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Melo: Free agents will spurn Hawks


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The same can be said for those who didn't want Ferry or agree with his approach to building the team.


I tend to disagree.  It's not hard to call a spade a spade even when it's "your" spade.  As a self-professed Ferry-hater, if I felt he was getting a raw deal I wouldn't hesitate to say so.

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No, Elton said at that time he left LAC because of Sterling. He stated that at the time. Sam Cassell also spoke out v. Sterling. Elton also mention that he liked the idea of being back on the East Coast. Winning had little to do with it. They had some success in LAC with bash kids or whatever they called Miles, Q, and Odom.

As for Baron, he wanted to go back to LA like Lou Williams wanted to come to Atlanta. They both had good offers from Philly and GS but both wanted to go back home.

So Brand left LAC because of Sterling but signed with The Hawks even though Ferry was still here? Ok!!

I tend to disagree. It's not hard to call a spade a spade even when it's "your" spade. As a self-professed Ferry-hater, if I felt he was getting a raw deal I wouldn't hesitate to say so.

Nobody has said he got a raw deal. Edited by JayBirdHawk
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Nobody has said he got a raw deal.


You're confusing me JBH (not hard to do).


Maybe I should back up and re-state my original point.  I'm saying people that are strongly rejecting the notion that this could impact Ferry/Hawks in future free agency discussions are being homers.  You seem to be suggesting that my stance is due to being anti-Ferry.  I disagree.

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You're confusing me JBH (not hard to do).

Maybe I should back up and re-state my original point. I'm saying people that are strongly rejecting the notion that this could impact Ferry/Hawks in future free agency discussions are being homers. You seem to be suggesting that my stance is due to being anti-Ferry. I disagree.

I guess I read wrong.
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the Hawks are never going to be able to sign a superstar talent - there I said it - unless they draft one. Too many things they are up against - none of them racial - all of them business wise. First and foremost any Free agent getting max offers from their team of origin isnt going to leave money sitting on the table.  Now if Atlanta was a huge TV market team maybe - just not the case.


 Unless as has been spoken earlier - a player wants to return home to play - or the player is chasing a championship ring and the team has a  squad thats close already  it just doesnt make sense.


You get your superstars through the draft or you usually dont get them . So Atlanta has to put together the pieces and hope the can bring unique skills to the table that will gel . Or get lucky and get a guy that has underachieved because of the system and thrives in the role Atlanta uses them in . 

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You see the Clippers not signing people as a signal that the Clippers have some sort of a problem. I see that as the Clippers not offering contracts up to par with what a player would want. Hence my suggestion of the 3 things that do matter.

How do you propose we can disentangle the two? It seems like the simpler and rational case that explains human behavior is that the Clippers did not offer the contracts. I mean, I can point to Baron Davis as someone who is vocal politically and yet he chose to sign with the Clippers because they offered him a max contract. That would appear to strike down your suggestion in favor of mine.

Of course another example at the time is that Elton went to the Sixers when the Baron move happened even though reports were of identical contract offers between Philly and LA. Playing time wouldn't be an issue, but it appears that the Sixers went further in the playoffs those following years than the Clippers did.

Recheck the history.  Guys like Ron Harper, Dominique, and Mark Jackson were offered huge deals to play for the Clipps in Sterling's day.  They all to a man said that they were either happy to get out of hell or would not play for the Clipps.  When you treat players badly, you become a less desirable destination for players.

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the Hawks are never going to be able to sign a superstar talent - there I said it - unless they draft one. Too many things they are up against - none of them racial - all of them business wise. First and foremost any Free agent getting max offers from their team of origin isnt going to leave money sitting on the table.  Now if Atlanta was a huge TV market team maybe - just not the case.


 Unless as has been spoken earlier - a player wants to return home to play - or the player is chasing a championship ring and the team has a  squad thats close already  it just doesnt make sense.


You get your superstars through the draft or you usually dont get them . So Atlanta has to put together the pieces and hope the can bring unique skills to the table that will gel . Or get lucky and get a guy that has underachieved because of the system and thrives in the role Atlanta uses them in . 





We don't sign top free agents due to reasons having nothing to do with TV market size.  Our issues are inept, undependable management/ownership.  Factors which are exacerbated by Ferry's present issues.

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Note to new GM. Bring in a starting C and move Horf to PF or rebuild. Don't think status quo will go

Should've done that last summer with Al Jefferson. Maybe Marc Gasol will come here next summer. At least that's what the GM will sell folks on.

