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Just WOW! (Levenson will sell Hawks)


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I never said he didn't do anything wrong.


I'm saying I don't believe everything in the "smoking gun" to be the gospel 100% truth.

If someone accused me of this I wouldn't give a "no comment".  It's pretty much the worst thing you can be accused of nowadays and Ferry is just letting it happen.  The optics are bad for him and the franchise so it's not something a team should have to deal with.

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It is literally the #1 topic on Twitter right now.


I never knew Danny Ferry would be come this  "famous" or shall I say infamous.


Not sure how Ferry can survive this hailstorm.

Maybe he can talk about the system and cap flexibility?  You know things that mean nothing but seem to distract from how poor of a job is being done.

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If someone accused me of this I wouldn't give a "no comment".  It's pretty much the worst thing you can be accused of nowadays and Ferry is just letting it happen.  The optics are bad for him and the franchise so it's not something a team should have to deal with.


He had all day to save face and explain his comments but he refused.... now it is coming back to bite him. This now the story of the night and tons of ESPN pundits are talking about it on twitter now.

Edited by GameTime
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I'm not sure what to think of all this. Coming from an African family we all just laughed at what Ferry said because of how silly he sounded. After reading through the thread though, I realize how serious (and possibly dangerous) it can be to have racist top-level officials. I don't want to judge anybody too soon, since everyone has their side to the story, but I can say that I am embarrassed to be a Hawks fan. Though I haven't been supporting them for the longest, there have only been a few times I could say that I was proud to be a hawks fan- and that hurts a bit.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

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Wow... I should've known that when my Falcons overcame the "expert odds" by beating the Saints that there would be some sort of dimensional repercussion. This is madness! 


No! This. Is. THE HAWKS! 


But seriously, there could really be a silver (pun intended) lining here if they (and they absolutely should) clean house. However, Ferry was right about one thing... he set out to change the culture of the franchise and boy did he! 

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He had all day to save face and explain his comments but he refused.... now it is coming back to bite him. This now the story of the night and tons of ESPN pundits are talking about it on twitter now.

And Ferry is going to have a stigma on him now.  How's he supposed to lure FA's with this now?  Not that he was successful at it anyway but this will make it worse.

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And Ferry is going to have a stigma on him now.  How's he supposed to lure FA's with this now?  Not that he was successful at it anyway but this will make it worse.


No NBA players in their right mind will play for Ferry after this.Heck, our players might even boycott depending on how the media handles this. 

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No NBA players in their right mind will play for Ferry after this.Heck, our players might even boycott depending on how the media handles this. 

I still can't get over the thought of if we actually signed Deng.  I'm sure he's not happy about this now but to have to actually play for this guy?  I couldn't imagine...

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I'm not really sure if getting rid of a poor GM who's also a racist is a bad thing.  I know some like to think he was some kind of savior but his body of work isn't exactly putting this franchise in a position to be contenders.

The grass is always greener on the other side. Ferry took over a joke franchise and helped put us into a position to finally be respected. Now all of that could be undone and worse. Of course, if the reports are true, Ferry is to blame for that as well. I can't wait to see what shining star of a GM we can hire to jump into this dumpster fire. 

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What the heck is going on here? WE ALWAYS GET POOPED ON AS A FRANCHISE. So now Ferry gets fired, then what's gonna had to Bud and the Spurs system? The whole building is crashing down. Wow.

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Yes.  If I gave you a racial slur and you decided to read it to your bosses you would be fired.  Why is this any different?


Actually if you wrote/stated a racial slur and I went to my boss and said, "ViperXX79 just wrote this" or "This is what ViperXX79 said about Bob the Builder", I would not get fired. Context is everything.  When Ferry was reading these scouting reports, if he would have read it and then said, "Woah, that's inappropriate" (and alerted the team whose scouting report it came from), all things would/should be good. But that doesn't seem to be what happened. What seems to have happened here was, he read it and moved on sort of matter of factly.


This is why not knowing what actually happened in that meeting is so wrong.  Transparency is 99% of the battle here and that is not what is happening. Which is never a good sign.

Edited by thecampster
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I'm not sure if someone's posted this already, but here's Kareem's take on Levenson.

I agree 100% with Kareem. This is not racist it's business. As a 32 year old affluent African American IT proffesional, I want to tell you these types of conversations go on in every well run business. I've even been on panels at my fortune 500 company about how to better penetrate certain demographics.

Most companies develop persona names for the different demographics. For instance you may call the demo he's desiring "Disposable Income Dan" and the group he has "Budget Conscious Brandon". These persona names would have a full descriptions that outline each demo's ethnic split(if relevant for product), budgetary ranges, and desires.

Any discussion about marketing to these demographics would use the persona names instead of over simplified words like black and white. Everyone in the company would have a shared understanding of what the Disposable Income Dan demo looks like, and no-one gets butt hurt.

The irony is I'm African American and fit in his desired demographic. Which is why you don't split your demo lines on race. It is however smart to understand the ethnic mix in each demo in case it's a marketing differentiator.

The more and more I live the more the world is becoming like the book "1984". The thought police are everywhere and the government and the media are telling me everything I should think and be offended by. Scary time ladies and gentleman, scary times.

Gearon Jr finally got his revenge; I hope he's happy, for he may end up destroying one of the things he loves most.

Go Hawks!

Edited by ATLien_
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Ferry's response,


"“In regards to the insensitive remarks that were used during our due diligence process, I was repeating comments that were gathered from numerous sources during background conversations and scouting about different players.   I repeated those comments during a telephone conversation reviewing the draft and free agency process.  Those words do not reflect my views, or words that I would use to describe an individual and I certainly regret it. I apologize to those I offended and to Luol, who I reached out to Monday morning.   

In terms of the email that Bruce sent, the situation is disturbing and disappointing on many levels and I understand Bruce's words were offensive.

I am committed to learning from this and deeply regret this situation. I fully understand we have work to do in order to help us create a better organization; one that our players and fans will be proud of, on and off the court, and that is where my focus is moving forward.”

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The grass is always greener on the other side. Ferry took over a joke franchise and helped put us into a position to finally be respected. Now all of that could be undone and worse. Of course, if the reports are true, Ferry is to blame for that as well. I can't wait to see what shining star of a GM we can hire to jump into this dumpster fire.






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