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C-Viv: What is taking the Hawks so long, you ask?


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Maybe Sund had it right after all. Maybe the ASG told him. Here's your budget, make us money with a playoff appearance and that's what Sund did. Didn't waste any time shaking things up, just ran the same early playoff exit team out there and sat on his butt. Guess he thought, if they don't want to win, what can I do?


Bring in Ferry. OK Danny here's the deal: same budget, same goal, get us to the playoffs with this budget, but, we need you to make it look real. Shake things up a bit. But stay uinder budget.



I would not doubt that one bit.  DF has been here three years??  He did move Joe's contract and he got lucky on Sap.  I would'nt doubt he drafted Payne to take Saps place because we wont pay market value for Sap and he will be gone next year.  Dammit if your not in the lottery drafting Tim Duncans you cant sign below market players and be a winner.  

We love our core!

Problem is your "core" is a first round exit.

Edited by Vol4ever
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I agree and while on the topic have you noticed how every transaction has to be the "cheapest" deal out there?  I have always said and stand by the fact that the ASG  is a cheapass group and until proven wrong I still believe that.

Well to be fair, us Squawkers do spend a lot of time trying to figure out what is going on behind the scenes - and we envision big plans in the works.

I guess if you just look at what is/has actually happened - yeah - we seem to be a tad on the "thrifty" side. That said - I was looking at a list of all the free agents out there this year and there are a BUNCH of them. Surely we can pick up a couple guys to improve our roster who actually want to play in Bud's system.

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If you want a wing player, next yr will be 10x better with Rudy Gay, Wilson Chandler, Kawhi Leonard, H Barnes, G Green, D Wright, etc.


You can probably go ahead and take Leonard off that list, no way he leaves the Spurs. Then looking at that list, no thanks.

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I think what we have to understand is that spending money does not mean you are going to have a winning team.  See the Knicks.

If we are not going to sign a true max player, I would rather do what we did last offseason and sign quality players on short deals at a good price.  This pretty much leads to the tank debate, but I definitely wanted to point out the reality to everyone who wants ASG to spend away.  Spending in this market means you are stuck with players like Tyreke Evans and Gordon Heyward on expensive long deals.  

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