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Hawks Sign Bazemore


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Question:  Are the Hawks now better than the team that finished last season

for us and went deep in the first round before we lost?


No offense G-M...but the whole "went deep into the first round" after going 38-44 to limp into the playoffs is yesterday's news.  We lost in the first round - had a chance - mucked it -Indy went to the ECFs - not us - simple as that.


Many teams have had their "stumbles on the way to a championship and almost got knocked out,  The way it worked - we gave Indy a scare - Indy beat the next team up - then Indy lost to Miami and then Miami got blown out by San Antonio.


I seriously doubt that the Hawks will get any historical credit for coming close to beating a team that got beat by a team that then later got beat.

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While Bazemore saw limited playing time with the Warriors, I asked Golden State of Mind editor Nate Parham for his opinion and he thinks there is plenty of potential there:

From Peachtree Hoops

"Bazemore's full potential was best on display during the second round of the 2013 playoffs when the Warriors used him against the
San Antonio Spurs
 to guard 
Tony Parker
 - he almost went from cult classic to Warriors playoff legend by making a go-ahead layup with 3.9 seconds left of Game 1. He has the length to bother smaller guards and fantastic instincts on the defensive end, as illustrated by his closeout on 
Manu Ginobili
 after a blown defensive rotation in that Game 1 loss. He's clearly capable of finding a role in the league as a defensive, energy player off the bench in the right situation."

"But basketball production aside, what I've always loved about Bazemore from covering him since 2012 summer league and at D-League games is that he truly savors every moment of the privilege of being on a NBA roster. There were weekends when he was asked to yo-yo between Golden State and Santa Cruz, eagerly playing the role of enthusiastic reserve on Golden State's bench and then embracing the opportunity to help his temporary teammates in Santa Cruz. And he does it all with a smile and humility that defies stereotypes about the modern pro athlete. He's an undrafted guy who takes pride in his craft and has had to work extremely hard to even get to the point where he's a desireable free agent. It's hard to imagine a better teammate in the NBA than Bazemore and that makes him someone I'll always root for no matter where the remainder of his career takes him."

Edited by DrReality
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No offense G-M...but the whole "went deep into the first round" after going 38-44 to limp into the playoffs is yesterday's news. We lost in the first round - had a chance - mucked it -Indy went to the ECFs - not us - simple as that.

Many teams have had their "stumbles on the way to a championship and almost got knocked out, The way it worked - we gave Indy a scare - Indy beat the next team up - then Indy lost to Miami and then Miami got blown out by San Antonio.

I seriously doubt that the Hawks will get any historical credit for coming close to beating a team that got beat by a team that then later got beat.

I think our playoff run was important cuz it demonstrated how Budz system can work. Trust the system and it will raise our game. And then they watched the Spurs take it to another level and put on a clinic.
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Not a matter of historical "credit." A matter of measuring  yourself from where you ended the season. AHF makes the valid point in another post that DF could have competed for Parsons (and Hayward for that matter) if he'd wanted. That's the only big move that I can see could have pragmatically and obviously been made. And first, I don't know that he didn't compete and just lost out to DAL, DF being better at being covert than many as he's proven to be, Second, while I like Parsons, I don't know that I would have outright slobbered over that move. I mean, some of us still remember what it was like to have Kenny Norman's contract taking up so much space that we couldn't make any meaningful moves. Discipline by a GM shouldn't be taken as a negative. And like others have suggested, the off-season really just began in the last 24 hours or so for all practical purposes... it almost feel ridiculous to say it, but let's see how the drama continues before we get all huffy and pronounce final judgments. There could be a major trade before all is said and done, too. It's not all free agency.

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I never heard of him before this offseason. I never heard of Demarre before last offseason. Lets wait and see maybe this kid can be the real deal. Nothing wrong with depth, anyone who saw what happened to us last year with injury knows we need it.

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Okay, I like this signing but I love it more when I see his former team fans a lil pissed that we got him for this price. stinker.gif sun_bespectacled.gif






Laker fan:




He's like a poor man's Westbrook but with lower IQ (if that was possible). He's too athletic to not be in the league for a while.
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I'm not going to lie; I never heard of him before someone mentioned him here. Then again, I never heard of Payne or Tavares either until a week before the draft. This team is more in need of an alpha type player but they need some depth so I guess it's okay.

They still need to make that 'we're not settling for 45 wins and a 7th seed anymore' move though. The meter doesn't move as far as local and national perception until that shoe finally drops. I'm still waiting on that to happen...

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I'm not going to lie; I never heard of him before someone mentioned him here. Then again, I never heard of Payne or Tavares either until a week before the draft. This team is more in need of an alpha type player but they need some depth so I guess it's okay.

They still need to make that 'we're not settling for 45 wins and a 7th seed anymore' move though. The meter doesn't move as far as local and national perception until that shoe finally drops. I'm still waiting on that to happen...


No disagreement. Yes, that move needs to happen. But you just don't will yourself into that position. You don't make a move for appearances sake or you end up in a bad place. There are 29 other teams guided by mere humans as well. You stay committed to making smart decisions up and down the timeline, and eventually if an opportunity arises to capitalize, you're in a position to take advantage. You can't let yourself be deceived into thinking a player is golden when he's really not.


Having said all that, would I have been all-in on Parsons? I think I would. I doubt we'll never know if DF was or not... wouldn't be like him to say that he offered the same as Cuban, but lost out.

Edited by sturt
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No disagreement. Yes, that move needs to happen. But you just don't will yourself into that position. You don't make a move for appearances sake or you end up in a bad place. There are 29 other teams guided by mere humans as well. You stay committed to making smart decisions up and down the timeline, and eventually if an opportunity arises to capitalize, you're in a position to take advantage. You can't let yourself be deceived into thinking a player is golden when he's really not.

Having said all that, would I have been all-in on Parsons? I think I would. I doubt we'll never know if DF was or not... wouldn't be like him to say that he offered the same as Cuban, but lost out.

I understand what you're saying but they haven't had an impact player here since Nique was tomahawk dunking in the Omni 20+ years ago. There's been a lot of blah, meh, and yuck players signed here since then. You can't force what's not there but as you well know, patience has worn mighty thin here....

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I also get what you're saying, but I'd call Joe Johnson an impact player... just that his ceiling fell short of elite. There are only a few elite players in the league, and some are elite for longer periods of time than others. The trick is getting those elite guys on the front end of their elite period, of course, or if you get them after they've already risen to that level, having the cap space to afford them at that point and simultaneously being confident that they're not on the verge of a cliff... perfect example of that: Stoudamire, Amare, NYK.

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I guess I'm just frustrated at the route this team has to take just to build a decent squad. Their piss-poor way of drafting players over the last 35+ years have cost this franchise immensely. Instead of having impact players here already and dealing from a position of strength, they come into just about every offseason, hat in hand, like Oliver Twist asking for more soup. They would be on the frontline as far as movers and shakers if they had quit creating more undeserving millionaires than the Georgia Lottery.

I know what's done is done but the fact that they're still paying for the mistakes BK, Sund, and Babs made cannot be understated...

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I know what's done is done but the fact that they're still paying for the mistakes BK, Sund, and Babs made cannot be understated...

This is so true and it sucks. Bad lottery drafts picks set the franchise in a hole that we are now trying to dig out from.

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