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He can only stop himself.....


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Serious question...how many teams do you think can contain and actually lock down "playoff Teague"?

I'm going to say I honestly believe only 3 teams can possibly lock down "playoff Teague" but only by solid TEAM defense.

Call me crazy but Teague is our next josh smith...super talented but hasn't fully realized just how beast he can really be if he plays the right way. (But I will admit the green light looks to have turned on for Teague judging the pre season and Teague Chronicles but that's not good enough for me...I need season by season results)

I'm done babbling...this guy on the court is a hard cover:


Teague is a top 5 penetrator. Hands down!

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ob·ses·sion noun \äb-ˈse-shən, əb-\

: a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal

: someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently

: an activity that someone is very interested in or spends a lot of time doing

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I dont understand why every one keeps using the term playoff teague. The term being used would be more accurate if you were saying 'when the team was healthy last year' teague. Fact is, teague played out of his mind at the beginning and end of the season last year which coincides with when the rest of the group was healthiest.Teague only missed 3 games last year while the rest of our key guys missed around 10 or more. He was the one constant in an ever-changing lineup.

Why ignore his great start to the season over the first two months or his strong run through april to finish off the regular season?

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I dont understand why every one keeps using the term playoff teague. The term being used would be more accurate if you were saying 'when the team was healthy last year' teague. Fact is, teague played out of his mind at the beginning and end of the season last year which coincides with when the rest of the group was healthiest.Teague only missed 3 games last year while the rest of our key guys missed around 10 or more. He was the one constant in an ever-changing lineup.

Why ignore his great start to the season over the first two months or his strong run through april to finish off the regular season?

See my post above! LOL!

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Man, I feels like we run over the same speed bumps on here... Top 5 this, top 10 that. Jeff's our PG and he isn't perfect, but he works. The man works hard on his game and he drives the lane very well because he's fast as lightning. In the Miami preseason game he showed court vision too. Jeff is who he is and everyone knows the only thing that can stop him is between his own two ears.

And no, Teague isn't top 5 penetrator because he doesn't finish once he gets to the hoop. The man misses a ton of layups...

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Its a pivotal year for Teague.  He has the coaching to take him to the next level, he's got a year in the new system...........but he's the one that has to make the decisions.  Hopefully Dennis will develop and be a little extra motivation  and push him.  Time to sh!t or get off the pot.  

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ob·ses·sionnoun \äb-ˈse-shən, əb-\

: a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal

: someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently

: an activity that someone is very interested in or spends a lot of time doing

Obsession? No I'm just a hawks fan that wants a pure superstar and he's the closest thing in delivering that to our fan base.

I honestly know he's our best player on the team and just want him to show it much like many could argue smith was our most talented player at one point but never lived up to his abilities.

I'm obsess with wanting a star player yes...Teague to me can be that guy, that's not to say he has to go out and drop 20 plus a game just play like "playoff Teague"...he earned that name on his own.

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I dont understand why every one keeps using the term playoff teague. The term being used would be more accurate if you were saying 'when the team was healthy last year' teague. Fact is, teague played out of his mind at the beginning and end of the season last year which coincides with when the rest of the group was healthiest.Teague only missed 3 games last year while the rest of our key guys missed around 10 or more. He was the one constant in an ever-changing lineup.

Why ignore his great start to the season over the first two months or his strong run through april to finish off the regular season?

Call it what you want...I call it playoff Teague easier to say rather than 10 first games of the year, last 10 games of the year, playoff Teague.

Nobody is ignoring his first 10 & last 10 good games of the season but if you paid any attention to the hawks you surely wondered where that guy was for the majority of the year. You can't just act like Teague does this amazing take over all year long....yeah he only missed 3 games but Teague frustrated most of the hawks fan base more than any other player last year because he played like crap for the majority of the season.

This is like arguing over smart josh smith and dumb josh smith...why does everybody refer smith as dumb josh smith when he plays smart 3 games a year?....

Teague earned his name with the bulls playoff series and now again with the pacers playoff series. The 20 great games he had over the season don't compare to playing good in the playoffs...Teague obviously knows how to step it up to level higher than any of our other players and the fan base is aware of that.

