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Gearon Jr = Master Chess Player.


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As humiliating as this is I really think its going to get worse. Wonder if it will drag on as long as the Belkin saga? Do the other owners have to unanimously approve who B.L sells his share to?   OMFG that could take years and lengthy court battles.

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i would love to hear the whole tape.  gearon is no chess player.  he is making the same move over and over again, smearing ferry for 2 minutes of conversation when he may very well have just been going through all the comments he had on deng.  he is obviously desperate and using tools like cviv to try to get his message across.  ferry obviously ended up arguing strongly to go after deng, so i seriously doubt we are hearing an honest portrayal of his arguments.

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@IheartFerry - Here ya go, Gearon Jr. as a clown:






Well done! That should be @hawksfanatic's new avatar I think. 

i would love to hear the whole tape.  gearon is no chess player.  he is making the same move over and over again, smearing ferry for 2 minutes of conversation when he may very well have just been going through all the comments he had on deng.  he is obviously desperate and using tools like cviv to try to get his message across.  ferry obviously ended up arguing strongly to go after deng, so i seriously doubt we are hearing an honest portrayal of his arguments.


The best was the person who said that Gearon is that kid playing the fighting game just mashing buttons. That's a perfect description. 

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Well done! That should be @hawksfanatic's new avatar I think.

The best was the person who said that Gearon is that kid playing the fighting game just mashing buttons. That's a perfect description.

Not so fast my friend!

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To me Gearon is POS.  He is a snitch.  Because all his power was taken away, he pouts and cries.  Not to mention when he was making moves the team was going in the wrong direction and he needed to be replaced.  


Now he does something to get his revenge which sabotages the entire organization.  The only thing that would come out of this is if the entire ASG is gone with a brand new owner to replace these buffoons.  


In the end I hope this blows up in his face by Gearon losing all contact with the team.  Lord knows if he stays with the team and starts making moves for this roster it will set us back another 10 years.  It's just sad that this one man is going to bring down the entire organization because he was replaced for not doing a good job.  Now we may have him back to continue the bad decision making that he has made in the past.  


So you may thing Gearon is a master chess player who deserves credit for getting these guys fired, but I think he is B*&((* who takes the backstabbing way out.  Last time I played chess I don't recall the guy I was playing against doing things behind my back to win the game.  He doesn't have any integrity for going behind people's backs to purposely hurt them and the organization.  F you Gearon!


Don't get me wrong.  I'm not Gearon fan at all.  I don't think Silver is either.  However, Gearon did seek to have Ferry Fired back in June when this was first said.... So I wouldn't say that this was all done behind anyone's back.  Now let's think about this...If back in June, Ferry was fired by the ASG ownership...  None of this would have ever happened.  I mean Levenson dry snitched on himself about some stuff that I don't think was even close to racist.  What I see in Levenson was a man that just wanted out.  The biggest question I have on the whole situation is is there more that Levenson hasn't revealed that is more damning than what has already come out? Why is Levenson taking the "long walk"?  Gearon is a snitch.  Why did Gearon feel the need to make all of this public?  All of us want total ownership change because deep in our mind, we don't want to know what ugliness is still left to be unveiled.  There were a whole lot of giggles on that conference call.  Is Gearon holding some blackmail info on Levenson?


As far as Ferry goes, he did the one thing you can't do.  He tried to coverup with a lie.  Total ownership is the only way out.  People will forgive and forget that much easier than they would if you lie and get caught.


So yeah.. Gearon Jr. Scourged the ground but I have to say, he played a masterful game of chess here.  How did he know that Levenson and the ASG would not Fire Ferry?  How did he know that Ferry would lie about why he made the statement?  How did he know that he needed to hold on to the tape until after he met with Silver?:  Ferry is lucky that Ray Rice is a bigger story.

Edited by Diesel
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levenson can get paid and can bring in someone like nique who is going to be immune to racism threats and who would presumably be willing to work with the current hierarchy to get around some of the folks who are bringing down the org.  i would have to think that gearon is going to be a pariah in the nba.


(why?  let me tell you.  one famous saying is that if you are seeking revenge, first dig two graves.  playing games like this, you can probably take someone out but you are basically on a suicide mission.  you are going after someone with a network of contacts and friends in the nba.  you burn bridges like that and you'll never be able to work with other people in the league. not to defend ferry for his comments, which we haven't heard in totality.)


the person who is really pissed is probably the coach in cleveland who threw deng under the bus, plus silver for letting some of the old boy network get exposed.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not Gearon fan at all. I don't think Silver is either. However, Gearon did seek to have Ferry Fired back in June when this was first said.... So I wouldn't say that this was all done behind anyone's back. Now let's think about this...If back in June, Ferry was fired by the ASG ownership... None of this would have ever happened. I mean Levenson dry snitched on himself about some stuff that I don't think was even close to racist. What I see in Levenson was a man that just wanted out. The biggest question I have on the whole situation is is there more that Levenson hasn't revealed that is more damning than what has already come out? Why is Levenson taking the "long walk"? Gearon is a snitch. Why did Gearon feel the need to make all of this public? All of us want total ownership change because deep in our mind, we don't want to know what ugliness is still left to be unveiled. There were a whole lot of giggles on that conference call. Is Gearon holding some blackmail info on Levenson?

As far as Ferry goes, he did the one thing you can't do. He tried to coverup with a lie. Total ownership is the only way out. People will forgive and forget that much easier than they would if you lie and get caught.

So yeah.. Gearon Jr. Scourged the ground but I have to say, he played a masterful game of chess here. How did he know that Levenson and the ASG would not Fire Ferry? How did he know that Ferry would lie about why he made the statement? How did he know that he needed to hold on to the tape until after he met with Silver?: Ferry is lucky that Ray Rice is a bigger story.

What lie did a Ferry make? I'm confused.
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What lie did a Ferry make? I'm confused.

ferry did not lie.  ferry's crime was making inappropriate comments and not caveating them correctly.  when he said "the rap against deng is"  ... he should have been clearer and likely should have avoided the stereotype against africans.  if he made the comment verbally, he would have to say that he does not agree with the comment but that it came from someone else.  by not distancing himself from either mike brown's or chris grant's comments, he ended up either owning them or seeming to own them.  you'd need more context of the entire conversation to see just how  he approached making all the comments about deng. 

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ferry did not lie.  ferry's crime was making inappropriate comments and not caveating them correctly.  when he said "the rap against deng is"  ... he should have been clearer and likely should have avoided the stereotype against africans.  if he made the comment verbally, he would have to say that he does not agree with the comment but that it came from someone else.  by not distancing himself from either mike brown's or chris grant's comments, he ended up either owning them or seeming to own them.  you'd need more context of the entire conversation to see just how  he approached making all the comments about deng. 

(and to be clear why that comment is important, it is relevant that a former coach is angry enough at deng to denigrate him with a slur.  you should have that in the scouting report, even if you edit out the slur, because it shows the bitterness that one former worker has against an employee.  you almost never get those sorts of comments during the background check process, and if you get negatives those count a lot more than positives.  I've had to avoid candidates because of negative input during background checks.)

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