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I am boycotting the NBA Playoffs until Donald Sterling is removed from the NBA completely


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She claims that he asked her to record the tapes because he forgets what he says.

She was his archivist. Seems he employed her to make the recordings, making them his property. Therefore it is stolen property and the stations airing it are airing stolen property. It will never get that far but copyright is a nasty business. Technically, those are his private thoughts and only he had authority to air them. Just a strange, odd angle to it.

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Doc just pumped his fist on the sideline in response to a Sterling comment I'm sure.

This may be indeed the first case of multi millionaires being "oppressed."

Doc I don't feel your "pain"

Sterling is a dickhead and he lives a life nobody here can perceive. Got a wife but I have an open affair with a chick 40 years younger.

Sterling was and is out of control. He got what was coming to him.

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Kg he is a NBA executive...........I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

It sure looks like this entire you've been trying excuse Sterling's actions. This is different from most of your examples because Sterling is the public face of a very large and popular business entity (Clippers) and because he has had an history of discrimination. Words don't have as much power until you realize the man has the ability to negatively affect those of whom he thinks are beneath him.
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LJ is as much an "executive" with the Knicks as Cal Bowdler is in charge of the marketing department of the Hawks. His comment may reflect poorly on the organization but it's a bit of a stretch to equate a 30 character tweet that could easily also be interpreted as a call for greater representation of blacks in actual positions of power throughout a league with a 20 minute recorded tirade from an actual person in power who makes it's rather clear what his thoughts are of blacks within the social hierarchy.

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LJ is as much an "executive" with the Knicks as Cal Bowdler is in charge of the marketing department of the Hawks. His comment may reflect poorly on the organization but it's a bit of a stretch to equate a 30 character tweet that could easily also be interpreted as a call for greater representation of blacks in actual positions of power throughout a league with a 20 minute recorded tirade from an actual person in power who makes it's rather clear what his thoughts are of blacks within the social hierarchy.

I agree and you are correct, but where EXACTLY that line is drawn is the question.

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smh @northcyde, you do know what racism/systematic white supremacy is?

It's not name calling or any nonsense like that. It's the ability to feel you are superior and affect someone's livelyhood like Sterling has done.

It is extremely rare if even possible you will fine a Black man or woman who is racist. A bigot? Anyone can be a bigot. Prejudice? Anyone can be prejudice. But racist or someone who pretakes in systematic white supremacy? It's damn near impossible to find a black man or woman who has that power and can use it for supremacy purposes.

I don't know why you're SYH at me. I told you that the league would do something significant to Sterling.

And I know exactly what systematic racism is. You don't fight systematic racism by stating that you're boycotting the playoffs. You do it by actively trying to expose those

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I agree and you are correct, but where EXACTLY that line is drawn is the question.

The line should be drawn at people stopping themselves from attempting to equate what some random schlub in the street saying something stupid to a person in a position of power saying something stupid. All of this attempting to excuse Sterling's behavior or playing devil's advocate for the sake of it by digging up a bunch of random tidbits and misinterpreted or out of context quotes from a whole medley of people from the equivalent of Leon Trotsky to a comedian in a movie that uses the N-word 115 times over decades long spans is ridiculous. I assure you, Sterling is not the one for you to, pun intended, white knight for. He's not the one to go to bat for. He's not the one for you to decide it's a great opportunity to bring up your thesis on reverse racial inequality over because you are missing the mark by a wide margin in an attempt to prove perceived hypocrisy.

The fry cook at Chick-Fil-A can say he hates all **** and it's wrong and he should get called out on it but does it matter? His personal beliefs and opinions are not representative of Chick-Fil-A, he's not necessarily creating a hostile work environment for his coworkers nor making customers question what exactly they are funding with their money. Now the president or CEO can come out and says he hates **** but in a more eloquent manner and that is an issue to give a much larger proportion of attention to because he's in an actual position where his personal beliefs can effect company wide policy from everything to hiring practices, the work environment, who they sell franchises to, their marketing, and even their charitable and political contributions.

To put it simply a man can say he wants to kill me and I can ignore him but if a man with a gun says he wants to kill me don't you think that deserves just tad bit more attention? You're not a hypocrite for not holding every dirty look or muttered curse to the same degree as someone actually threatening physical harm on you. You have an individual in Sterling make remarks to specifically wanting to discriminate blacks from attending his games or being loosely associated with him, he makes remarks towards his players as though he is some benevolent benefactor to them by "housing, feeding and clothing" them rather than considering them as salaried employees and he has a long and well documented legal history of actually expressing his discriminatory beliefs through his other business practices. I'm sorry but it should be rather obvious where the line should be drawn.

