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Bill Duffy and Wayne Embry support Ferry. "He's not a racist"


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From the owners and/or through the union, NBA players have been ordered to hush.gif  until the dust clears up a little.


Nobody wants to risk going into the season as either the "Golly gee, Ferry/Levenson has some valid points" guy, or the "I'm not playing until they're all gone! Who's with me? Anybody? Buehler?" guy.


Just among the Hawks alone, they've been stunned into literal social media silence, and they're among the biggest random Tweeters out there. It takes a LOT to get Mike Scott to shut his Twitter down. I just imagine him running around town scribbling stuff on bathroom walls.



yeah its called fear mongering - fear to speak ones mind has really helped race relations .

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A funny side topic in all this is the fact that pretty much all the key players have the Duke stink on them: Deng, Ferry and even Silver.


They are indeed evil incarnate.


I'm joking so don't get 'em all in a twist.


Lastly, I'm not saying Silver's refusal to call Ferry's job security into question is based on their inherent Duke-ness.  I'm just not saying it ...

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From the owners and/or through the union, NBA players have been ordered to hush.gif until the dust clears up a little.

Nobody wants to risk going into the season as either the "Golly gee, Ferry/Levenson has some valid points" guy, or the "I'm not playing until they're all gone! Who's with me? Anybody? Buehler?" guy.

Just among the Hawks alone, they've been stunned into literal social media silence, and they're among the biggest random Tweeters out there. It takes a LOT to get Mike Scott to shut his Twitter down. I just imagine him running around town scribbling stuff on bathroom walls.


Well the NBA have some far reaching Jedi mind tricks to shut down ALL current players twitter. Lol
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yeah its called fear mongering - fear to speak ones mind has really helped race relations .


Unfortunately, if one's mind causes him/her to say aloud, or in print, that Africans are inferentially untrustworthy because they're African, that black fans won't jump at anything unless it's free tickets or free T-shirts or discounted hot dogs, that Southern whites are scaredy cats but otherwise a desirable demographic, etc., we run the risk of really not helping race relations, either. We have no reason to ever need Danny Ferry or Bruce Levenson to explain to us why they're NOT a mongerer, especially with the fate of the franchise we care about on the line.


Speak one's mind, but if you're in a position of influence, think it through thoroughly before you express yourself. Professional self-correctness keeps all the political correctness bored and sitting on its hands.



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A funny side topic in all this is the fact that pretty much all the key players have the Duke stink on them: Deng, Ferry and even Silver.


They are indeed evil incarnate.


I'm joking so don't get 'em all in a twist.


Lastly, I'm not saying Silver's refusal to call Ferry's job security into question is based on their inherent Duke-ness.  I'm just not saying it ...


I started to say aloud yesterday, "please don't be another Dookie, Adam." Sure enough...


Has Wojciechowski chimed in, yet?



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A funny side topic in all this is the fact that pretty much all the key players have the Duke stink on them: Deng, Ferry and even Silver.


They are indeed evil incarnate.


I'm joking so don't get 'em all in a twist.


Lastly, I'm not saying Silver's refusal to call Ferry's job security into question is based on their inherent Duke-ness.  I'm just not saying it ...

This gearon guy just seems like a turd.  I'm not sure what the whole story is with Ferry, but gearon is definitely being a prick by trying to use this as a power grab.  ferry basically can't defend himself because he'd have to say who he was quoting, and betray that trust.  I wonder what he is so pissed off about that would be causing him to take this route.  if his strategy is to try to buy the hawks, they are going to make him pay out the wazoo.

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I started to say aloud yesterday, "please don't be another Dookie, Adam." Sure enough...


Has Wojciechowski chimed in, yet?




I actually checked Silver's bio hoping not to see that.  His pseudo-endorsement (er, non-denouncal?) looks strange as is so the fact that they're both Dukies doesn't exactly calm the conspiracy flames.


Haven't seen/heard anything from Woj other than the article yesterday.  Speaking of which, I missed a segment on the radio where they were gonna give some insight into the behind-the-scenes relationship between Nique and Ferry.  Hopefully someone else caught it and can report.

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This gearon guy just seems like a turd. I'm not sure what the whole story is with Ferry, but gearon is definitely being a prick by trying to use this as a power grab. ferry basically can't defend himself because he'd have to say who he was quoting, and betray that trust. I wonder what he is so pissed off about that would be causing him to take this route. if his strategy is to try to buy the hawks, they are going to make him pay out the wazoo.

Gearon is pissed because he no longer had say in personnel matters, told to sit gown and shut up by Levenson and Ferry. No more doing interviews, and making guarantees etc. and making an ass of himself.
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This gearon guy just seems like a turd.  I'm not sure what the whole story is with Ferry, but gearon is definitely being a prick by trying to use this as a power grab.  ferry basically can't defend himself because he'd have to say who he was quoting, and betray that trust.  I wonder what he is so pissed off about that would be causing him to take this route.  if his strategy is to try to buy the hawks, they are going to make him pay out the wazoo.