"Let's let Millsap walk, so that we can have the cap space to sign Marc. And when Marc doesn't sign here, let's blame it on players just not wanting to play here ... because of the 70% Black crowd that scares off White people."

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Should've done that last summer with Al Jefferson. Maybe Marc Gasol will come here next summer. At least that's what the GM will sell folks on.

"Let's let Millsap walk, so that we can have the cap space to sign Marc. And when Marc doesn't sign here, let's blame it on players just not wanting to play here ... because of the 70% Black crowd that scares off White people."


Nah, Hawks'll sign lesser player X because he "fit the system".  #InFerryWeTrust

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First of all, I dont really care about a player that forced a trade from a very good team that was close to the WCF to team that may never get to the final even with Phil Jackson is there.


Now for the Ferry issue, before this situation happen we never really pick up any star on this team.  Wonder why, do we blame the business side of the house, maybe it was during the coaching and managment, could be the past sins of this team or maybe it is the town itself that NBA is a bottom rung unlike College Football, NFL, and MLB (that would be a very bad choice and what up with these team this weekend)?  I pick all of the above, because we never had stability before since the days that Nique was playing.  I believe that Ferry was going on the right track but he was caught in a trap that he allowed himself to get into and a pointless power struggle that was going on since the ASG brought this team so many years ago.


I believe that FA will still come here but I think we need to get our house in order first before that happens.  That means clean sweep of all of the negative that was plague this organization, the ASG.  For Danny, I wish this did not happen to him but he must understand what would happen if he did stay as GM/President here?  He will leave as well.  Like my main man Gintama always says, "The Sun will always rise".

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"He can shoot the [expletive] out of it, but he screws you up in other ways."


There's no doubt Carmelo Anthony heard this comment, as allegedly applied to him, from Danny Ferry in his fateful conference call.


This summer, forgoing both NBA championship opportunities and $5 million in additional salary over five years, Carmelo chose to be stuck.


Stuck in an unforgiving media market with a perennially overrated team and an unproven head coach that's a repeater-taxpayer with limited ability to improve this season.


Stuck with Creative Artists Agency, the sports agency group he jumped to when he abandoned Ferry ally Bill Duffy's BDA Sports. Stuck with the team Esquire magazine recently claimed the sports agency "defenestrated," the New York Knicks. He'll get at least one more go-round with fellow CAA client Andrea Bargnani and at least two more with CAA agent J.R. Smith, unless someone desires this duo for their expiring contracts. He's stuck being Joe Johnson, except he's situated one borough over, with the burden of real expectations.


As his teammates' contracts come off the books, Melo will need to take advantage of every competitive advantage he can get by poison-pilling teams with better upside and greater long-term flexibility. Danny Ferry's folly merely gave Melo a rare opportunity to try and screw somebody else up, in other ways than just on the floor.


"I'm speaking on behalf of all athletes," is a declaration reeking of disingenuousness. Carmelo Anthony is speaking on behalf of all athletes who chose to be stuck like he currently is, arguably a party of one. Whether he's right, wrong, or close-to-the-mark, is beside his true aim.



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"He can shoot the [expletive] out of it, but he screws you up in other ways."

There's no doubt Carmelo Anthony heard this comment, as allegedly applied to him, from Danny Ferry in his fateful conference call.

This summer, forgoing both NBA championship opportunities and $5 million in additional salary over five years, Carmelo chose to be stuck.

Stuck in an unforgiving media market with a perennially overrated team and an unproven head coach that's a repeater-taxpayer with limited ability to improve this season.

Stuck with Creative Artists Agency, the sports agency group he jumped to when he abandoned Ferry ally Bill Duffy's BDA Sports. Stuck with the team Esquire magazine recently claimed the sports agency "defenestrated," the New York Knicks. He'll get at least one more go-round with fellow CAA client Andrea Bargnani and at least two more with CAA agent J.R. Smith, unless someone desires this duo for their expiring contracts. He's stuck being Joe Johnson, except he's situated one borough over, with the burden of real expectations.

As his teammates' contracts come off the books, Melo will need to take advantage of every competitive advantage he can get by poison-pilling teams with better upside and greater long-term flexibility. Danny Ferry's folly merely gave Melo a rare opportunity to try and screw somebody else up, in other ways than just on the floor.

"I'm speaking on behalf of all athletes," is a declaration reeking of disingenuousness. Carmelo Anthony is speaking on behalf of all athletes who chose to be stuck like he currently is, arguably a party of one. Whether he's right, wrong, or close-to-the-mark, is beside his true aim.


Melo is the most overrated superstar in pro sports period.

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