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Gearon Jr = Master Chess Player.


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All the laughter about Gearon Jr has stopped.

Gearon looks less like a Bafoon and more like a calculating ChessMaster




I have to give the devil his due.  He saw his opening... He got his law firm involved.  Pushed the Owners so hard that Levenson decided to resign.  Then slowly marched the Ferry story to the twittersfere and to the league.

Checked Silver.. then when Silver protected Ferry....

Gearon Jr.  Leaked the Taped Phone Conference Call  to CViv of the AJC. CHECK!!!

CViv has never broke a story...Now CViv looks like Bob Woodward!!


I hear Gearon Jr. asking Ferry... Do you resign?


Right now, Ferry has been corned and is under attack from several peices.  Silver's fianchettoed bishop is now blocked by Gearon's pawn development.  The Bishops are now coming after Ferry.   In this game of Black vs. White, Ferry has lost his queen.  He's on the back rank and it's his move.


Gearon Jr. has a look of Swagger having caught  Ferry in a lie...





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You know this because you heard all of the tape? Or just that snippet that Gearon Jr. placed directly in the hand of C-Viv of a nice note on how to upload a video to youtube?



Do you understand what I meant when I said pulled a Gooddell?


Sometimes, you can have all the facts in front of you and believe you made a good decision and find out that the majority of people disagrees.

As the day goes By Fanatic, let's not argue back and fourth about a smoking report or whether the snippet we heard was enough... we have our opinions on that.  Instead, let's just watch and see if Silver distances himself from Ferry or if he double downs on his first statement.  This is where you can judge leadership.

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I think Gearon's first move when he gets control again will be to trade for J. Smoove.  Detroit praises him for taking him off their hands.  Followed by getting JJ back from the Nets while giving them their pick back.   Nets roll out the red carpet for the pick.  Because we know Gearon loves our core.

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No he doesn't. Master Chess players anticipate the next move.  I'm sure he has no idea how this all ends.


He looks like the spoiled rich kid who didn't get his way so I'm taking my toys and going home.


His reaction to Ferry's comments wasn't 'OMG you can't say that, it's inapproiate, he was or someone with him was yukking it up.


So his moral outrage letter was just for a powerplay.

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If Gearons ONLY intention was to get Ferry fired, then yes he's a master chess player..




I think what he ultimately wanted was to have him fired AND regain control of the team.




So he's just a moron that gave up his stake in an NBA franchise and his reputation is forever tarnished as an a hole who leveraged a race war to gain power. 

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A master chess player would have been completely removed from the controversy and waiting for the exact moment to swoop in. Gearon's intentions have been painfully obvious since the beginning. He's coming out of this looking as bad as the rest. 


True.  I hear what @Diesel is saying, however, calling Gearon a chessplayer implies he has any remote idea what he's doing.


He's more like that time my little sister and I were playing Street Fighter and she was just hitting buttons and all of a sudden beat me but had absolutely no idea what she was doing.  Yeah, it's like that almost exactly.

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No he doesn't. Master Chess players anticipate the next move.  I'm sure he has no idea how this all ends.


He looks like the spoiled rich kid who didn't get his way so I'm taking my toys and going home.


His reaction to Ferry's comments wasn't 'OMG you can't say that, it's inapproiate, he was or someone with him was yukking it up.


So his moral outrage letter was just for a powerplay.


Oh now we're gonna listen to a woman tell us how to play Chess? This is getting outrageous! 

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Like I said Gearon's no chess player, he's still playing checkers.

He released 2 minutes of 7 of DF talking about Deng and I'm guessing he had no clue regarding the report and if he did that is even worse.

He's a 2 faced scrunched faced creep.

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Like I said Gearon's no chess player, he's still playing checkers.

He released 2 minutes of 7 of DF talking about Deng and I'm guessing he had no clue regarding the report and if he did that is even worse.

He's a 2 faced scrunched faced creep.


What, nothing about him being bald and fugly? 

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What, nothing about him being bald and fugly?

With that I will add that Gearon looks like that guy that dresses up like a clown and does kids birthday parties on the weekend

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Like I said Gearon's no chess player, he's still playing checkers.

He released 2 minutes of 7 of DF talking about Deng and I'm guessing he had no clue regarding the report and if he did that is even worse.

He's a 2 faced scrunched faced creep.


Well, according to Chris Grant, does that make him an African?  Ok, too soon.  Self-ban err leave of absence.

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