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Call it what you want...I call it playoff Teague easier to say rather than 10 first games of the year, last 10 games of the year, playoff Teague.

Nobody is ignoring his first 10 & last 10 good games of the season but if you paid any attention to the hawks you surely wondered where that guy was for the majority of the year. You can't just act like Teague does this amazing take over all year long....yeah he only missed 3 games but Teague frustrated most of the hawks fan base more than any other player last year because he played like crap for the majority of the season.

This is like arguing over smart josh smith and dumb josh smith...why does everybody refer smith as dumb josh smith when he plays smart 3 games a year?....

Teague earned his name with the bulls playoff series and now again with the pacers playoff series. The 20 great games he had over the season don't compare to playing good in the playoffs...Teague obviously knows how to step it up to level higher than any of our other players and the fan base is aware of that.

First 10 games of the year?  What are you talking about.  Try the first 30 or basically throughout the time Al was healthy and he was in a shooting slump through the first half of those.  He still put up 17 and 8 while shooting less than 20% from 3 in November.


and you are missing my point about him only missing 3 games and being the one constant in the lineup.  Teague's numbers were affected by the constant changing of the lineup.  He's not Lebron James.  He can't dominate under any circumstance.  He needs the right pieces in place and he will be affected when the lineup is different from night to night.  Last year is evidence of this. 

Edited by JETSET
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I feel like I spent most of the middle of the season defending Teague.   I really like him but I'll say that for him to really be a star he's got to improve in one key area.   He pretty much decides way ahead of time whether he's driving or looking to pass.   He rarely dishes when he's made up his mind to drive the ball.   He needs that court awareness to find the open guy after he's gotten into the lane.  


That's the biggest thing, but it'd be nice if he fought through the screens better on D.   Both of these issues are things that he can improve upon.   It's a lot better than wishing he was quicker right?   

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15 players played last night and only one deserves his own thread?

Because most of us want Teague to be 'that' guy who will take over a game when things bog down by driving, shooting or making the right play. We want to see him vocal controlling the tempo, get into his teammates, direct traffic, rally the troops etc.

As JTB said previously, Teague is the head of the snake that makes the most impact.

We want him to come out of the shadows and accept the challenge when the lights shine brightest.

Let's get it Teague.

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Because most of us want Teague to be 'that' guy who will take over a game when things bog down by driving, shooting or making the right play. We want to see him vocal controlling the tempo, get into his teammates, direct traffic, rally the troops etc.

As JTB said previously, Teague is the head of the snake that makes the most impact.

We want him to come out of the shadows and accept the challenge when the lights shine brightest.

Let's get it Teague.

I've always wanted a vocal pg. I think Teague needs to drop the "too cool for school" act and starting pointing out people's mistakes...it's ok Jeff, you're a veteran now, you can get in people's faces as needed lol

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I'm starting to become a Teague guy. We forget he's still maturing athletically at only 26, but that defensive chase and block on Augusine reminded me. You can't tell me those floaters ain't getting nasty, too. He get those turnovers down and stays aggressive his 8 mill per looks sweet as cherry pie.

Edited by benhillboy
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For years, we here on Hawksquawk, cried for us to get a good point guard.

We are now three deep. 


Jeff is borderline great.  He can become better, more consistent.  Dennis has

earned that 2nd spot and our other P.G. has shifted to the backup 2 guard.


Hawks now have two quality point guards.  We're still not satisfied.  We know

that they are good but could be better.  Jeff is a veteran now and needs to

step it up and assume his role that he has earned.



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I'm starting to become a Teague guy. We forget he's still maturing athletically at only 26, but that defensive chase and block on Augusine reminded me. You can't tell me those floaters ain't getting nasty, too. He get those turnovers down and stays aggressive his 8 mill per looks sweet as cherry pie.

I can just imagine the front office personnel "beefing it up" after watching this kid perform to his potential. I've always believed in the kid and all it would take is for him to realize how dominant he can be on the floor. Once he understands that, he will be a MAJOR PROBLEM FOR DEFENSES.

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