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The Brilliance of Mike Budenholzer and the Hawks: Game 6 Video Breakdown


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I think it's obvious who the better coach is in this series, and that would be Bud, hands down. Currently we don't have near the talent the Pacers have, yet we can take down the #1 seed. That has a lot to do with coaching. Kudos to Bud and finally we have one of the best coaches in the league. You don't spend 20 years under Pop and not learn a few things about how to win in this league.

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And peep how Bird nor McMillan have no answer for what Bud is doing. They know its all team chemistry and conditioning to run and close hard, or lack thereof. No Xs, Os, or lineup changes that can combat that in a short time frame. I have been amazed at how laid back Pat Riley has been through the Heat's struggles and scares over the years, although trusting in LeBron and Wade isn't too much of a stretch. Entrusting Paul George or David West with galvanizing the group on the other hand is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Bird did or said something drastic before Thusday's shootaround.

Edited by benhillboy
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I love the scheme but it also frightens the hell out of me at times. It's great when shots are falling but often our offence goes ice cold.

This would be less of a problem if Horford was in the game to work the paint and mid-range.

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Nice analysis from a few Pacers fans on SBNat:

Syaracuse zone

I saw a Syaracuse 2/3 trapping zone going on, and the Hawks were doing it well. When the ball went to the strong side, they trapped and collapsed in the lane. When the Pacers hold the ball or dribble waiting on a pick to develop it only gives their D more time to set up. We need to have a strong offensive 5, or a 5/4 with good passing and free throw line, `skills (scola/west).and some slashers cutting to the basket Unfortunately our only 5 with offensive skills has a bum knee, but if everything is on the table, I say bring him on. So far I believe the key to the series is adjustments, and the hawks are exploiting out weaknesses on D and forcing us to use our weakest links on offense. They cant compete under the basket offensively, so they took that out of their playbook, and when we have no rim protector in the game, our D is man to man allowing for drive and dish play. On offense we have marginal three point shooting so they try to force someone other than George to shoot the three, and with no inside out game, the Pacers are often taking shots with the clock running down. Finally cope got some time, which may be one of the few ways to try to help combat the Atlanta D. We should have made major adjustment before the lead got to 15/20 in the second quarter. I know it happened fast and they will not shoot that well again, but if George is all we got for a stopper, he should have been back in the game.

Well done by the Atlanta coaching staff.

by dbcircle on 04.29.14 11:44am


I know, right. Must be nice to have a good coach.

And it's now my sig

by Bronn on May 17, 2011 4:56 PM EDT

by Sparhawk on 04.29.14 1:56pm

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great point. the budenholzer has made.vogel look like an idiot

by BieberFever on 04.29.14 2:33pm

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A Pacer writer said:

They are running an This Is All We Can Do offense that often features five men along the three-point line. It has a lot of screens and movement, leaving defenders scrambling along the perimeter to contest shots while guys like Jeff Teague knife through the vacant interior or Paul Millsap uses his tremendous skill set to score in the lane.

It isn’t particularly destructive. Or at least it shouldn’t be. But because Vogel won’t commit to adapting, it is hard for Indiana to defend. Without disrespecting the Hawks, who try hard and execute well, it is this strategy’s ability to exploit Indiana’s large, immobile personnel that is doing so much damage.

It is not the collection of talent on Atlanta’s roster. After Teague, Millsap and Kyle Korver, there is not great skill here. Lou Williams is a nice little player, for sure. Demarre Carroll fills his role very well.

But this is a very one-sided contest in terms of talent.

Paul George, Lance Stephenson, and David West are more dynamic than the Hawks’ top three. And George Hill, Luis Scola, C.J. Watson, and Evan Turner all have versatility that the Hawks’ role players lack.

Apparently the Pacers players feel the same way, they think their talent alone is enough and should just steam roll us.

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Pacers are talented but this guy overrates them and underrates us i feel.. If he thinks Lou "is a nice little player" when in fact most of us are aware that he at this point is probably the 8th or 9th at best rotation player in terms of helping us win that should tell you enough right there

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Pacers are talented but this guy overrates them and underrates us i feel.. If he thinks Lou "is a nice little player" when in fact most of us are aware that he at this point is probably the 8th or 9th at best rotation player in terms of helping us win that should tell you enough right there

Yeah turnermx...it's kind of comical seeing the "newbies" trying to analyze what has happened (so far) in this series...meaning from other teams' fans or national media. It seems like most want to say that Indy has self destructed but we still suck...some are trying to figure out Bud's system...and a few are looking at matchups.

Heck, I'm certainly no expert either. I'm used to complaining about Woody or LD.

Right now I'm kinda thinking that maybe the reasons we are playing better now than we did much of the season are twofold. First, change is difficult, especially for players who have had some success under a different system. There is a resistance to "buy in". Secondly, about the time one would have expected results from Bud's system we endured a plague of injuries and seldom had the same guys available for any real period of time. Bud would have had to adjust due to injuries and some guys may have thought "wtf? first you want me to do this and now you want me to do that"?