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I like Jason Whitlock's article on the matter. It all seems like theater and window dressing. I, like any rational person, despise the mindset and worldview Sterling has. But this was another opportunity to sensationalize an idiot and make most people feel morally superior on a grand stage. I wish scenarios like this could just be handled differently. And the invasion of privacy is a legitimate issue here. The mistress is a pretty sleezy woman herself even if she did expose a racist bigot, like we didn't already know this guy was probably that anyway.

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The line should be drawn at people stopping themselves from attempting to equate what some random schlub in the street saying something stupid to a person in a position of power saying something stupid. All of this attempting to excuse Sterling's behavior or playing devil's advocate for the sake of it by digging up a bunch of random tidbits and misinterpreted or out of context quotes from a whole medley of people from the equivalent of Leon Trotsky to a comedian in a movie that uses the N-word 115 times over decades long spans is ridiculous. I assure you, Sterling is not the one for you to, pun intended, white knight for. He's not the one to go to bat for. He's not the one for you to decide it's a great opportunity to bring up your thesis on reverse racial inequality over because you are missing the mark by a wide margin in an attempt to prove perceived hypocrisy.

The fry cook at Chick-Fil-A can say he hates all **** and it's wrong and he should get called out on it but does it matter? His personal beliefs and opinions are not representative of Chick-Fil-A, he's not necessarily creating a hostile work environment for his coworkers nor making customers question what exactly they are funding with their money. Now the president or CEO can come out and says he hates **** but in a more eloquent manner and that is an issue to give a much larger proportion of attention to because he's in an actual position where his personal beliefs can effect company wide policy from everything to hiring practices, the work environment, who they sell franchises to, their marketing, and even their charitable and political contributions.

To put it simply a man can say he wants to kill me and I can ignore him but if a man with a gun says he wants to kill me don't you think that deserves just tad bit more attention? You're not a hypocrite for not holding every dirty look or muttered curse to the same degree as someone actually threatening physical harm on you. You have an individual in Sterling make remarks to specifically wanting to discriminate blacks from attending his games or being loosely associated with him, he makes remarks towards his players as though he is some benevolent benefactor to them by "housing, feeding and clothing" them rather than considering them as salaried employees and he has a long and well documented legal history of actually expressing his discriminatory beliefs through his other business practices. I'm sorry but it should be rather obvious where the line should be drawn.

You come at me like I am defending him. Ummm no. I think he got what was long overdue for him and I was incredibly happy to hear Silver read his statement yesterday. Do I think everyone in the NBA (players, coaches, and commentators too) need to be held to this standard? Absolutely. You talk as though you believe they should get a pass because they are not in a position to hire or fire. They are not the cooks at Chick-fil-a. That is where we might not see eye to eye. Edited by Ruckus
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I don't approve of Sterling's action and he is a bad guy, BUT he broke no laws here. I also don't agree one bit in regards to what the NBA and the commissioner has done. You cannot take a person's property away, no matter how sorry the person is because of a derogatory statement. You cannot ban someone for life because they made comments. I already heard the comments defending the jayZ's and the Larry Johnsons of the world. It is nothing more than total hypocrisy and its just not right. The outcome of this will not be positive for the NBA. I guess you are ok with Charles Barkley saying "there is no room for discrimination in the NBA.........this is a black league."

This is a legal issue for me that can lead to many privacy issues as citizens.

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Your just making excuses. It doesn't matter if the President of the United States says it or if I say it, Its WRONG for everybody and if you are going to punish one, you must under equal treatment for all punish all.