You mean Gearon?  That's easy.  He was the man until he power was usurped by Levenson (I don't think I've spelled that right yet) and Ferry.

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Unfortunately, if one's mind causes him/her to say aloud, or in print, that Africans are inferentially untrustworthy because they're African, that black fans won't jump at anything unless it's free tickets or free T-shirts or discounted hot dogs, that Southern whites are scaredy cats but otherwise a desirable demographic, etc., we run the risk of really not helping race relations, either. We have no reason to ever need Danny Ferry or Bruce Levenson to explain to us why they're NOT a mongerer, especially with the fate of the franchise we care about on the line.


Speak one's mind, but if you're in a position of influence, think it through thoroughly before you express yourself. Professional self-correctness keeps all the political correctness bored and sitting on its hands.



out of likes.....



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Unfortunately, if one's mind causes him/her to say aloud, or in print, that Africans are inferentially untrustworthy because they're African, that black fans won't jump at anything unless it's free tickets or free T-shirts or discounted hot dogs, that Southern whites are scaredy cats but otherwise a desirable demographic, etc., we run the risk of really not helping race relations, either. We have no reason to ever need Danny Ferry or Bruce Levenson to explain to us why they're NOT a mongerer, especially with the fate of the franchise we care about on the line.


Speak one's mind, but if you're in a position of influence, think it through thoroughly before you express yourself. Professional self-correctness keeps all the political correctness bored and sitting on its hands.



I was referring to anyone with an opinion of support for Ferry.  or anyone that sees this as being blown out of proportion is for the most part keeping silent. or tip toeing around until the dust settles. or waiting  for someone with the courage to point out the obvious which is that some folks  see racism around every corner ....  you have zero issue basically saying whites are cowards if they are afraid of large groups of blacks - honest answer is people see news reports , see black bad behavior on tv , or on youtube and find it disturbing.  They read crime reports - they see young men with their pants sagging down and ass showing. The see loud behavior and cursing . No decent person wants to be around that type of crap  - black or white.   But that is a perception  that folks see and it is a negative one - but who has the courage to address that without being labled a racist ??  Who should address  those perceptions??

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I actually checked Silver's bio hoping not to see that.  His pseudo-endorsement (er, non-denouncal?) looks strange as is so the fact that they're both Dukies doesn't exactly calm the conspiracy flames.


Haven't seen/heard anything from Woj other than the article yesterday.  Speaking of which, I missed a segment on the radio where they were gonna give some insight into the behind-the-scenes relationship between Nique and Ferry.  Hopefully someone else caught it and can report.


My bad, I was just being facetious by mentioning the OTHER Wojo.


Was the radio segment on 92.9 FM or somewhere else?



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I was referring to anyone with an opinion of support for Ferry.  or anyone that sees this as being blown out of proportion is for the most part keeping silent. or tip toeing around until the dust settles. or waiting  for someone with the courage to point out the obvious which is that some folks  see racism around every corner ....  you have zero issue basically saying whites are cowards if they are afraid of large groups of blacks - honest answer is people see news reports , see black bad behavior on tv , or on youtube and find it disturbing.  They read crime reports - they see young men with their pants sagging down and ass showing. The see loud behavior and cursing . No decent person wants to be around that type of crap  - black or white.   But that is a perception  that folks see and it is a negative one - but who has the courage to address that without being labled a racist ??  Who should address  those perceptions??


Certainly not an NBA owner.



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I was referring to anyone with an opinion of support for Ferry.  or anyone that sees this as being blown out of proportion is for the most part keeping silent. or tip toeing around until the dust settles. or waiting  for someone with the courage to point out the obvious which is that some folks  see racism around every corner ....  you have zero issue basically saying whites are cowards if they are afraid of large groups of blacks - honest answer is people see news reports , see black bad behavior on tv , or on youtube and find it disturbing.  They read crime reports - they see young men with their pants sagging down and ass showing. The see loud behavior and cursing . No decent person wants to be around that type of crap  - black or white.   But that is a perception  that folks see and it is a negative one - but who has the courage to address that without being labled a racist ??  Who should address  those perceptions??


Man, I appreciate you articulating your points.  I agree perception is a powerful thing.  Levenson's email wasn't an attempt at addressing and helping us overcome poor perceptions.  It was an illustration of his own errant assumptions.


I'd say that the fears you mention are largely stereotypes fueled by fear mongering on the news.  You know the old phrase, "If it bleeds, it leads" or w/e.  If the only exposure folks have to "black culture" or w/e is what they see on the news, I'm surprised they even leave the house.