I dunno...it seems like we have gotten a bit of a "perfect storm" here in the playoffs...relatively healthy team and a final belief in Bud's coaching. Add to that a "no fear" approach to the playoffs since nobody expected anything out of us...and...Walla!

...and P.S....if we do manage to finish off the Pacers, I really don't see us getting "swept" out in the next round. Confidence builds confidence.



Edited by DJlaysitup
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A Pacer writer said:

They are running an This Is All We Can Do offense that often features five men along the three-point line. It has a lot of screens and movement, leaving defenders scrambling along the perimeter to contest shots while guys like Jeff Teague knife through the vacant interior or Paul Millsap uses his tremendous skill set to score in the lane.

It isn’t particularly destructive. Or at least it shouldn’t be. But because Vogel won’t commit to adapting, it is hard for Indiana to defend. Without disrespecting the Hawks, who try hard and execute well, it is this strategy’s ability to exploit Indiana’s large, immobile personnel that is doing so much damage.

It is not the collection of talent on Atlanta’s roster. After Teague, Millsap and Kyle Korver, there is not great skill here. Lou Williams is a nice little player, for sure. Demarre Carroll fills his role very well.

But this is a very one-sided contest in terms of talent.

Paul George, Lance Stephenson, and David West are more dynamic than the Hawks’ top three. And George Hill, Luis Scola, C.J. Watson, and Evan Turner all have versatility that the Hawks’ role players lack.

Apparently the Pacers players feel the same way, they think their talent alone is enough and should just steam roll us.

What the hell is this guy talking about! Does he even watch the rest of the NBA teams?! Not only that why the hell is he overrating the pacers players?…Dude really need to do his own research and stop listening to ESPN!

Here's how I see it and I have watched both teams all season long:

Best PG between hawks/pacers- Teague

Teague is better than George Hill who hasn't been good since he left the spurs and CJ Watson who is clearly not a better point guard than teague. Teague would have a way BIGGER shot at getting to an all star game before George Hill and especially CJ watson. When he's aggressive he sometimes feel like the best player period between these two teams and that includes better than star paul george (when he's aggressive, key word)

Best SG between hawks/pacers- Lance

Lance is ONLY the best SG between these two teams because he has an all around good game as he can play offense, defense, and rebound very well for a SG. As a hawks fan I can honestly say the guy is a triple double threat, however Lance is a knuckle head, reminds me a lot of Josh Smith! His attitude is so horrible its easy to take him out of his game! On offense he gets to a point where he plays too much hero ball and sometimes he plays over aggressive. Defensively his main problem is just playing too aggressive that leads him into foul trouble. At this point in his career he's not a very smart player. Korver and Lou on the other hand matchup well with Lance because their smart especially Korver.

Best SF between the hawks/pacers- Paul George

Paul George is the best player on the floor at ALL times and believe it or not the only player that can really challenge that out of ALL players is Jeff Teague. Nothing really to say we know he's the best player.

Best PF between the hawks/pacers-Milsap

Hands down milsap is arguably the best BIG man between the two teams! The only player that could really challenge that is our very own Al Horford if he was healthy. The pacers BIGS aren't better than the hawks period. None of their guys are better than milsap or horford. Roy Hibbert is overrated and has been for a while now.

Best Center between hawks/pacers-horford

Lets just be real here if horford was healthy he would be dominating hibbert right now. People forget how good this 17/10 center is and to top it off horford has always been an efficient scorer even in he playoffs. Boy oh boy did the pacers get lucky right here! Im not putting Hibbert as the best center for many reasons! For one the guy has been average for years and that hasn't changed, followed by ONE good playoff run, then came back this year played an ok first half and a terrible second half! So really he became this all star center and household name off of a playoff run not because he was really that good. This guy was never an all star nor does he put up all star stats, he is nothing more than a rim protector and he's only that because he's 7'3! If you thought Asik was a waste money than you just haven't seen Hibbert play. Antić is more valuable than Hibbert just because he can knock down the 3 ball…..Hibbert is just another player the NBA or the media I should say crowned too early off one decent playoff run…SMH damn shame! (Looks like it may be happening to Harden too)


So if both teams are healthy we are more talented based off the fact that Teague is better than Hill and Watson. Milsap is better than West and Scola. Horford is better than Hibbert and the rest of the pacer centers. If it wasn't for Lance triple threat ability and Paul George who's a star they honestly wouldn't have a chance against us.

As far as the bench goes our bench is better even though they have bigger names.

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So if both teams are healthy we are more talented based off the fact that Teague is better than Hill and Watson. Milsap is better than West and Scola. Horford is better than Hibbert and the rest of the pacer centers. If it wasn't for Lance triple threat ability and Paul George who's a star they honestly wouldn't have a chance against us.

I tend to agree with this...adding in the comfort level our players have finally got with Bud's system.

I think when you talk "talent" you have to make some kind of an average or equation that takes into account athleticism and skill. Smoove is a good example. Outstanding athleticism but average at best basketball skills. Paul Millsap (on the other hand) doesn't have the explosive athleticism of Smoove...but is FAR more skilled at the actual game of basketball.

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