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If you create a topic you know doesn't belong in Homecourt it's getting deleted


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Sorry but many of you knowingly create topics here to try and get views even when there's already a topic about it in the proper forum. Then some of you even say you know it doesn't belong here but you create it anyway? What's the thought process there? Basically to hell with the rules or the time of the 2 mods we have. Sorry but that crap isn't gonna fly anymore and I'm just going to delete those topics that I know were intentionally created here while ignoring the rules.

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In the spirit of Democracy, how about setting up a small committee that would make initial judgments on which threads are in violation.  Those that are deemed to be off topic in committee could be brought up for a floor vote (like in the form of a poll).  If a thread is voted out the thread creator could then be given (just one) appeal...and if that is unsuccessful the thread would be removed.


I would recommend that the only basis for appeal should be previous precedent on the forum and it would be up to the thread creator to show such precedent (previous similar threads)...keeping in mind that no two threads are exactly alike and each decision will be handled on a case-by-case basis and in the best interest of the posters in general.


Or you could just deleted em yourself - doesn't matter to me - I'm fine with a benevolent dictatorship.... lol.gif

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In the spirit of Democracy, how about setting up a small committee that would make initial judgments on which threads are in violation. Those that are deemed to be off topic in committee could be brought up for a floor vote (like in the form of a poll). If a thread is voted out the thread creator could then be given (just one) appeal...and if that is unsuccessful the thread would be removed.

I would recommend that the only basis for appeal should be previous precedent on the forum and it would be up to the thread creator to show such precedent (previous similar threads)...keeping in mind that no two threads are exactly alike and each decision will be handled on a case-by-case basis and in the best interest of the posters in general.

Or you could just deleted em yourself - doesn't matter to me - I'm fine with a benevolent dictatorship.... lol.gif

Would this small committee be elected or appointed? :D

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Would this small committee be elected or appointed? grin.gif


Maybe we should have something like a "Constitutional Convention" (maybe at a local watering hole)...we could always bring in non-Atlanta metro folks in via teleconference.


Another issue will be - should it be weighted voting depending on post count - or a simple "one person - one vote" approach.  This will require a lot of discussion.

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Maybe we should have something like a "Constitutional Convention" (maybe at a local watering hole)...we could always bring in non-Atlanta metro folks in via teleconference.

Another issue will be - should it be weighted voting depending on post count - or a simple "one person - one vote" approach. This will require a lot of discussion.

Ah the old "everyone is equal" or "more skin in the game, more say" discussion.

This requires large mahogany tables and strong whiskey.

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who cares what forum topics are put in. Does it really matter? LOL

Of course it does - a place for everything and everything in its place.
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  • Premium Member

Sorry but many of you knowingly create topics here to try and get views even when there's already a topic about it in the proper forum. Then some of you even say you know it doesn't belong here but you create it anyway? What's the thought process there? Basically to hell with the rules or the time of the 2 mods we have. Sorry but that crap isn't gonna fly anymore and I'm just going to delete those topics that I know were intentionally created here while ignoring the rules.


Multiple sources say Dolfan23 is going to trade any posters making illegal topics to the Milwaukee Bucks for Jason Kidd wife beaters.

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This is Dolfan's site, and he can do what he wants.  If it causes this much agony to keep moving and deleting topics, to me the simple answer is to just leave more topics here.  

When Lebron signs, can't we just talk about it in the main forum?  


I know I've said this about a million times but the reason for this is archive / search purposes.  It took a LONG time for me to organize old stuff when I took over these forums almost 8 years ago and I work very hard to keep them organized now.  This applies to trade ideas, draft talk, stuff regarding players on other teams, etc. 


I don't mind, although I don't enjoy, moving posts that were posted in the wrong forum because of an accident or because the person didn't know. But the reason I started this topic tonight is because someone created a topic and started it with something along the lines of "I know this doesn't belong here but I'm going to put it here anyway". That's just disrespectful to me and @AHF who have to try and keep this place organized. 


Now @Final_quest you've been around long enough to know that this place used to be chaos and the old "trade of the day" along with various other crap threads about players that had nothing to do with the Hawks cluttered up our Hawks forum.  And I'm sorry guys but I'm NOT going to let it go back to those days. 


As @JayBirdHawk said, a place for everything and everything in its place. 

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