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Magic meets with Ferry, says he deserves 2nd chance


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I like Magic but who the heck died and made him the voice of every nba team. He literally has to give his $.02 about everything. Whatever though its good press.


This is why the guy that recommended adults delete twitter accounts may be onto something.  I get that he's a big name in the game but you don't have to open your mouth about everything.  Same with Kareem.  Maybe I'm a little jaded by his, "lol, stop asking me about the Hawks" crap from last week.  Worry about fixing the Lakers.

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This whole episode gets dumber and dumber.   I guess had Ferry not reached out to Magic then he wouldn't deserve a second chance?   Guess Ferry needs to reach out to Melo next.   Geez.    I can only hope that one day we'll see this type of message from Deng but I"m doubting Deng wants anymore to do with this debacle that really he is the only real victim of.

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I didn't want to jump back into this thread until someone got the point made right here.

If your opinion changes based upon Magic having a "heart to heart" with Ferry then, *beep* you. Whether you think Ferry needs a 2nd chance should depend on other things, like you being a forgiving person or you being someone who is sensitive. Whatever it is, Magic giving his Al Sharpton approval of Ferry is such a f***ing stupid thing. And Magic jumping to a conclusion about firing Ferry within the hour of the audio recording being released is an equally stupid Al Sharpton approval of judgment.

Can't people just ignore these attention whores?

The only person's opinion on this whole Ferry issue that matters to me is Ryan Cameron!



Oh hell yes.   I'd already forgotten the whole Ryan Cameron slam.   Great point!   

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People like Magic are always the cautionary tale of power and influence.  People create these idols and then get upset when the idols require the praise due any deity.   Who made Magic god?  We did(maybe not you personally), but America did.   Same as any of the idols we setup in this country.  We worry too much about what people with money, power, or notoriety think.  Or if they align with what we think.  Magic matters because those who matter in his world have said he does.  But, it is funny that the same people who think what Levenson and Ferry said is not that big of deal, think what Magic has said is just the worst thing in world.  Funny stuff.   

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Magic's opinion on Ferry changes nothing about who Ferry is or what he did.  But I disagree that it is irrelevant because I think it is a piece of the puzzle in trying to figure out how free agents are going to react to Ferry.  If the top free agents won't deal with him, he is dead regardless of his innocence or guilt.  Melo's statement is just an anecdote.  Magic's statement is just his opinion.  But both of these guys are high profile NBA stars of the past and present whose opinions may color free agent reaction.  So I am encouraged to see Magic weighing in positively on Ferry after he did what he could to bury him a few weeks ago.  Ferry needs all the good PR he can get right now, especially from high profile sources that will get covered in the national media and noticed by NBA players.

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Magic's opinion on Ferry changes nothing about who Ferry is or what he did. But I disagree that it is irrelevant because I think it is a piece of the puzzle in trying to figure out how free agents are going to react to Ferry. If the top free agents won't deal with him, he is dead regardless of his innocence or guilt. Melo's statement is just an anecdote. Magic's statement is just his opinion. But both of these guys are high profile NBA stars of the past and present whose opinions may color free agent reaction. So I am encouraged to see Magic weighing in positively on Ferry after he did what he could to bury him a few weeks ago. Ferry needs all the good PR he can get right now, especially from high profile sources that will get covered in the national media and noticed by NBA players.

Yes, this.

As my Chinese friends say, "ed zackery." (Exactly)

EDIT: self-imposed indefinite leave of absence upon myself for such an insensitive remark and internal punishment rendered and accepted.

Edited by LamarHampton
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Yes, this.

As my Chinese friends say, "ed zackery." (Exactly)

EDIT: self-imposed indefinite leave of absence upon myself for such an insensitive remark and internal punishment rendered and accepted.

Well from this post I gather one thing. You're not Chinese...

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