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Worst officiated Hawks game I've ever seen


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We sucked when we had a chance to win. It's not the refs fault. Terrible coaching, terrible execution.


I won't deny that we had some dumb / poor plays but the refs were killing us ALL GAME. It didn't just start at the end of the game. I don't think I've ever seen so many phantom offensive fouls called before. 

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63 fouls called tonight. SIXTY F'N THREE! I could have sworn it would be more lopsided but 33 for the Hawks and 30 for the Hornets. 


1st OT: 8 Hawks fouls, Hornets 2

2nd OT: 3 Hawks fouls, Hornets 2


How the F were there 63 fouls called in this game? How did we get called for 8 in the 1st OT? 

The hornets and their fans were complaining just as much, come on. So many stupid conspiracy theories going around. We sucked tonight against a les than mediocre team.


1. We didn't suck.

2. Hornets were a playoff team last year and they're better this year.

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I don't think they're better, then again I thought the hawks were supposed to be better than last year and that prediction is making me look dumb. .


The Hawks could easily be 3-1 right now with all 4 games played against playoff teams. 

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I absolutely cannot believe the refs stole this game from us. Shit call after shit call throughout this game and then that rookie ref makes one of the worst calls I've ever seen.  This one really hurts, to play so hard and come back like we did even after the refs put us on the ropes and then to lose like this smh. Great effort tonight guys, it's too bad the refs wanted you to lose. 


They lost because they're losers. Nothing more and nothing less. They were lucky Indiana had all of those injuries or they would have lost that game also.

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I absolutely cannot believe the refs stole this game from us. Shit call after shit call throughout this game and then that rookie ref makes one of the worst calls I've ever seen.  This one really hurts, to play so hard and come back like we did even after the refs put us on the ropes and then to lose like this smh. Great effort tonight guys, it's too bad the refs wanted you to lose. 


Screwed by rookie refs in two consecutive games.

Is this the NBA's way of sticking it to us over the Danny Ferry/A$G idiotic behavior? That's now two games we've lost flat out to refs.

I posted this same sentiment in the chat room...sigh.

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