Reality will teach them that issues with violence are more class-related than race-related.  And if you take any cross-section of society, fireman, black folks, policeman, white folks, accountants, laborers, etc. there will be some good and some bad.  I guess my overall point is that people can't be scared to venture out and experience the world.  It is oftentimes much better through their own eyes than through the eyes of someone paid to sensationalize things.


Lastly, internet videos and the like, people have to learn to take that crap with a grain of salt.  No one films themselves quietly following directions.  Apparently the gene that makes a person do idiotic stuff is also the gene that makes them want to film, watch and have others watch.  I don't avoid random groups of white teens for fear that an episode of jackass might break out.  Most people are inherently good or inherently want to avoid trouble despite their appearance.

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My bad, I was just being facetious by mentioning the OTHER Wojo.


Was the radio segment on 92.9 FM or somewhere else?



Ha!  Totally forgot about that little gnome.  He's somewhere in Marquette slapping the floor with two hands.


NBA Radio

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I dont think PG was condoning it, its just the way the media and their zombie drones are taking up the case of DV - they basically are defining it as an issue with men  brutalizing  women - which it often is, but the reality is that women are just as likely to be abusive as well.  The other issue I had is the way it was handled - we knew sinse Feb . that he knocked her out - the police have investigated and  dealt with Rice, the Ravens dealt with Rice, the NFL dealt with Rice.  Exactly what more did seeing the video add that we didnt already know?? Both were probably drunk and both were engaged in bad behavior - Did Rice react to what was happening or did he administer an beatdown ?? Bad situation all around...


Maybe you are talking about verbal abuse here but it is very obvious that in the real world women are not just as likely to physically abuse a man.  There are probably reasons dealing with brain chemistry, testosterone, etc. but let's focus on the simple reason.  In football, defensive linemen are much more likely to get into fights on the field than are kickers.  Why?  Because most people don't go looking to pick fights with people who are stronger than them and in the vast majority of male / female relationships the man has the power in a physical altercation.  It is a very uneven playing field.  That doesn't mean there are plenty of anecdotes regarding exceptions, but it is much more common for a woman to be a victim of physical abuse by her partner than it is for a man to be physically beaten by his partner.


You are right on the NFL, though.  They knew what they needed to know before and that is what is causing all the commotion.  They pretty well knew what happened but glossed over it and then were forced to confront the brutal and very public reality when the tape hit.  When the tape hit they had no real explanation for why it was suddenly so much more serious.

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Man, I appreciate you articulating your points.  I agree perception is a powerful thing.  Levenson's email wasn't an attempt at addressing and helping us overcome poor perceptions.  It was an illustration of his own errant assumptions.


I'd say that the fears you mention are largely stereotypes fueled by fear mongering on the news.  You know the old phrase, "If it bleeds, it leads" or w/e.  If the only exposure folks have to "black culture" or w/e is what they see on the news, I'm surprised they even leave the house.


Reality will teach them that issues with violence are more class-related than race-related.  And if you take any cross-section of society, fireman, black folks, policeman, white folks, accountants, laborers, etc. there will be some good and some bad.  I guess my overall point is that people can't be scared to venture out and experience the world.  It is oftentimes much better through their own eyes than through the eyes of someone paid to sensationalize things.


Lastly, internet videos and the like, people have to learn to take that crap with a grain of salt.  No one films themselves quietly following directions.  Apparently the gene that makes a person do idiotic stuff is also the gene that makes them want to film, watch and have others watch.  I don't avoid random groups of white teens for fear that an episode of jackass might break out.  Most people are inherently good or inherently want to avoid trouble despite their appearance.

I agree, however the issue is why people dont go to the inner city or why they would have  a reluctance to go downtown on a weeknight and then have to venture back to MARTA or their parking lot. Been there , done that  and seen some crazy things. I didnt say it was a fair perception, but it is what it is - you say people should take things like their personal safety with a grain of salt , but at the same time look at the circus this whole episode has become?? 

 So why arent  whites going downtown in large numbers  to see the Hawks ??

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I agree, however the issue is why people dont go to the inner city or why they would have  a reluctance to go downtown on a weeknight and then have to venture back to MARTA or their parking lot. Been there , done that  and seen some crazy things. I didnt say it was a fair perception, but it is what it is - you say people should take things like their personal safety with a grain of salt , but at the same time look at the circus this whole episode has become?? 

 So why arent  whites going downtown in large numbers  to see the Hawks ??


No, people should take their personal safety very seriously.  Just don't watch the news and assume that whenever you go to certain areas that you're going to become a crime victim.


People don't go to see the Hawks because the product doesn't warrant you going on a regular basis.  If we had the Heat's roster this wouldn't be a discussion ... at all.

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