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More knee surgery for me. This time micro-fracture surgery


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I just saw this thread. Otherwise would have reply sooner. Get well soon man. Just curious how did you hurt your knee?


It's been hurt for years, originally messed both knees up in the Army. But this specific time I hurt it playing softball and trying to do too much. I don't even know the moment it got hurt either, although I've had some ideas about it. 


Anyway, I heard everything from torn ACL and MCL to meniscus and different diagnoses. I had surgery on it about 6 weeks ago I think it was and it was healing well but something was still hurting inside. The Dr should have gone ahead and done the micro fracture then but he didn't, so they went in again this week and have hopefully taken care of it.


Anyway, this micro fracture stuff is a fairly common surgery, although I'd only heard of it for athletes and only knew that it failed as often as it succeeded. But apparently there's a ton of variables involved with this surgery that change it's success rate. Stuff like which bone(s) they drill into it and where they're trying to repair the cartilage, how big the missing area is, etc. plus your level of activity, age, the way you walk / run, etc. all play a big part. Basically a lot of ins, outs and what have yous. 

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Adding my sympathy and wishes for a speedy and full recovery. That surgery sounds awful. Ive torn both ACLs and some meniscus tears but I don't think I need what you are about to go through. Take it easy and have fun with the Hawks this season


I'd be surprised if you don't end up needing it at some point. Basically if you've got holes in your cartilage, which I'd be shocked if you don't have with multiple knee repairs and tears then surely you've got holes in it.


This is definitely the worst surgery I've had in terms of pain though. The holes they drill into the bones, which I originally thought were meant to drain blood into the knee, are actually meant to drain marrow into the knee, which fills the holes. So basically it's like donating marrow and MF'er the bone hurts when it's got holes drilled into it.


Check out these videos:




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