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Person and Bonzi on the move...


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ESPN is reporting that the Grizzlies and Blazers have agreed to a trade. Memphis will get Bonzi Wells for Wesley Person and their 1st Rounder in 2004.

So, Jalen was already off the list. Now, we can scratch off Person and Wells. It's nice to watch everyone else in the NBA get better, while we seem to get worse every game.

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I would do that. They don't really need him if they are committed to Miller (I think he is overrated) and Bonzi/Posey.

Heck I would probably be willing to role the dice and trade Theo for Swift and Battier. Play swift at center - he is not much smaller than theo and he then becomes a trading chip or useful athletic big man. Start a line-up of JT/BD/SB/SAR/SS and with JV/SJ/NM of the bench land see what happens!

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I feel like the Blazers made out given the lottery draft pick. In my wildest dreams would not have imagined they could have pulled off this trade, since Person will be great to have off the bench.

Wait! Person hasn't recently been arrested for child molestation or anything lately has he?

There just has to be a catch...

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but...they're announcing here on Memphis Grizz tv (as they're at halftime right now with the Nets) that it was a conditional first rounder.

And Hubie just did an interview about how he doesn't look at a players baggage...cuase if he did, he never would have traded for bernard King, and probably would have hated JWill before he ever started walkin in memphis.

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The undying love of Battier by a few of the people still puzzles me.

Especially, when we have a guy like Boris Diaw already on our team.

Both are "smart" players, don't turn the ball over too much, play good D, are good passers, and can block a shot here and there.

Boris is the better ballhandler, while Battier is a better shooter.

I was for trading for Battier up until last year, now, what's the point? This team has other issues...

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I like the idea of a lineup of Diaw/JT/Battier/Reef/Mohammed....

that sounds good. I don't like the way Ratliff is playing, he is becoming a one dimensional player, and he isn't even good at that because he gets in foul trouble so often that he can't be on the floor enough... I think Mohammed's scoring and rebounding outweigh Ratliff's shotblocking, on offense he is a good compliment to Reef, his defense is a liability, but he is a wider body in the paint than Ratliff, harder to push around.. I think that lineup could do it all, All JT has to do is score and guard the PGs. Diaw run the offense. Battier throw the ball into Reef, I love it Reef doubled, back out to Battier for 3 , yes!

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When people say that the entire Blazers team has been in trouble they are seriously not underestimating very much.

Ruben Patterson

Zach Randolph

Damon Stoudamire

Rasheed Wallace

Qyntel Woods

Not including Bonzi Wells, that is astounding. Stoudamire and Wallace are listed as captions on the Blazers site that almost makes it worse, nobody should be looking to those two for leadership, at least not off the court.

That is really a sad state of affairs. You would like to think that people who are role models whether they like it or not would be able to act responsibly.

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Our problems..

1. Perimeter defense.

2. Ball Handling.

3. Rebounding.

4. Shooting Percentage.

Theo doesn't help our rebounding much. Every third night, he might have a +10 rebounding night but for the most part, he doesn't make himself a force in the middle.

If we were to trade for say...

either Swift/Battier or Lo/Battier.

What we would have done is pickup a player who:

1. Can help our perimeter defense.

2. Can help our FG%/3pt%.

3. Can help our rebounding.

I don't see Diaw as the fix all. However, we can manipulate the following lineups for now:



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J D Money --- You answered your own questions.

Diesel then added to your answers. Good.

You say Battier and Diaw are both "Smart" players.

With them, expect fewer turnovers.

Good defense

Good passing.

Some blocked shots.

So far, sounds like what this team needs.

Then add, more scoring.

Another three point threat.

Add to this:

Neither player has a history of off court problems.

What's not to like?

I believe they would fit together nicely, complement each

other and make the Hawks a better team.

Sure, we have other problems to solve. This is not a

"Cure all" solution. It's only one step. I like the idea

of the Hawks doing this. It would be a solid move in

the right direction.

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The thing that everyone misses is that while we do need to stop turnovers, step up defense and take smarter shots, the thing we need most is an ENERGETIC, take no garbage player.

Someone that will REFUSE to lose and openly throttle the other players for awful play.

Battier & Swift are not those type of guys. Neither has been a part of a winning club, nor do either thave that REALLY aggressive attitude.


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Um, Battier did a heck of a job being the emotional leader at Duke - so I think he has the potential to do the same in the NBA. His attitude, defense, hustle and shooting would be great assets to the Hawks. He is not a great player, but he is a great role player and teammate and the hawks can use all the help they can get.

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Don't get me wrong... I like both Battier and Swift... but I wouldn't call either of them leaders or emotional.

What a player does in college isn't indicative of what he will do in the pros. Battier is a fine example. He isn't the emotional leader of the Grizz, nor does he try to be.

We need a guy like Oakley. (not Oakley specifically, but a guy with that attitude) A guy like Artest. A guy like Rodman. Someone who will put a little attitude and swagger in our step. Someone that will throw a locker room tantrum after a 20 point blowout. Someone that will put his foot in JT's ass when he plays like a moron.

THAT is what we need.

Swift and Battier are good players. I like them. But, neither of them do this. I would MUCH rather Battier than Glover on the court.


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Well they did beat the best team in the NBA last night and despite all of the internal problems record-wise are pretty much on the bubble at making the playoffs in the West. Honestly half of the teams in the league would rather have their problems if it could get them into the playoffs (particularly in the West).

Dealing Bonzi in a steal was a great first step, and I expect Wallace will be gone by the trading deadline.

Those are two huge steps in losing bad apples.

Stoudamire's contract expires this year so those are 3 guaranteed to be gone.

Cheeks didn't create the problems with those guys, and neither did brand new President Steve Patterson or brand new GM John Nash. Give them 6 months or so to clean things up from Whitsitt's decade of garbage.

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