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I am boycotting the NBA Playoffs until Donald Sterling is removed from the NBA completely


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This is getting childish. What Sterling said wasn't right and there will be consequences if it is proven to be him. A successful athlete, businessman, and fellow pro-team owner is thought of being a lesser man by the color of his skin and not the content of his character. Who cares about Charles Barkley, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. Two wrongs don't make anything right. Defending Sterling by saying well black people say offensive stuff too so I guess its ok is lacking in logic and mental maturity. If that is Sterling in those recordings, I imagine he will face pressure to sell the team one way or the other. Either the players, coaches, or fans will probably boycott the Clippers this next season unless he is replaced.

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The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him.” – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan

The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” – Barack Obama

I get to) kill all the white people… How great is that?” – Jamie Foxx discussing his Django Unchanged role

Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” – Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” – Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ

There is a couple Northcyde.

I'm done with this silliness, there is unlimited racist remarks from all people, back to the Hawks.

Farrakhan's statement - definitely . . . and he got called out big time for it. Even Black people don't mess with Farrakhan and thinks he's too far out there.

Obama's statement - . . . . and here's the rest of that quote: . . . . who, you know, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, there is a reaction that has been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way.” He's actually defending how and why his grandmother may react the way she did toward Black people, despite not being racist ( in his eyes ).

Foxx's statement - a joke . . . that he got BLASTED for.

Berry' statement - well . . . this is true you know. It may not be cool in today's age to say, but it is true.

Civil Rights laws were intended to protect the rights of minorities and women, because during that time, white men were by far the vast majority in power. They actually made laws to suppress minority and women's rights, from voting, to eating with other whites at restaurants, to even drinking out of water fountains and using the same bathrooms.

Sharpton's statement - He actuallly got more in trouble for the "homo" part of that quote, than what he said about Whites in general. Once again, he didn't get off scot free for those comments.

I'll back out of this thread and just see how this plays out. The national media will have a field day with this in the morning, and we'll see what Silver does as far as punishment.

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Jesse and Al don't care about racism. They care about money. They use the controversial stuff to shake people down.

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Both have been fighting racism and discrimination since the 1960s. Their legacy is undeniable.

In today's world though, they definitely use racial controversy to their financial advantage. That still doesn't make the work that they do in fighting against discrimination less important.

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Wealth only comes from two things; the exploitation of natural resources or the exploitation of human resources. Seeking financial advantage implies taking more than ones share, leaving another with less than their share. 1=1. If one takes more than one, the other is left with less than one. It's economical inequality which becomes social inequality. Once someone takes more than their share, they enter a position of power that perpetuates their ability to continue to take more than their share.

Discrimination is unavoidable. To express a choice through preference is to discriminate against the other choices. Discrimination will always exist, it's unavoidable. Social inequality is the real issue. A man like Sterling usually starts out with a defined social advantage (perpetuated by his predecessors exploitation) and then uses that social advantage to exploit more. That people exploit these"resources" with contempt is basic psychology. It's much easier to screw someone for whom you have contempt.

The only solution to these problems is social equality. It is supposed to exist. the idea that all men are created equal and should have equal opportunity is the basis for any "society".

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Both have been fighting racism and discrimination since the 1960s. Their legacy is undeniable.

In today's world though, they definitely use racial controversy to their financial advantage. That still doesn't make the work that they do in fighting against discrimination less important.

Jesse was really fighting racism when he called New York "Hymie Town".

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I just heard the whole thing and that was worse than I thought. I really don't know what the league can do to him because there isn't a long enough suspension or big enough fine they can dish out that will suffice. I'm just glad that it didn't involve our team.

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There are a ton of good reasons to get rid of Sterling - his racism chief among them. While I think the media sometimes cares more about what someone says than what they do (ie worse to be a racist in word than deed), Sterling has a long record of both so the reverse race issue doesn't engage me here. I won't boycott the NBA before they have had a chance to act and this will take time. I will be rooting for Sterling to get the boot and for the Hawks in Game 5.

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Exactly. I don't know what people think Jesse and Al speak for all black people

I don't think that, but I do believe that when Jesse and Al act like they do represent the entire black population, that it's going to cause some to believe that.

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I am interested to see how this all plays out as I read something today that the gf is just looking to get paid and has a lot more ammo to use but she's willing to keep quiet about it if she gets a fat check. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she really does have tapes like that but in this day and age you never know as it's very easy to doctor an audio recording and have most people believe it's real. As @AHF said there are many reasons to get rid of Sterling as an owner, but for me I'd like to see this play out first to see who's actually guilty of what.

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It took years for Marge Schott to go and even when she did it was on her terms to sell out to the other owners.

Anyone who thinks this maniac is going to go quietly is kidding themselves. The NBA doesn't have a whole lot of power here as far as his ownership goes.

Edited by Duff_Man
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I fail to see how any reasonable person can listen to that audio and blame the NBA as whole. How does one come to this conclusion just because they have an bigoted creep among them? Also please tell me how punishing the NBA and its majority of black athletes is justified?

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Damn this story is crazy. Not that this is the important part but could Chris Paul's career be any more screwed up. The dude cannot catch a break as far as playing for a stable franchise. The millions of dollars help but man...

CP3 to the heat. Got dear friend Lebron there to back him up

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There are a ton of good reasons to get rid of Sterling - his racism chief among them. While I think the media sometimes cares more about what someone says than what they do (ie worse to be a racist in word than deed), Sterling has a long record of both so the reverse race issue doesn't engage me here. I won't boycott the NBA before they have had a chance to act and this will take time. I will be rooting for Sterling to get the boot and for the Hawks in Game 5.

You have to think that the rest of the owners and powers that be know who he is. He's a club owner and from what I hear it's an exclusive club with entrance only upon approval. Maybe the NBA has been condoning this kind of sentiment (that becomes behavior) for a long time....

Just remember for every buck they pay an athlete, they rake in A LOT MORE.

Now that this is out in the open and if it's proven authentic, you'd have to think that there would be some legal issues involved. IF true. I hope so. If laws have been broken, it's not only up to the NBA

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Well amongst players you don't want to be the one that "sells out" by signing with that franchise as it could hurt your personal relationships.

This was my very first thought. Before resigning with the Clipps, Chris Paul allegedly made it a requirement that the Clipps hire a black coach, a point discussed thoroughly on this board. Can you imagine Chris Paul's mind exploding after this comment? I signed to play for "who"? Yah...no Melo for them in the off-season....no LeBron...no anybody good until the douchebag is gone.

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One additional thought. California is a duel consent state for recording. I'm just waiting for the legal mercenaries trying to turn this into a legal issue related to who taped Sterling. Legally, I'm not sure the replays of the tape are protected or not.....could use a legal opinion on that. This is going to get messy in more ways than one. I hope today's rumors that Magic Johnson would be open to buying the team are true. It would help this go away much faster.

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