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Vol4ever, on 30 Apr 2014 - 10:11 AM, said:
I don't approve of Sterling's action and he is a bad guy, BUT he broke no laws here. I also don't agree one bit in regards to what the NBA and the commissioner has done. You cannot take a person's property away, no matter how sorry the person is because of a derogatory statement. You cannot ban someone for life because they made comments. I already heard the comments defending the jayZ's and the Larry Johnsons of the world. It is nothing more than total hypocrisy and its just not right. The outcome of this will not be positive for the NBA. I guess you are ok with Charles Barkley saying "there is no room for discrimination in the NBA.........this is a black league."
This is a legal issue for me that can lead to many privacy issues as citizens.
Smh, comparing Larry Johnson comments which were reasonable seeing the reaction of the Clippers players and coaches or Jay-Z affication to Donald Sterling is night and day different.
LJ did nothing wrong.
Jay-Z has to represent himself. If he is affiliated with bigots, don't buy his CD's or what not but comparing him in this case is stupidity by you.
What Donald exposed was one of the biggest issues in the World which is Systematic White Supremacy. If you can't admit that much, I have nothing to say to you.
If "Black Jews are worth 100% to 50% less than White Jews". Then how do you think he and many like him feels about Blacks.
Don't even say, he speaks for himself. He said it's the culture which is bigger than him. Bigger than a highly influential billionaire which means he knows it's the system. It's just the way it is basically.
He looks at these guys like the Django slaves and to be frank, they basically are Django slaves but compensated in cash instead of better plantation treatment.
You don't know what racism is which is the biggest issue. You have no clue. You are basically doing the white ideal of what racism is which is basically name calling or saying something that others disagree with. That's not racism at all.
For America and the World to ever move forward, systematic white supremacy MUST be addressed.
Edited by nbasupes40retired
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I don't know why you're SYH at me. I told you that the league would do something significant to Sterling.

And I know exactly what systematic racism is. You don't fight systematic racism by stating that you're boycotting the playoffs. You do it by actively trying to expose those

You have no damn clue what systematic white supremacy is. If you did, your posts in this thread would not read the way it does.

That's like you saying, well I know Coach Bud coaching style then saying, I don't get why the Hawks shoot so many threes.

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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Smh, comparing Larry Johnson comments which were reasonable seeing the reaction of the Clippers players and coaches or Jay-Z affication to Donald Sterling is night and day different.
LJ did nothing wrong.
Jay-Z has to represent himself. If he is affiliated with bigots, don't buy his CD's or what not but comparing him in this case is stupidity by you.
What Donald exposed was one of the biggest issues in the World which is Systematic White Supremacy. If you can't admit that much, I have nothing to say to you.
If "Black Jews are worth 100% to 50% less than White Jews". Then how do you think he and many like him feels about Blacks.
Don't even say, he speaks for himself. He said it's the culture which is bigger than him. Bigger than a highly influential billionaire which means he knows it's the system. It's just the way it is basically.
He looks at these guys like the Django slaves and to be frank, they basically are Django slaves but compensated in cash instead of better plantation treatment.
You don't know what racism is which is the biggest issue. You have no clue. You are basically doing the white ideal of what racism is which is basically name calling or saying something that others disagree with. That's not racism at all.
For America and the World to ever move forward, systematic white supremacy MUST be addressed.

Wow. If you actually believe being a racist is based on our economic position in society then I don't know what to say. It doesn't matter if your Donald Sterling, Larry Johnson, Charles Barkley, moodyblues, or nbasupes, if its racist for one, its racist for all. Your attitude is the epitome of whats wrong in this country.

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Wow. If you actually believe being a racist is based on our economic position in society then I don't know what to say. It doesn't matter if your Donald Sterling, Larry Johnson, Charles Barkley, moodyblues, or nbasupes, if its racist for one, its racist for all. Your attitude is the epitome of whats wrong in this country.

Racism= Power+Prejudice. That's the general effect of what racism really is.

What Jay-Z association is, is bigotry as they feel Whites are created from Yacub who is the devil. That logic is illogical in most realms regardless of the actions any whites have done over the last 500 years.

Larry Johnson brought up a great point with no standing whatsoever. Still a great point. If Blacks don't won't be slaves to a system and exploited and want community growth, pride, and what not, a black owned league would be a great idea. What he said was reasonable. The only way you think it is not reasonable is if you are a white supremacy who survive off the failures and exploitation of others.

So this "Wow" reaction has no barren effect on me whatsoever Vol.

You couldn't even give any reason you feel it is racist for the most part. You are doing what I call deflection. You are deflecting the conversation of something serious to something completely irrelevant and extremely stupid.

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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You come at me like I am defending him. Ummm no. I think he got what was long overdue for him and I was incredibly happy to hear Silver read his statement yesterday. Do I think everyone in the NBA (players, coaches, and commentators too) need to be held to this standard? Absolutely. You talk as though you believe they should get a pass because they are not in a position to hire or fire. They are not the cooks at Chick-fil-a. That is where we might not see eye to eye.

