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Theo for Barry!


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  • Premium Member

I'm not afraid to say it.

Let's find a way to trade Theo and get Barry back.

Here's some thoughts...

Theo/1st (Philly) to Seattle... Barry/James to Atlanta.

Theo/Filler to Dallas; Jamison to Seattle; Barry/James to Atlanta.

Theo to Memphis; Lo/Filler to Seattle; Barry/James to Atlanta.

The point...

We need Barry. He's the perfect compliment to JT. Some say he's 32... So what. He's still a really good combo gaurd.

Theo/SJax to San Antonio....

Nestor/Filler to Seattle...

James/Barry to us.

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Barry is solid but he's NOWHERE NEAR worth Theo and I [censored] sure wouldn't trade a 1st for James. James SUCKS!

Brent Barry would help our ballhandling/perimeter shooting immensely but we would have to give up the only player on our roster who even poses a little bit of a threat to anyone who come in the paint. James is worthless on both ends, Nazr and Reef rebound (sometimes) but they intimidate NOBODY in the paint. It would be a dunkfest for our opponents every night.

Don't get me wrong, I'd trade Theo but it would have to be for a more talented player than Barry. If Portland wants to get rid of Wallace so bad, I'd take Wallace off their hands for a Theo/Hendu package. Wallace's $17 million comes off the books after this season so if he doesn't work out, don't resign him or resign him for a LOT less. Worse case scenario, we get Hendu's and Theo's salaries off the books a year earlier than anticipated. Actually, I think Wallace and Reef would form one of the best forward combos in the league because both of them are so versatile. Wallace likes the perimeter so Reef would still get his touches in the post.






would not be half bad in the EC. Wallace is nuts but he's not as crazy as Ron Artest and Artest is doing well in the right environment under Carlisle. Throw in our likely lotto pick next year along with our #1 pick from Philly and we could have a nice young nucleus going into 04/05.

The biggest problem we have right now is lack of talent. Dog might not have been a great fit but he had talent. When we traded his talent for Brandon's contract, we got no talent in return. As for Wallace, he's nuts but he has talent. Probably more talent than anyone on our team. Even if we decide to go in another direction after the season, he will have value in the form of a sign and trade and most importantly, Hendu is gone a year early!

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I would do the trade for Barry and James if the first rounder is not included. If the first rounder is included they would need to through Radmonovic in the deal. I have only seen the hawks play one game this season so I am not the best at judging Theo's defensive impact, but stat wise we could get the same contributions from a host of players who are less expensive. I would love (anybody?) to know if his defensive abilities truely live up to his reputation or whether he is a glorified shotblocker.

Barry is a great fit for the team as it is presently constituted because he has a good handle and outside jumper and plays at least average defense. That said, I think we are all hopeful that Diaw will fill part of the defensive/ballhandling void from our guards/wings. So maybe better to watch his development this season and then either build on that in the offseason or blow things up in the offseason (theo, hendu, etc. should be moveable b/c they have ending contracts).

Honestly, I would rather trade theo later in the season (or the offseason) to a team that needs a post player for the playoffs and try to get a young projectable big in return. The Hawks need someone who can board and play D - but doesn't everyone!

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heres why...

THEO is a GREAT SHOTBLOCKER... yes. but his weaknesses hurt us too much.

- On offense, hes our 5th option. even when Glover is going through his slump, i rather see glover with the ball than theo.

- On defense, he rebounds decent. well, decent isint good enuf. Sure, reef picked up the slack a little but we need someone thats atleast above average. I mentioned Magloire before.

honestly, i think many teams would want THEO just for his blocking abilities... teams that run the floor well and have a good rebounding PF...

*i think NJ would want him, but would we want any of their centers? Sac doesnt need him.

*I can see the Mavs wanting him since Nowitski is a good rebounder and Walker is rebounding well.

*San Antonio could use him.

*im sure theres more

While i am willing to trade THEO, im not willing to give him away for free... Brent Barry could easily leave us next year so the trade would be RATLIFF for JAMES... and dont even mention cap space... theres no point in having cap space if no ones willing to sign with us... so could we do better than RATLIFF at center?

therefore, to me.. it seems like the trade is THEO for JAMES (who had a promising future but doesnt seem like that anymore)...

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  • Premium Member

I meant get Barry Back in return.

I don't know if Seattle will trade for Theo? They might... But I am lead to believe that they would want a PF.

I'm thinking maybe Theo/CC to Miami...

Grant to Seattle.

Barry/James/Filler to us.

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  • Premium Member

Well, for one...

Wallace is having a darn good yr. Portland won't trade him.

#2. Hendu is not going to make anybody run to him.

I think we need Barry's ball handling and shooting. IF we could trade Nazr/1st and get Barry I would do it tommorow.

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What have you been watching? Every day, there is an article in the paper talking about how badly Portland wants to move Wallace and Wells. The only reason they haven't moved Wallace yet is because the deals they have been offered are for players with long contracts and they would rather clear Wallace's $17 million off the books at the end of the season than trade for a player with a long contract who won't help them. My thought is that because Theo and Hendu both only have 2 years left on their deals, Portland MIGHT take them, particularly if they think Theo can help them. Randolph is clearly their PF of the future.

Wallace is having a great year? He just came off a game where he scored 3 pts and followed that up by getting suspended for missing practice. Trading for him is definitely not something that is GUARANTEED to make us better but it would give us more talent and it would give us a CHANCE to be better. Worse case scenario, we don't resign him after the season and clear another $17 million off the books.

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We might as well get a head start on our rebuilding effort. It sucks but making a trade like that would at least give us something that we don't have now. Hope. Right now, I have NO hope that we might be good in the future with the collection of players we have currently.

Stotts and Knight were set up for failure when we traded Dog to avoid paying the luxury tax. If we had got something productive in return for Dog, it would have been one thing but you can't get NOTHING productive for a 30 year old 2 time All Star and expect your team to significantly improve. It simply is not going to happen. I think that when we traded Dog for capspace, we made the decision to rebuild at that time.

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Here are his stats so far:

15 Games, 39.5 mpg, 16.4 ppg, 42% fg, 36% 3pfg, 68% ft, 7.40 rbg, 3.2 apg, 1.07 spg

That is the fewest ppg he has averaged in years and by far the worst shooting percentage he's had in years. That being said, I'd take him in a heartbeat.

I think the primary reason for his decreased production is the emergence of Zach Randolph. Randolph has become the go to guy and Wallace is not getting as many opportunities. If Wallace were here, he'd get more opportunities and I think his production would go back up. Even if it didn't however, what have we lost?

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