either. They wanna throw a fit and be all up in arms about something that hasn't been proven fact.

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Anyone that thinks basketball is more important than this issue has their head so far up their butt. This reminds me of the Saints situation. Their players and coaches conspired to injure other players deliberately. They should have been brought up on charges. It was not an issue for the NFL to judge. there are laws against these behaviors and major league sports is NOT above these laws.

These corporations (NBA) are in a position of great power and influence and should be held to the highest standard, not by themselves, but by society.

Any Clips player that plays for the man is basically condoning his behavior. A job is never a reason to tolerate what is wrong. There is so much wrong and the only solution is to NOT accept it. To do whatever it takes to go in a better direction.

That we live in a society with so many problems and to see so many people more interested in their distractions than doing better doesn't leave much room for optimism.

Are you a racist? Do you discriminate? Do you take advantage of inequality?

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The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him.” – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan

The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” – Barack Obama

I get to) kill all the white people… How great is that?” – Jamie Foxx discussing his Django Unchanged role

Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” – Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” – Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ

There is a couple Northcyde.

I'm done with this silliness, there is unlimited racist remarks from all people, back to the Hawks.


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LMAO @ trying to compare all 3 of those groups/people together.

Jesse and Al doesn't speak for all Black people. And they don't actively speak against white people either. What they DO do, is speak against perceived discrimination against Black people, or put themselves in the middle of controversial racial situations. People just hate those two, because they turn the media attention on a situation way up.

This isn't simply a situation of somebody just saying something. This is an owner of an NBA franchise flat out saying that he doesn't want ( or would prefer not to ) have Black people at his basketball games. Especially if they're friends with his little playtoy, while cheating on his wife.

You don't let people in positions of power to just say anything they want, especially when it comes to possible discrimination. The only thing worse than being "butt-hurt" over what people say . . . is allowing people to say anything they want without any repercussions.

People have the 1st amendment right to say what they want. But we also have the 1st amendment right to call their azzes out on it, and take action if need be.

Jesse and Al don't care about racism. They care about money. They use the controversial stuff to shake people down.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Im fascinated to see how this plays out.

Everyone is tslking boycott, but are players going to turn down lucrative offers in a great market because of a racist owner? I seriously doubt it

I think boycotting is a silly idea anyways. It's not like players are out there playing for the owners of their team. They play because they love the game, for their teammates, coaches, and fans. By boycotting, they'll just be screwing those people over.

The really odd thing to me is if you are truly racist, why own a basketball team, of all the sports? And why date a half black girl?

I'm more concerned about the amount of flipping from the clippers.

Well amongst players you don't want to be the one that "sells out" by signing with that franchise as it could hurt your personal relationships. If there is a large enough public outcry signing with the Clippers may also hurt your professional relationships outside of your contract as it could be difficult for other companies to sign you to endorsement deals due to the negative attention that would come along with it.

As for his owning a basketball team, well David West said it best that it's a plantation mentality. Believing a race to be lesser than you doesn't mean you are beyond exploiting them or sleeping with them as long as it furthers your own goals and desires. In fact you may actually relish the dynamic of being an "owner" and psychological advantage you have over someone being nearly 60 years your junior. His girlfriend is also very much light skinned and her features could be construed as "exotic" but let's not forget that the context of this whole recording is over her posting a picture of herself with a black man. That seems to break the whole facade for Sterling as she's openly associating with members of her race thus removing doubts as to her ethnicity. The fact that Magic Johnson, a well respected and successful team owner himself, businessman, and entrepeneur elicited such a response from Sterling is the most telling. He can f*** em, "feed" em and "house" em but he won't accept them as equals.

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The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him.” – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan

The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” – Barack Obama

I get to) kill all the white people… How great is that?” – Jamie Foxx discussing his Django Unchanged role

Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” – Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” – Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ

There is a couple Northcyde.

I'm done with this silliness, there is unlimited racist remarks from all people, back to the Hawks.

Thank you. Point well taken. If you reversed the races in those quotes there would be outrage, but since it's blacks just talking about whites everyone just shrugs their shoulders. It's a blatant double standard. It's reverse racism. And the search for "racists" by looking for any remarks recorded off the record is almost akin to a modern day McCarthyism.

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