I'm not addressing you in particular but rather this BS of trying to establish a standard.

As you pointed out yourself, the Sterling penalty was long overdue, this recording was simply the last straw in decades worth of prejudiced practices and admitted beliefs. It is nonsensical to take singular instances from multiple other people and say that their offenses are equal to the latest chapter of numerous repeated instances from just one man.

You (no not you in particular) are actually setting up a double standard there. Saying "oh if you are going to punish one man for his 50th offense then anyone else should be equally punished on their first" and that him not just expressing his particular beliefs but also taking the time to explain them in detail on that recording is equally as damning as a 5 word tweet which was made directly in response to Sterling's manifesto.

Where I'm pointing out that it's especially egregious is that Sterling has been in a position to abuse his power. He cannot only talk the talk but walk the walk, and has and is even threatening this woman on the tape that he will continue to do so, yet people (not you particularly) are still trying to make excuses and paint the issue as though he is the one that is being unjustly treated. I mean wow at that last sentence.

Hey, if a line has to be drawn then recognize that Sterling is either well beyond it or set it so high (or low actually) that others have some work to do to reach it.

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Racism= Power+Prejudice. That's the general effect of what racism really is.

What Jay-Z association is, is bigotry as they feel Whites are created from Yacub who is the devil. That logic is illogical in most realms regardless of the actions any whites have done over the last 500 years.

Larry Johnson brought up a great point with no standing whatsoever. Still a great point. If Blacks don't won't be slaves to a system and exploited and want community growth, pride, and what not, a black owned league would be a great idea. What he said was reasonable. The only way you think it is not reasonable is if you are a white supremacy who survive off the failures and exploitation of others.

So this "Wow" reaction has no barren effect on me whatsoever Vol.

You couldn't even give any reason you feel it is racist for the most part. You are doing what I call deflection. You are deflecting the conversation of something serious to something completely irrelevant and extremely stupid.

Sorry but an "x-owned" or "x-player" only league where x = ANY race is foolish and would IMO be racist and set this country back. You think MLK would want something like that?

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Sorry but an "x-owned" or "x-player" only league where x = ANY race is foolish and would IMO be racist and set this country back. You think MLK would want something like that?

I wouldn't an issue with it. I wouldn't at all. I didn't say Black only or White only but Black owned league. Right now, the NBA is basically a Jewish owned league with the exception of Michael Jordan. Even if Magic or Oprah was involved, they would be minority owners of their firm/team.

The NBA puts money into the Jewish community. The Black community really doesn't see money from it. Maybe individuals but the community itself is broke, bastardize, with a host of issues.

I don't have any problem with it. When H Mart opens and wants Koreans in management and ownership positions, I am cool with it. It's helping the Korean community. Same for many others but you guys have issues the minute it's Black. The system has to change. AHF is a lawyer. He could go for days on sentencing, charges for crimes, the eyes on Blacks more so than anyone else, and what not. Systematic white supremacy effects each and every Black man or woman their is. Regardless if they want to admit it or not. I am not one to hold my tongue.

I call it, like I see it and do far more study in that then I ever could in Basketball. Part of the reason I stop focusing so much on sports and my former dreams of sports.

Here is a quote and a post.

That's the whole thing that a lot of whites don't get: blacks who are intensely interested in this Sterling stuff don't really give half a crap about what this scumbag is saying in private to his extramarital whore. We want to force conversations about the larger implications, the reactions, and the spirit and philosophy that demeans us and relegates us to the scrap heap in this society. And these dumb nuts still don't get that white supremacy and racism are diseases that kill them too. We're living in times where scientists are wearily shouting "we're past the point of no return," resources are becoming more scarce, the poverty gap is widening, and a specific collective ransacked the American economy... Yet these dense, simple guys are still yelling at their TV about Jay-Z's medallion and violence in Chicago.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees!- Emiliano Zapata

Sorry but an "x-owned" or "x-player" only league where x = ANY race is foolish and would IMO be racist and set this country back. You think MLK would want something like that?

As for MLK, this is why he died. He was never a punk ass bitch.

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This thread has gotten retarded to the extreme. Sure let's just bring segregation to the NBA supes. I see nothing wrong with that bigoted idea.. smh

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