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Insider info about Horford trade / Cleveland from Hairydawgz


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I think we're overrating Horford a little bit here. He may be "our" guy, but he's not some every year All-Star, All NBA player. He's a hard working, blue collar, energy type big man who relys heavily on the system and put backs for his offense. His only made the All-Star team twice and one All NBA team. Reminds me alot of Brian Grant before his injuries. Nothing wrong at all with that. But to say he is or will remain vastly superior to some of the kids in this draft maybe stretching it. Time will tell. And to say that trading him would set us back years is definitely stretching it. The Hawks have made the postseason twice now without him.

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I dunno. I think that, on the other hand, is selling him a bit short, Jody. He's not elite, but he's on the next tier below. And he hasn't even had the opportunity yet to play his natural position.

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I dunno. I think that, on the other hand, is selling him a bit short, Jody. He's not elite, but he's on the next tier below. And he hasn't even had the opportunity yet to play his natural position.

Not trying to sell him short at all. I'd like to see him get more minutes at the four as well, but that won't change his skill set and what he is as a player. Again, nothing wrong with being a blue collar, energy type guy. But those guys don't typically lead you to championships.
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Maybe I'm in the minority. But I would like for the team to draft either stauskas or McDermott and Saric. I like the idea of building for the future. Korver will only be here for a couple of seasons and either Stauskas or McDermott can replace what he provides. Saric could be a great forward with his size.. he's would play at the 4.

Just my .2

Ferry would be wise to select Korver's understudy before he retires. Let ol' Kal Kova teach them boys some things

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Joel broke his foot. That's my no go zone for centers. He's starting to seems like Brook Lopez. Naw, keep Horf.

This! Im done with Joel officially now…..he has skills to be great no doubt but I rather deal with Al's pec injuries over a BIG mans foot injury.

Al's pec injury is very uncommon though it has happened twice I think its the way he works out and he just need to change how he lifts heavy weights or just back away from it all together.

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I can definitely see the Cavs wanting to trade the #1 for Horford now.

I hope they still do. I'd still trade Horf for the #1 and draft Parker in a heartbeat. I feel he's the best player in the draft anyway. Maybe then we can finally have the superstar this team has needed for years.

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Joel broke his foot. That's my no go zone for centers. He's starting to seems like Brook Lopez. Naw, keep Horf.

Trading up to the top of draft could

Mean taking any of the top three. They will all be potential stars in this league. If Embiid isn't what they like then Wiggins or Parker will still be studs. I like the prospect of landing any of those two and wouldn't mind a Horford trade for them. Probably wouldn't target Embiid now with the top pick but it would still be valuable.

I wonder now if Embiid will slide enought to warrant trading up into 8-9 area to snag him. I wouldn't trade Horf for that but we have other assets to consider. He may be worth a gamble on a later pick. At some point, reward will outweigh risk.

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Trading up to the top of draft could

Mean taking any of the top three. They will all be potential stars in this league. If Embiid isn't what they like then Wiggins or Parker will still be studs. I like the prospect of landing any of those two and wouldn't mind a Horford trade for them. Probably wouldn't target Embiid now with the top pick but it would still be valuable.

I wonder now if Embiid will slide enought to warrant trading up into 8-9 area to snag him. I wouldn't trade Horf for that but we have other assets to consider. He may be worth a gamble on a later pick. At some point, reward will outweigh risk.

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It wouldn't surprise me if they moved back to #3 and tried to trade with the Hawks.

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Big men and foot injuries - I'll pass - Yao Ming, Big Z, Brook Lopez.

Hadn't thought of that.

Still, if he theoretically were to fall all the way to 15, you almost have to take him don't you?

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Well taking the smart, safe, big man over smaller and more physically gifted players has a big history of getting GM's fired. So maybe Wiggins or Parker would be the way to go. Knowing our luck this would be the year that taking the next superstar instead of the big man would backfire on us.

I emailed him back after the Embiid injury was known. He seems to think we will pass on Cleveland's pick now. This was his response:

"If Hawks took the pick and Deng, they'd still use the pick on Embiid. No question in my mind. That said, the Hawks may not be interested in the pick anymore. "

Who knows if Ferry will want to risk trading Al now that Embiid has this new injury. I would think Parker would be a great second option but he seems to think Embiid is their guy regardless if they trade up.

If he is right, ATL may not be dealing with Cleveland after all, but that part is just his speculation rather than something he heard from them.

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Fwiw, Cviv says on Twitter:

"Told any trade talk would be more more involved on draft night."

Glad to hear it. The Hawks can't just stand by and do nothing with so many picks available/in play. The time is now to bring in young, relatively cheap talent that can be developed in Bud's system.

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